Promoting The Greatest Hidden Self-Help Secret: You Can Transform Your Life and Solve Your Problems by Leaving America for a Better Life and Love Overseas! Discover Friendlier Foreign Women, Social Connection, Authentic People, Saner Cultures, Lower Cost Living, Healthier Food, Greater Freedoms, and More! Change Your Location, Change Your Life!
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Saturday, December 27, 2014
The Holiday Season is Contributing to the Destruction of the American Family
By Andy
Unless you've been stranded on a desert island or chose to be ignorant by only watching reality TV, you'll know that feminism and the family courts are and have been destroying the American family structure. What you may not know, or what doesn't really get discussed as much it should, is that the holiday season is also destroying the American family structure. It is well known that the holiday season in the U.S. is a depressing and stressful time. What is supposed to be a joyous and festive season of giving can easily be a period of disillusionment and resentment. There are many driving factors behind this season stirring up animosity between family members.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
5 Ways Your Life Will Be Transformed Abroad - The Greatest Self-Help Secret That America Doesn't Want You To Know!
By Winston Wu
Merry Christmas Everyone! I have a gift for you all. It is the GREATEST Self-Help Secret that America NEVER dares to tell you about, and which TRUMPS all the BS claptrap in the self-help industry, which America does not want you to know about! It will TRANSFORM your life in five ways and help you to see the big picture of the Happier Abroad concept and solution. This is a shortened version of my Comparison Treatise, made to fit into a blog post or pamphlet. And for Christmas this year, it will be my gift to YOU!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Making Up for Lost Time
By Andy
As a child, I led a semi-sheltered life. For example, my parents wouldn't let me play tackle football (American football) and questioned everything I did, every move I made. Granted, my family and I
were, and are still close, but the flipside to that coin is that they were
constantly keeping tabs on me. Add to the fact that I was the oldest child, and there was insanely tremendous pressure on me to not only succeed and be a shining example, but to not screw up. Yeah, my life was highly scrutinized, and today, in a way, it still is, but on a much lesser scale.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Difference between a "Screw You" trip and a "Yahoo" trip, and Why Both Are Important
By Andy
It’s been a while since I made a blog post, but it’s not for
a lack of trying. Without divulging too much, my time was consumed by me attending to some family matters, and I had a new job to prepare for, which starts soon. Granted, it
sucks for one to have to spend their summer in such a fashion, but sometimes
things just come up that you have no control over; that’s just a part of life. It’s
also a deeply disappointing feeling to know that, because of this and some
other rare and unforeseen circumstances, I likely won’t be traveling abroad
this year. But what I have realized is that, with a little planning and
creativity, it is possible to take two kinds of trips, and they don’t always
have to be abroad.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Why Dating Foreign Women is a Win-Win Solution for American Men
If you've ever felt that women and girls in America were way too picky, and wondered why, well you're not alone. You may not be able to change their picky ways, but the good news is that there is a solution:
You can easily find women who have reasonable standards toward men, and a more appreciative positive attitude toward you. All you have to do is go overseas to saner countries with feminine foreign women who will appreciate you, validate you and like you for you.
Let me explain why foreign women are a natural, healthy win-win solution for American men.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Renting Out Your Property and Living Abroad... Does it Work?
Xiongmao here. In 2006 I bought a small apartment in the UK and then rented it out.
Fresh from my year abroad in 2013 it got me thinking... is it a profitable endeavour to buy property, rent it out then live abroad on the income from said property?
OK let's crunch some numbers...
Fresh from my year abroad in 2013 it got me thinking... is it a profitable endeavour to buy property, rent it out then live abroad on the income from said property?
OK let's crunch some numbers...
Monday, September 1, 2014
Frustrated: Black American Men Flee To Brazil (Powerful Documentary)
Incredible must see documentary about frustrated Black American men finding romantic happiness in Brazil. Very truthful and inspiring.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
The Quadruple Whammy Against Single Guys in America
1. Women in America don't talk to strangers. So you can't really go out and meet them in any natural friendly way, unless you have connecting friends. You can't approach them or just walk up and talk to them (like you can in most other countries). Nor can you flirt with them either. To attempt to do so is considered taboo, creepy and inappropriate. They have an antisocial ice wall around them and a cold uninviting vibe. Around people, they act very standoffish.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Some Honest Advice Before Marrying a Foreign Lady
After all, finding love abroad isn’t all plain sailing and there are a
lot of pitfalls you need to look out for. But, our wealth of knowledge and
real-life experience should ensure that you don’t end up getting bitten by your
new bride.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
10 Reasons NOT To Go Abroad (Satire Alert!)
By Andy
There is a growing trend of American men going abroad for not only vacation, but dating and marriage. Some spend a good portion of the year abroad for work or relaxation while others move abroad permanently. For them it seems to be an enjoyable and liberating experience, but there is still a plethora of reasons NOT to go abroad. The following are surefire reasons to stay within the comforts of home, and to continue that narrow view of the world.
************************************Satire Alert! *************************************
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Top 10 Things You Can Expect to Hear Before and After Your Trips Abroad
By Andy
Traveling abroad is both liberating and rejuvenating, even after the trip has concluded. If you’ve read my tips on what to do between trips abroad, you’ve got some useful advice, a lot more useful than a bag of M&M’s in a brushfire. What you should also know about is what to expect to hear before and after your trips. That's right, your friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances are going to inquire about your travels, and not all of them are going to be supportive of your endeavors. If you're a neophyte to traveling abroad, you'll need to be prepared for numerous inquisitions; it's all part of taking the high road.
Traveling abroad is both liberating and rejuvenating, even after the trip has concluded. If you’ve read my tips on what to do between trips abroad, you’ve got some useful advice, a lot more useful than a bag of M&M’s in a brushfire. What you should also know about is what to expect to hear before and after your trips. That's right, your friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances are going to inquire about your travels, and not all of them are going to be supportive of your endeavors. If you're a neophyte to traveling abroad, you'll need to be prepared for numerous inquisitions; it's all part of taking the high road.
Friday, July 4, 2014
8 Reasons Why America is NOT "The Land of the Free" - A 4th of July Special
Every year on the 4th of July, Americans celebrate Independence Day by going to barbecues, picnics, and watching fireworks at night, or igniting them up themselves. The media claims that it's a day to "celebrate our freedoms". Yet they are never clear what that means exactly, probably because they don't want you to think too much about it. Because if you did, you'd realize that it doesn't make sense. The notion that America has "special freedoms" that the rest of the world doesn't, like many concepts in America, turns out to be a baseless myth upon examination.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?
Saturday, June 21, 2014
It's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish. The Season is a Long One.
By Andy
Happy summer solstice! By now, schools are out for the summer, graduation ceremonies are taking place or have already taken place, Memorial Day, the U.S. holiday that traditionally kicks off the summer season, has passed, and some people are already enjoying their summer vacation or have made plans for the summer. This got me to thinking about certain seasons or quarters not only in sports or in financial terms, but during the entire year. I got to thinking how deceptively long a season can be. Then the affirmation dawned on me that it doesn't matter how you start a season, a game, an academic semester a workday or even a trip, it's how you finish it.
Happy summer solstice! By now, schools are out for the summer, graduation ceremonies are taking place or have already taken place, Memorial Day, the U.S. holiday that traditionally kicks off the summer season, has passed, and some people are already enjoying their summer vacation or have made plans for the summer. This got me to thinking about certain seasons or quarters not only in sports or in financial terms, but during the entire year. I got to thinking how deceptively long a season can be. Then the affirmation dawned on me that it doesn't matter how you start a season, a game, an academic semester a workday or even a trip, it's how you finish it.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The deep emptiness in America that no one dares to talk about - My lecture to two guys at Subway today
Tonight I went to eat at Subway here in Phoenix. There were two black guys there. I was afraid they might mug me.
But after a while, we started talking about how the sugar in the sodas there were unhealthy and then I gave them my deep spiel about the problems in America.
dark truths,
taboo subjects,
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Assisted Living in Phoenix at Razinn Care Campus - Review
Note: This is not a paid endorsement or advertisement. It is a personal endorsement and review.
During my 2006 road trip through the beautiful Southwest USA, I saw many spectacular sites and met some wonderful people along the way.
During my 2006 road trip through the beautiful Southwest USA, I saw many spectacular sites and met some wonderful people along the way.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
My Perspective on Brain Drain
By Andy
It has been a year since I left my last job. It wasn't an easy decision since I had been with the company for 12 years, and to put an end to the chapter was a shock to the individual and collective conscience. However, this decision was a necessary one because of a downward spiral in a department and company that had so much potential yet to be met. On the surface, I hated my job, but in reality I ended up hating the majority of my co-workers and management who "chased me off" with their hostility, poor conduct and perpetual bad decisions. The resulting negative atmosphere and defeatist mentality caused me and other top performers to leave and take our talents elsewhere; this mass exodus more popularly known as brain drain.
It has been a year since I left my last job. It wasn't an easy decision since I had been with the company for 12 years, and to put an end to the chapter was a shock to the individual and collective conscience. However, this decision was a necessary one because of a downward spiral in a department and company that had so much potential yet to be met. On the surface, I hated my job, but in reality I ended up hating the majority of my co-workers and management who "chased me off" with their hostility, poor conduct and perpetual bad decisions. The resulting negative atmosphere and defeatist mentality caused me and other top performers to leave and take our talents elsewhere; this mass exodus more popularly known as brain drain.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Dennis Hof: Criminal Owner Complicit in $1500 Scam and Swindle
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Monday, April 28, 2014
The American job market is now like its dating scene
By Andy
Today's American job market is now like the American dating game. It is frustrating, discouraging, and a joke. The eerie similarities are rather alarming. Just like too many men are competing for too few women, more job seekers are applying for increasingly fewer jobs than ever before. This is a sad, and quite pathetic reality to face.
Today's American job market is now like the American dating game. It is frustrating, discouraging, and a joke. The eerie similarities are rather alarming. Just like too many men are competing for too few women, more job seekers are applying for increasingly fewer jobs than ever before. This is a sad, and quite pathetic reality to face.
Monday, April 14, 2014
On Another Level
By Andy
“Man, when you take a vacation, you take a VACATION,” exclaimed my friend, after learning I just arrived home from a month in Ukraine for the Euro 2012 tournament. To him, this was unfathomable because his version of a vacation was a weekend in San Francisco or Los Angeles. With the exception of once going on a week-long Alaskan cruise with his wife, he had never ventured too far from his comfort zone. It could be a fear of visiting another country, lack of finances or simple laziness in failing to get a passport, his world consisted mostly of working, coming home and plopping down on the couch to enjoy satellite television. That, combined with occasional trips to places like Disney Parks, Hawaii or Sedona, Arizona, satisfies most people, but others have a different set of standards, and hence, take it to a whole new level.
“Man, when you take a vacation, you take a VACATION,” exclaimed my friend, after learning I just arrived home from a month in Ukraine for the Euro 2012 tournament. To him, this was unfathomable because his version of a vacation was a weekend in San Francisco or Los Angeles. With the exception of once going on a week-long Alaskan cruise with his wife, he had never ventured too far from his comfort zone. It could be a fear of visiting another country, lack of finances or simple laziness in failing to get a passport, his world consisted mostly of working, coming home and plopping down on the couch to enjoy satellite television. That, combined with occasional trips to places like Disney Parks, Hawaii or Sedona, Arizona, satisfies most people, but others have a different set of standards, and hence, take it to a whole new level.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Return of the Jedi: The most logically flawed movie ever made!
Friday, April 4, 2014
Why Women Are NOT Smarter Than Men and should not rule the world, contrary to what the US media wants
Above: Flag of Feminazi-ism
I've never understood some things in America. In particular these two things:
- Why it is that in America, you are only allowed to say that women are smarter than men, but you can't say that men are smarter than women? It seems as though America considers women to be smarter than men? On what basis? It's never been explained.
- Also, women seem to be in charge of the household in American families. Husbands have to call their wife "The Boss". And the wife has the power to make her husband "sleep in the doghouse" if he behaves badly. But this goes against established tradition. For thousands of years, the man has been the head of the household. Why does America wish to overturn such a long-standing natural order? On what basis? What is liberal America's logic and rationale for this? They seem to provide none.
The Feminist Lie that "women can do anything that men can do"
Monday, March 24, 2014
I Need YOUR Trip Reports!
Xiongmao here.
Since I sold all my stuff to go traveling I find I have plenty of time on my hands these days. I don't have a car, TV, games console or even that many books to read.
So I've been building a lot of stuff on my computer lately...
My latest project is to build a trip report tool that can help guys like yourself find out where the best places are to go traveling.
Find the trip report tool here: Trip Report Tool
As an inducement to file new trip reports, anyone filing a report gets a free 12 month Gold membership plan of the associated dating site. It's mostly full of Filipinas and ladyboys, but at least it won't cost you a cent to chat to anyone.
Since I sold all my stuff to go traveling I find I have plenty of time on my hands these days. I don't have a car, TV, games console or even that many books to read.
So I've been building a lot of stuff on my computer lately...
My latest project is to build a trip report tool that can help guys like yourself find out where the best places are to go traveling.
Find the trip report tool here: Trip Report Tool
As an inducement to file new trip reports, anyone filing a report gets a free 12 month Gold membership plan of the associated dating site. It's mostly full of Filipinas and ladyboys, but at least it won't cost you a cent to chat to anyone.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
How Getting Rid of My Cable TV Box Gave Me More Freedom
By Andy
One of the proudest days of my life came two years ago when I called the cable company to cancel my cable television subscription. The tone of the customer service representative's voice indicated shock and disappointment. I refused to let him manipulate me into keeping my package at a "cheaper price" or "three-month special." I could no longer bear paying an astronomical amount of money for subpar programming, and I wasn't going to pay more for supposedly better shows on premium channels. I promptly told the cable company where to stick it and after hanging up the phone, returned my cable box to the nearest service center location.
One of the proudest days of my life came two years ago when I called the cable company to cancel my cable television subscription. The tone of the customer service representative's voice indicated shock and disappointment. I refused to let him manipulate me into keeping my package at a "cheaper price" or "three-month special." I could no longer bear paying an astronomical amount of money for subpar programming, and I wasn't going to pay more for supposedly better shows on premium channels. I promptly told the cable company where to stick it and after hanging up the phone, returned my cable box to the nearest service center location.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
“I wish I was a Colombian”
That was what I told myself when I had met Simon. He is a
college student from Bogota, and he has a beautiful girlfriend. He also rides
in a beat up motorbike, with a faded leather jacket. I had met him while scoring
some bakes from the city center with Jin, the Korean-American.
opportunity to sell more to the gringoes he invited us later that afternoon and
we embarked into a sharing of our world (Jin would later ride all over Colombia
with him -- Koreans are seen as a special curiosity).
During our time together, I had an insider view of his life.
He opened up to me in a way that is unheard of in America. To readily share
lives with a complete stranger, a foreigner at that, is a trait shared among the inhabitants found outside first world nations.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
“I was a God in The Philippines” – No You Weren’t Here’s Why.
The Philippines is a very stratified society. To be honest,
I don’t doubt at all that you probably got laid like a champion during your
week visit. But there really is something more going on that will escape your
eye as westerner and that someone who has an insider knowledge of the culture
can tell you.
third world dating
Sunday, March 9, 2014
10 Things You Can Do Between Trips Abroad
By Andy
So, you swallowed the red pill and taken that trip abroad, and what an eye-opening experience it was! You met some interesting people and maybe made some friends along the way. The women you encountered were hot enough to not only put the women in your hometown to shame, but hot enough to melt the Wicked Witch of the West. Chances are, one or several of them tickled your fancy and are special enough to pay a return visit. And by golly, you’ve just arrived back home and already you can’t wait to go back.
Such a culturally enriching trip has put you on the most natural of highs and your confidence is up in the stratosphere. Yep, you've got a little extra spring in your step. Now it's time to build on that confidence. You don't just want to be passing time between trips by staring at the ceiling and diddling your noodles all day. Where's the fun in that, anyway?
Here's what you can do between your trips abroad:
1. Exercise regularly and watch what you eat.
8. Keep your home in order.
One of the things that makes planning your next trip easier is having your dwelling organized. There's no pride or joy in being a slob. You don't want to be scrambling to find your travel essentials amid a jungle of disorganization the day before your flight departs. You also don't want to come home from a long and tiring trip, much less work, to a dump. Vacuum, do laundry and wash your dishes on a regular basis. Put a hold on your mail while you are away. Set those timers and lock up everything. Turn off or unplug any unnecessary
appliances. Don’t run up your utility bill by leaving the A/C or heat on.
You’re not going to be home anyway.
If you are pressed for time and need some major cleaning done, shop around for a reputable but reasonable cleaning service. If you have a true and trusted friend not far away, get them to do some house sitting or at least come by your place before or after work to check on things while you are away. Remember, clutter equals distraction, so make your home livable.
9. Get your friends to join you on your trip.
You don't have to travel solo all the time, group travel has its advantages. Not only will you get somebody else to take off their blinders, you'll save some money on accommodation and have someone familiar to talk to on that long flight. Regardless of your social skills, you'll have a wingman with you in social settings and someone to get lost with if you take a wrong turn. When it comes to being a tourist standing out in the crowd and getting lost, one is a lonely number and a prime target. Those weight training sessions and self-defense courses are undoubtedly great, but you don't want to be that lonely dude walking the street at night in some unknown land, with soccer hooligans waiting around the corner. The more people you have traveling with you, the better. You just have to make sure that you are selective in who you select to accompany you on your travels. You're not organizing a stag party, and group travel does not constitute babysitting. Drunkards stay home. Think about it. If you can get at least one friend to travel with you and they tell a friend upon return, and you convince another of your friends to go with you on your next trip, you can utilize your own little referral system and have your own entourage when you travel. Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people.
10. Make a list and check it twice.
Start making a checklist weeks in advance of what you need to do before your trip, and what to pack. Attention to detail is key. Check the forecast of your destination ahead of time, so you know what kind of clothes to pack. Get some foreign currency before you leave and make sure your passport is valid for your planned dates of travel. If
you’re planning on visiting a country that requires a visa, have that taken
care of well in advance, and for your planned dates of visit.
If your health insurance doesn't work overseas, look into getting that from a legit travel service that will cover you during your trip. Plan your arrival to the airport well in advance so you're not making a mad dash for the gate. The steps you take in advance will ensure peace of mind later.
not saying you have to avoid fun during your time between trips. By all means, enjoy yourself between
trips, but don't overdo it. If you
want or have to travel or need to get that quick travel fix, go for a drive in the countryside or ride a bike to the next town. Go to the beach or the mountains for a weekend or two. During that period between trips abroad, always be looking for ways to improve yourself so that when you arrive at your destination and then come back home, you are changed for the better.
So, you swallowed the red pill and taken that trip abroad, and what an eye-opening experience it was! You met some interesting people and maybe made some friends along the way. The women you encountered were hot enough to not only put the women in your hometown to shame, but hot enough to melt the Wicked Witch of the West. Chances are, one or several of them tickled your fancy and are special enough to pay a return visit. And by golly, you’ve just arrived back home and already you can’t wait to go back.
Such a culturally enriching trip has put you on the most natural of highs and your confidence is up in the stratosphere. Yep, you've got a little extra spring in your step. Now it's time to build on that confidence. You don't just want to be passing time between trips by staring at the ceiling and diddling your noodles all day. Where's the fun in that, anyway?
Here's what you can do between your trips abroad:
1. Exercise regularly and watch what you eat.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT get complacent. Don’t
think you can slack off by celebrating your great trip, eating
junk food and watching the ball game every day. Like it or not, you gotta put in some work at the gym, on your local running trail, nearest track, etc. Yeah, you’re hot stuff and the chicks overseas
dig you for you, but don’t let that get to your head. If you want to return to the same
country you met your dream girl in, you have to make sure that when you return,
you are the same version she fell in love with. You don’t want to be a pathetic
shell of your former self. If you have been taking care of yourself before you even started traveling to far away lands, you'll have enough respect for yourself to maintain or even improve your physical fitness. I'm not saying you need to lose your mind working on a body to go fight for Sparta, but devote at least an hour of your day to some physical activity. If you like getting together with the fellas to watch the game on TV, assemble a team in your local rec league for whatever sport you guys like. That way you'll get to play the sport you like to watch, and you can make a day out of being around your friends instead of staring at a corner in your room.
Even if you can't get a team put together or simply don't have time to play sports, go to the gym and watch TV. Virtually all gyms are equipped with multiple television sets featuring multiple channels. Your team or the big game is bound to be on one of them, so why not kill two birds with one stone and get a workout in while you watch? If your cravings for junk food are simply too much to resist, set aside one day during the week or the month to indulge in your favorite comfort food, but don't overdo it. Don't visit Ronald McDonald and don't keep your pantry stocked with Twinkies. Instead shop for healthy food and go out for a beer or an ice cream on the weekend. Here's an idea: go to the park and get a pick-up game going with your buddies on the weekend. Afterwards you can have a BBQ, order a pizza, whatever. If you make the most out of your health options, develop a routine, are consistent and give yourself a reward every now and then, you'll enjoy yourself a lot more and you'll feel a lot better. Remember, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.
2. Save your money.
This is very simple. Save money. Part of planning that next trip is saving money for it. Don’t make any major or stupid purchases. What the f*ck are you doing looking at houses? I said no foolish purchases, dumbass. Buying a house is more expensive than renting. Plus, you don’t want to be tied down to one place if you find a job abroad. There are also additional costs with a mortgage. Do you really want to spend decades paying off a mortgage and spending money you would otherwise abroad on home improvement projects?
Steer clear of the car dealership. You don't need to have the latest and greatest ride to be cool. If you absolutely need a car, make sure it is one that is reliable, gets great gas mileage and is from a reputable company that builds cars to last, not to be taken in to the shop regularly. So, if you get a car with great fuel economy, you can stretch your money even further by minimizing trips. If you live in a decent part of town that has everything you need nearby, you can either walk or bike to the bank, gym, park, stores and if you're lucky, work. You also shouldn't be getting a big screen TV. Better yet, don't get cable or satellite service. Most of the stuff that is on TV nowadays is complete and utter crap. It's amazing how much people spend on being couch potatoes.
Don't eat out all the time. You can get away with this a little, but don’t do it on a regular basis. That sh*t is not good for you, anyway! Learn how to cook or improve your culinary skills. This route will be cheaper and healthier, and if you bring these skills abroad with you, you'll impress the ladies when you invite them to dinner at the apartment you're renting. Also, bring your lunch to work. If you work for a company that has restaurants on the premises, those cafeteria charges that are taken out of your paycheck really do add up fast.
Your savings here and there will gradually add up and you might not even know it until you purchase airfare and accommodations, your only major travel expenses, and have some money left over. This is assuming, of course, you have a job and a rather decent one at that. You don't have to be a CEO or in a managerial position to travel abroad, just save some money and create a budget for your trip.
Even if you can't get a team put together or simply don't have time to play sports, go to the gym and watch TV. Virtually all gyms are equipped with multiple television sets featuring multiple channels. Your team or the big game is bound to be on one of them, so why not kill two birds with one stone and get a workout in while you watch? If your cravings for junk food are simply too much to resist, set aside one day during the week or the month to indulge in your favorite comfort food, but don't overdo it. Don't visit Ronald McDonald and don't keep your pantry stocked with Twinkies. Instead shop for healthy food and go out for a beer or an ice cream on the weekend. Here's an idea: go to the park and get a pick-up game going with your buddies on the weekend. Afterwards you can have a BBQ, order a pizza, whatever. If you make the most out of your health options, develop a routine, are consistent and give yourself a reward every now and then, you'll enjoy yourself a lot more and you'll feel a lot better. Remember, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.
2. Save your money.
This is very simple. Save money. Part of planning that next trip is saving money for it. Don’t make any major or stupid purchases. What the f*ck are you doing looking at houses? I said no foolish purchases, dumbass. Buying a house is more expensive than renting. Plus, you don’t want to be tied down to one place if you find a job abroad. There are also additional costs with a mortgage. Do you really want to spend decades paying off a mortgage and spending money you would otherwise abroad on home improvement projects?
Steer clear of the car dealership. You don't need to have the latest and greatest ride to be cool. If you absolutely need a car, make sure it is one that is reliable, gets great gas mileage and is from a reputable company that builds cars to last, not to be taken in to the shop regularly. So, if you get a car with great fuel economy, you can stretch your money even further by minimizing trips. If you live in a decent part of town that has everything you need nearby, you can either walk or bike to the bank, gym, park, stores and if you're lucky, work. You also shouldn't be getting a big screen TV. Better yet, don't get cable or satellite service. Most of the stuff that is on TV nowadays is complete and utter crap. It's amazing how much people spend on being couch potatoes.
Don't eat out all the time. You can get away with this a little, but don’t do it on a regular basis. That sh*t is not good for you, anyway! Learn how to cook or improve your culinary skills. This route will be cheaper and healthier, and if you bring these skills abroad with you, you'll impress the ladies when you invite them to dinner at the apartment you're renting. Also, bring your lunch to work. If you work for a company that has restaurants on the premises, those cafeteria charges that are taken out of your paycheck really do add up fast.
Your savings here and there will gradually add up and you might not even know it until you purchase airfare and accommodations, your only major travel expenses, and have some money left over. This is assuming, of course, you have a job and a rather decent one at that. You don't have to be a CEO or in a managerial position to travel abroad, just save some money and create a budget for your trip.
3. Plan ahead at work.
When planning your trip, choose your dates of travel and get that time off in advance. Put in that PTO request as early as possible, and make sure your requested days off are approved BEFORE you make any airfare or accommodation purchases. But most importantly, make sure you have enough PTO saved up for that week or two or three you're taking off work. Don’t spend PTO if you don’t have to. Don’t take three-day weekends. Don’t take a week of PTO to go to the lake or the beach. That can be done on the weekends, anyway. You’re getting nothing new or culturally enriching out of spending your vacation time at the same ol’ place you’ve been going to since you were a kid. Make sure you get ahead on your work and leave your desk clean as a whistle so that there is no clutter upon your return. If there is, chances are your co-workers are stupid and lazy beyond belief, are jealous of you going abroad with the time off you earned, and want you to fail. In that case, it’s time to move on. But that is another story. If you are self-employed, of course, you have much greater flexibility in your schedule, and don't have to deal with such nonsense. But the point remains, when you have a strong work ethic, and work fast and efficiently during all times of the year, getting ahead leading up to that vacation time is not so challenging and neither is getting caught up on your first day back.
4. Keep in touch.
If you met someone worth visiting again, keep in regular contact. If you really mean that much to each other, you’ll keep in touch every week as part of combating the logistics. Technology has provided us so many ways to communicate these days that there really aren’t any excuses to not keep in touch unless you’re super busy or some other mighty good explanation. This will show that you are not only interested, but are serious about coming back, and maybe even cultivating a relationship. Also, don't be afraid to keep in touch with other prospects as unforeseen changes can happen, as far as relationship status is concerned, between trips. Best to have back-up plans in place so that you have other dates lined up on your speed dial should your first choice fall through. Never underestimate the importance of making friends.
When planning your trip, choose your dates of travel and get that time off in advance. Put in that PTO request as early as possible, and make sure your requested days off are approved BEFORE you make any airfare or accommodation purchases. But most importantly, make sure you have enough PTO saved up for that week or two or three you're taking off work. Don’t spend PTO if you don’t have to. Don’t take three-day weekends. Don’t take a week of PTO to go to the lake or the beach. That can be done on the weekends, anyway. You’re getting nothing new or culturally enriching out of spending your vacation time at the same ol’ place you’ve been going to since you were a kid. Make sure you get ahead on your work and leave your desk clean as a whistle so that there is no clutter upon your return. If there is, chances are your co-workers are stupid and lazy beyond belief, are jealous of you going abroad with the time off you earned, and want you to fail. In that case, it’s time to move on. But that is another story. If you are self-employed, of course, you have much greater flexibility in your schedule, and don't have to deal with such nonsense. But the point remains, when you have a strong work ethic, and work fast and efficiently during all times of the year, getting ahead leading up to that vacation time is not so challenging and neither is getting caught up on your first day back.
4. Keep in touch.
If you met someone worth visiting again, keep in regular contact. If you really mean that much to each other, you’ll keep in touch every week as part of combating the logistics. Technology has provided us so many ways to communicate these days that there really aren’t any excuses to not keep in touch unless you’re super busy or some other mighty good explanation. This will show that you are not only interested, but are serious about coming back, and maybe even cultivating a relationship. Also, don't be afraid to keep in touch with other prospects as unforeseen changes can happen, as far as relationship status is concerned, between trips. Best to have back-up plans in place so that you have other dates lined up on your speed dial should your first choice fall through. Never underestimate the importance of making friends.
5. Get some decent attire.
If you're going to drop some serious cash on something between trips abroad, it's gotta be nice clothes. You don't have to dress like you're going to the Oscars, as that is uncomfortable, anyway, but you do have to invest in your attire for those dates abroad. This is especially true for Europe. The people there, especially the women, dress much nicer than people in the U.S. Leave your Lebron and Messi jerseys at home, and save the ball caps for those sunny excursions outside the city, because you don't want to be showing up in a foreign country or on your first date there looking like a bum, otherwise you won't be taken seriously. It is possible to combine comfort and fashion, especially in this case. You can get away with just comfort for that transatlantic flight, but for everything else on your trip, if it doesn't involve dirty work or something athletic, you'll have to dress like you are the real deal. Forget about flaunting jewelry, as that says, "rob me," but get a respectable and reliable analog watch under $100. Get some good walking shoes that are also stylish, as you'll be doing a lot more walking than you would normally do back home. Yes, such shoes actually do exist; you just have to look around a bit. If you want to take that special someone to a play or a very nice dinner, a couple dress slacks will do, but good jeans are a must. Some henleys, dress shirts and polos are a sure thing. It might be worth it to pay a little extra for a belt that won't look worn out after a couple weeks or dark-colored socks that won't get holes in them after the first day. One day of shopping really does pay off later. Respect yourself from head to toe.
6. Do some reading.
You not only need to give your brain some exercise and get new pieces of information, but you need to read up on where you want to go next. If you want to return to a country that
took your breath away or whose women blew more than just your mind, why not try
to fit in a side trip to a country or city you’ve never visited before? Learn
more about the country you’re visiting, and read about places you didn't get to see in the city or country you are returning to. That way you'll have some days planned upon your arrival, and even incorporate some sightseeing into some dates. Better to have an itinerary than to wing it.
7. Avoid the local social scene.
This one is pretty simple. Avoid the dating scene in your hometown. You've already been called up to the majors, anyway. There's no need to go back to the farm. In other words, don’t
go out on dates unless you’re one of those guys who wants a quick f*ck n’
chuck. If you’re into that kind of superficiality, go for it, but you’ll have to lower your standards. Besides, that first trip abroad will make you swear
off local women forever! You simply won’t look at them the same way ever again. Continue
to avoid the local women. They will only bring out the worst in you, anyway. You wouldn't want to get some subpar chick pregnant or get yourself hurt or arrested in a bar brawl; those would really kill your dreams of seeing the world. Once you go foreign, you never go back.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Here's my Travel/Work Gear. Hope it helps.
Some of the guys in my 3rdworldhero forum asked about my gear so here I am geeking out with my gear.
Enjoy! date footage included. request for videos at site. thanks!
Enjoy! date footage included. request for videos at site. thanks!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
The Obliteration of the American Work Force
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Thank You For Calling SHIPALLYOURJOBSABROAD - How May I Direct Your Call? |
As I sit here typing this word document, in front of me is coffee, beside me is a glass pane, and outside lies a city designed for one purpose: the obliteration of the American work force. I know this may seem hard to the reader, so you might want to ignore it, but make no mistake, there is a massive labor transfer occurring from the first world into the third world.
To explain the scene to my
American readers (or European) think of a football field. Now imagine 10
football fields. That is my current downtown location. In this area, there are
10 buildings under construction. The skyline is littered with these cranes that
are being built to add capacity to the current business infrastructure. This is
not the only city, there are other cities being built across the nation to feed
on to this business. So what is the business? The business is EVERY SINGLE JOB
that can be taken away from America.
You think that may be old news. OH BOY! YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET!!!
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fiber optic lines are the new veins of growth, as the rail roads were the old |
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technology bleeding America one job at a time! |
Let me take you back to the café.
In front of me is coffee, to my side the city, and behind me is an interview.
You can barely escape these recruiting agents. The companies they are working
for are getting desperate to acquire the labor. They have stationed recruiters
to post on the street offering a free meal and coffee, a gift check redeemable
at orientation, and a contract worth php20k ($500) just to start. That $500 is a lot for a person living here. However, the employees are now starting to
reject it. Even a higher than average income is not enough anymore. Why would
it be when American companies will save a whole lot more from hiring the local
guy than an American in American soil with no noticeable difference to
operations? The American company will have more than a 50% cost saving. The employee
knows this and bargains for more. I hear bargaining process (you can also learn
how to bargain located in the free trailer of the ebook) table while drinking
What has happened to America? We
could go on and on about economics behind the obliteration of the American
workforce but I think it lies in an idea: the American workforce is simply not
viable anymore. What does that mean? Well, America is really good at one thing.
Innovation. In fact it gathers a lot of new businesses from the creation of
these innovating enterprises. But there is a dark side of having an innovation
based economy.
Technology replaces the need for humans.

I dare the reader to name me one
job that cannot be outsourced in the future. Think of robots? We’re already in
the drone stage. Location jobs such as: bus drivers? post delivery man? miners?
After the market acclimatizes to new ways of doing things these jobs will be on
the chopping block. Why the need for a teller on location when you can get a
flat panel screen and a pretty girl running scripts? America is the first to
adopt and implement these technological changes. The American government is
powerless to stop it. Stop innovation? Yeah right. What America counts and
values is the bottom line. The bottom line of big businesses to be exact. The
bottom line is all America cares about.
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change is the only constant in this world; empires rise and fall |
Read More: The 2 Ways For Young People To Build Wealth
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Cafe-Approach An Asian Girl With Chickens!!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
2 Ways For Young People To Build Wealth: Which One Will You Take?
The majority of expats in third world nations live-off interest income or yields from high ticket assets such as rental properties.The problem with expatriating with this method is you need capital. Lots of it. To accumulate capital you need time. By the time you cash-out you will be old. You will be one of those old retirees who is gasping for air while chasing bar chicks. How did these guys do it? They have been building their capital for decades and enjoy the fruits at the tail end of their life.
So how should young people (gen Y and Millennial) build wealth
then? Young people have neither cash nor skills. Does having no cash and no
skills mean you should first build capital until you have enough to live on
investments like these guys? WRONG. What young people have is the most valuable
asset in this world: TIME. You cannot buy time. Everyone gets assigned a finite
time and yours is still plenty. A young person is rich with time. Consider that
all these old guys would trade every single cent they have for a chance to be
young again. As a young guy, you have this asset and that is the most precious
asset that you can ever have.
You can choose to grow your money by saving and investing like
these old guys. However, there is another way. You say, “Third World Hero don’t
fck with me.. I have dreams and aspirations here!” I’m not. This is a logical
reframing of how you should look at building wealth. The only realistic way to
build wealth is to control your costs while increasing your income. It really
is that simple. Now there are two ways to do this.
First is to be an employee. With an employee, just like the
old man, your ultimate goal is to control your costs through frugality. Growth comes from interest compounded on savings after a LONG time. You
will not be in control of your income. You will trade your time for a set amount
of cash. You will not be in control of your time. You get a set time (usually 40
hours) of work a week. Your per hour rate will always be less than market value
so that your employer profits. You will only develop skills your employer requires.
You can build wealth this way by being frugal. You will enjoy your wealth at the
end 10% tail of your life. Your friends are interests as they fuel your capital
The downside is that you might not make it. Consider what
happens when the market tanks. This is what happened to Americans recently as
they saw their life savings evaporate. Consider if this happens before
retirement or before you take the leap. What if the house value you were hoping
to increase suddenly gets obliterated (just like a mortgage crises)? What if
you get replaced by automations? How about outsourcing? There is more to this than just numbers. What if you don't want to be frugal? What if you want to enjoy your youth? What if
you want to enjoy your life?
The second way is to create a non-job. With the non-job,
unlike the old man, your ultimate goal is to build an income system that is
scalable. Instead of interests, growth comes from scalability. You will be in control of your income. You will be in control of your time;
you can devote 40 or 100 hours to your work. Your per hour CAN be scaled (an
employee doesn’t have this). You will learn the skills that you need. You will
keep all the profits. Because you are in control of your time and the direction of your income system, you can compress your working time to pump out a viable system in 5-10 years. Your friends are scalability. It allows you to increase income over costs at a faster rate than growth on interest.
Consider that online income systems produce at 24/7 365days a year.
The downside is failure. This is where young guys have an
advantage. With your time advantage you are able to fail and fail again. Think
of a $1000 investment with 1/10 of succeeding to create $15,000. Will you take
it? With the ability to fail you will have multiple chances to play. You only
need to hit it once to recoup your capital and profit. Older guys are limited
because their time is already scarce and their capital is locked to provide
their income. Young guys should use their time advantage on that one successful
roll. You are unlikely to hit it on your first try. But consider that on 7th try you already possess skills and experience and on the 10th you might even have mastery and have better odds.
The choice will be yours. However, young men are forced into
this as well. I know, as a millennial, the traditional concept of being an
employee are being challenged. More and more millennial are opting out of the
rat race. They are exploring, innovating, and providing value to their end
users. These millenials to save costs are starting from their parents home,
friends basements, small apartments, and increasingly, in third world nations.
“Choices you make early on will have the most impact. If you change course by 1 degree in the beginning of a 5000 mile trip, it makes a huge difference. If you make that change in the last 100 miles, you’ll still end up in about the same place"
american myths,
Sunday, February 2, 2014
What's In Your Life's Playbook?
By Andy
“Check it! Check,
check! Opposite 15! Opposite 15! Omaha! Sally! Apple, Apple! Orange!” If you
are a football fan, then you have heard a lot of
this, particularly from Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning. Of course,
I’m talking about calling an audible, changing a play at the line of scrimmage
by calling out a new play or formation to adjust to an unforeseen opposing alignment.
Now, football is only a game, but in the game of life, you need to have a playbook, and be able and willing to call audibles when something doesn't seem right.
You need to have plans and contingency plans.
Nobody plans on their car's tire blowing out on the way to work or catching a cold. That's why spare tires, AAA, medicines and home remedies exist. The key is learning how to change a tire, signing up for AAA and actually calling them when you've got car trouble, getting plenty of rest and taking the proper nutrients. Don't like the city or town you're living in? Either work towards making changes to improve the community or take steps and set a date to move out. If you want to enter a certain career field, research it. Learn as much as you can about it from various sources to see if it is for you. If you are still enthusiastic about it, take steps to get yourself enrolled in classes or training courses. If it turns out later on that it isn't what you had thought or planned, or that the desire no longer resides in you, get out without making yourself suffer any further. Have a backup plan that you can fall back on, at least temporarily, while you go back to the drawing board and draw up a new set of plays.
If you're a guy who's venturing out of the American matrix to date overseas, awesome, but don't focus solely on getting dates, magnificent as that is. Read up on places to see, learn the history and study the local language. If you want to, sign up for some legitimate international dating sites in advance so you can write letters to multiple women in the country you choose to visit, and have dates set up by the time you arrive. It certainly can't hurt your chances and can only supplement the cold approach. That way if one method fails, a date flakes out on you or if you and one of your dates don't click, you can go to your reserves.
From past experience, I can tell you that even something as exciting as a foreign woman you've been pen pals with for a while, coming to your country by her own accord and on her own dollar, needs a superb plan and a mighty backup plan. Don't try to be Mr. Hospitality by offering to be her guide or letting her stay at your bachelor pad, even if both of you are verified members on CouchSurfing. It's possible that her personality might be totally different from her letters and she might not be the best guest or roommate, or the two of you might not be compatible with each other. Instead have her come to your city to meet you, but offer recommendations on tourist attractions and accommodations; picking her up at the airport or train station should be the most you do for her initially. If sparks fly and the two of you end up having great chemistry, you can decide to cultivate a relationship if you wish.
From past experience, I can tell you that even something as exciting as a foreign woman you've been pen pals with for a while, coming to your country by her own accord and on her own dollar, needs a superb plan and a mighty backup plan. Don't try to be Mr. Hospitality by offering to be her guide or letting her stay at your bachelor pad, even if both of you are verified members on CouchSurfing. It's possible that her personality might be totally different from her letters and she might not be the best guest or roommate, or the two of you might not be compatible with each other. Instead have her come to your city to meet you, but offer recommendations on tourist attractions and accommodations; picking her up at the airport or train station should be the most you do for her initially. If sparks fly and the two of you end up having great chemistry, you can decide to cultivate a relationship if you wish.
Thinking of buying a condo, house or some big property? If so, when and where? Do research on if the area is crime-ridden or is prone to avalanches, floods or tornadoes.Think of how you're going to finance this, and what you're going to do if you want to sell, or for some reason, have to move out. This is only your home we're talking about here.
You would be surprised at how even parties and simple gatherings become f***ed up because of fundamental goofs like the host telling half the invitees for the first time about the party, once it has begun, or even worse, the following Monday. Yes, I actually got such notifications, more than once. If you're going to go this route, plan ahead by giving a lot of advance notice and cleaning your home so that it's presentable to your guests. Delegate who brings which dish or if you require your guests to pitch in for something. If there will be alcohol at this gathering, make a plan to collect keys at the door or arrange for a designated driver.
These are just some examples of why you need a real-life playbook and have to "audible" when you encounter a bad situation in which your original plan doesn't work. You have to be willing to make some changes because even the most seemingly well-thought-out plan can go bad. You can't play a game on emotion or do something on a whim. Winging it is not an option. Expect the best, prepare for the worst.
I'm not for hesitation or procrastination, but I'm not for taking shots in the f***ing dark, or saying or doing sh*t without thinking things over first either. I've been criticized many times for thinking too much by people guilty of bad impulse decisions. That's fine by me, because I'm not the one stuck with some gas-guzzler, trying to trade it in for a fuel-efficient car. I'm also not the one wasting my money on cable or satellite TV. Nope, I'm saving that money for that next trip abroad that I'm planning.Having a plan and a backup plan is crucial to your success and well-being. When something isn't working or is off, change the play and make the necessary switch to accomplish your goal. Have the necessary tools to get yourself out of a bad (play) situation. Having a set of plays and executing them is the difference between throwing an interception, fumbling the ball, muffing a punt, getting sacked, and scoring points. Having a set of plans is the difference between making something of yourself in life and going absolutely nowhere.
Have you ever been asked in a job interview, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Have you ever given that any thought or been able to answer that question? If not, you need to start constructing a roadmap (or a playbook) to your desired destination. Metaphorically speaking, it should have main roads, back roads and detours. It is one thing to envision something for yourself, but a different thing for your actions supplementing your dreams.
In football, tossing a Hail Mary pass all the time, hoping something good comes out of it, is not a strategy. More has to be done by an individual than just being positive and hoping for good things to happen. Actions really do speak louder than words and having an action plan gives an individual a group direction, and works wonders. Sometimes we find ourselves in predicaments that seem demoralizing, leaving us on the sidelines, dejected on the bench. A good friend once told me that life is a lot like the "snowball" in that it can roll both ways, and when there is positive focus combined with positive actions or one victory at a time, the peaks and valleys in life become shorter and easier.
So, what’s
in your life's playbook? Have some plans set in place and be committed to them, otherwise you will just be running in place. You are the
quarterback of your own life, the coordinator. You are the
coach of your own destiny. Execute your plays, march downfield, get the touchdown and get those points. You’ll thank yourself later and
you’ll love it when a plan comes together.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
What My New Geek Toy Tells Us About Happier Abroad
Xiongmao here.
I quit my job to go and see if I was actually Happier Abroad. Well that's a long story, but when I went abroad I didn't forget any of my geek skills.
I've just built a new keyword research tool, so I thought I'd see what it could find out about Happier Abroad.
You can read the report for yourself here.
And if you want to try my tool yourself, then here's how to get started.
What does the tool do? Basically it retrieves the top X* number of search engine results for a particular keyword, puts all of the pages' HTML into a big melting pot, and extracts the most used words. This can be a great way to find important keywords in a particular niche.
*X is configurable.
So what did it find for the keyword Happier Abroad?
First up, the most common word relating to Happier Abroad is women, and that's followed in the #2 spot by dating.
So are women the #1 reason people go and live in other countries?
Let's look at some other themes I picked out of Happier Abroad-related keywords:
And of course there are Winston's pet subjects, such as dogs, Taiwan, 12 reasons for this, and 7 changes of that.
I'm not sure where vegetarianism fits in with things though.
My tool also finds images related to keywords. Images in the Happier Abroad report include Winston with some cute ladies, some passports, a robot and many sexy beautiful foreign women.
The Forum report flopped hard, but maybe because Winston can't be bothered to SEO up his phpBB so my Forum Directory's data feed can't properly catalog the Happier Abroad forum . Still, I'm not bothered as I like the forum look and feel exactly as it is.
I wonder if Winston will travel abroad this year? If he needs to increase the monetization of his sites in order to pay for flights, then maybe he needs to look at promoting phone cards, beefing up the content on expat living and getting into the travel dating niche.
Well I hope you found that some food for thought.
If you want to try the Niche Laboratory for yourself then download it at nichelaboratory.com.
I'll also take any suggestions for what to add to version 2.0 of Niche Laboratory - leave suggestions in the comments box below.
I quit my job to go and see if I was actually Happier Abroad. Well that's a long story, but when I went abroad I didn't forget any of my geek skills.
I've just built a new keyword research tool, so I thought I'd see what it could find out about Happier Abroad.
You can read the report for yourself here.
And if you want to try my tool yourself, then here's how to get started.
What does the tool do? Basically it retrieves the top X* number of search engine results for a particular keyword, puts all of the pages' HTML into a big melting pot, and extracts the most used words. This can be a great way to find important keywords in a particular niche.
*X is configurable.
So what did it find for the keyword Happier Abroad?
First up, the most common word relating to Happier Abroad is women, and that's followed in the #2 spot by dating.
So are women the #1 reason people go and live in other countries?
Let's look at some other themes I picked out of Happier Abroad-related keywords:
- America: The good old US of A figures quite high up in the keywords report. I guess this is the most popular country in terms of people wanting to emigrate from it these days.
- Russia and Ukraine: Apart from the USA, these are the most mentioned countries in the report.
- Honourable mentions also go to the Philippines, Australia, Thailand and China. But they're quite far down the keyword popularity scale. Given how many Happier Abroaders go to these countries compared to Russia, I wonder if Winston is promoting Russian dating sites when he should be plugging Asian dating sites?
- Kindle: This e-book related word features very highly. I wonder if Winston is writing Kindle books? If not then maybe he should be!
And of course there are Winston's pet subjects, such as dogs, Taiwan, 12 reasons for this, and 7 changes of that.
I'm not sure where vegetarianism fits in with things though.
My tool also finds images related to keywords. Images in the Happier Abroad report include Winston with some cute ladies, some passports, a robot and many sexy beautiful foreign women.
The Forum report flopped hard, but maybe because Winston can't be bothered to SEO up his phpBB so my Forum Directory's data feed can't properly catalog the Happier Abroad forum . Still, I'm not bothered as I like the forum look and feel exactly as it is.
I wonder if Winston will travel abroad this year? If he needs to increase the monetization of his sites in order to pay for flights, then maybe he needs to look at promoting phone cards, beefing up the content on expat living and getting into the travel dating niche.
Well I hope you found that some food for thought.
If you want to try the Niche Laboratory for yourself then download it at nichelaboratory.com.
I'll also take any suggestions for what to add to version 2.0 of Niche Laboratory - leave suggestions in the comments box below.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
7 Personal Changes You Will Experience From Living Overseas
//Quick Update:
I have surpassed my online challenge… I am now hovering at $xx at the moment. I know it’s pretty stupid to share income reports. But I want to journal this to help others by being as honest as I can. On related news, I finished one my guides for Dating Filipinas. That should keep me motivated enough to write and grind for the third world hero project. Please check it out by clicking the side bar. I am servant to my readers after all.
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Do you gain awareness in travel? |
7 Changes From Living Overseas
1.The American Eye Gets Partially Blinded
This means acculturation. Think of this expatriation process as an alien creature grafting itself into your cerebrum. This alien rewires part of the brain and changes the way you see the world. This is the reason why traveling makes you a different person. Local cultures influences your thoughts and perceptions!
This means acculturation. Think of this expatriation process as an alien creature grafting itself into your cerebrum. This alien rewires part of the brain and changes the way you see the world. This is the reason why traveling makes you a different person. Local cultures influences your thoughts and perceptions!
2. Revert back to Self.
At six months, when the initial euphoria wears off, you will undoubtedly revert to your old self thus you gain awareness. Introverts will continue being introverts. While acculturation changes the way you look at the world, you will still have your old disposition. It is not a magic pill. .
At six months, when the initial euphoria wears off, you will undoubtedly revert to your old self thus you gain awareness. Introverts will continue being introverts. While acculturation changes the way you look at the world, you will still have your old disposition. It is not a magic pill. .
3. Lose weight.
Realize American food is bad. The huge portions and high caloric counts make the people fat. While Filipino food gets a bad rep for being unhealthy, it can’t be compared to American food! Portions abroad are much smaller. The smaller portions helps to reduce weight. There are more to losing weight than smaller portions but living abroad does make one slimmer.
Realize American food is bad. The huge portions and high caloric counts make the people fat. While Filipino food gets a bad rep for being unhealthy, it can’t be compared to American food! Portions abroad are much smaller. The smaller portions helps to reduce weight. There are more to losing weight than smaller portions but living abroad does make one slimmer.
4. Enculturation towards the strata
This might be specific to living in a third world country. But the stratas are very defined in the Philippines. You start to become aware of the economic rift. Then with increased awareness you start perceiving the stratas. You become aware of faux pas. For example, wearing sando and flip flops in the mall is a NO NO. More on the strata in the ebook.
This might be specific to living in a third world country. But the stratas are very defined in the Philippines. You start to become aware of the economic rift. Then with increased awareness you start perceiving the stratas. You become aware of faux pas. For example, wearing sando and flip flops in the mall is a NO NO. More on the strata in the ebook.
- 5. Mentally Feel HAPPIER abroad
This only works for some. I noticed that my general well being has increased. Whereas in America I would have the tendency to fall into mild depression every three months, I am not seeing that here. It must be the sun, the food, the people, or the pussy.. I don’t know what it is. So if you have a tendency to feel depressed in the USA or Europe you should consider expatriation for mental health reasons. For example, snowstorm can wreak havoc to my physiology so without snowstorms my disposition has remained sunny!
This only works for some. I noticed that my general well being has increased. Whereas in America I would have the tendency to fall into mild depression every three months, I am not seeing that here. It must be the sun, the food, the people, or the pussy.. I don’t know what it is. So if you have a tendency to feel depressed in the USA or Europe you should consider expatriation for mental health reasons. For example, snowstorm can wreak havoc to my physiology so without snowstorms my disposition has remained sunny!
- 6. Experience The Joy Of Females
Dating abroad is different than dating in the USA. Either the men have more value or the sexual value between the gender is at parity (more on book). If you are dateless in the states (like how I was), then consider that you are losing out on the experience needed to filter our potential mates. Overseas (Philippines) dating is fun! This allows you a larger sample set to learn from. When you are “dating” you are supposed to be dating with a health turnover, so as to see the traits that you like in the opposite sex. This allows you to discern female psychology and basically enjoy sensuality!
Dating abroad is different than dating in the USA. Either the men have more value or the sexual value between the gender is at parity (more on book). If you are dateless in the states (like how I was), then consider that you are losing out on the experience needed to filter our potential mates. Overseas (Philippines) dating is fun! This allows you a larger sample set to learn from. When you are “dating” you are supposed to be dating with a health turnover, so as to see the traits that you like in the opposite sex. This allows you to discern female psychology and basically enjoy sensuality!
- 7.Develop An Eye to Read the Prices And Local Business Economics
Every expat will see their knowledge of local prices come to a point where they will be able to bargain (I talk about in guide). I still think in Dollars but I can tell whether something is over priced. Business transactions start to make sense. Some goods are expensive, but another class of goods aren't. It becomes intuitive. My advise found in this article still holds: 4 Quick Tips on Transitions Abroad. Do not let your dollars flow when you first get here.
Every expat will see their knowledge of local prices come to a point where they will be able to bargain (I talk about in guide). I still think in Dollars but I can tell whether something is over priced. Business transactions start to make sense. Some goods are expensive, but another class of goods aren't. It becomes intuitive. My advise found in this article still holds: 4 Quick Tips on Transitions Abroad. Do not let your dollars flow when you first get here.
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