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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why American Women Suck - 15 Things I've Noticed

By Andy

Years ago, upon returning home from an extensive amount of time abroad, I started viewing my country much differently than I ever had before. One of the things that really stood out to me and roused my ire was American women. Having been exposed to other cultures and interacting with foreign women, I now had a reference point for which to formulate a basis of comparison, something I never had or could do previously. In addition to learning more about myself, I gained a deeper yet eye-opening understanding about the culture in which I was born and raised. This is my perspective on the species that is American women via my experiences and keen observations. 

1.  The typical American woman is fat.

This is the most blatantly obvious and glaring observation about American women. They struggle mightily with their health and appearance. Take a stroll around Anywhere, USA, and you will find that Jabba the Slut, land whales and pigs in wigs are the norm, endangering men's libidos and digestive systems, and wreaking havoc on furniture and the healthcare system. 

They are unhealthy and do not take care of themselves. Not only do they not take care of themselves, but they don't give a sh*t what they eat or how much they eat. A gym is like some distant planet to most of them. They are delusional enough to think that looking like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man's cousin is beautiful and perfectly acceptable. 

You can't even imagine how many times I've heard statements from women in public and at work like "We don't care what we eat!" and proud declarations such as "I can eat anything I want!" American women haven't the slightest clue, after waddling only a few steps to their vehicles that they can barely get into to make their daily run to Dunkin' Donuts, why they can't get a man or even get men to notice them. They also can't figure out the cause of their labored breathing and persistent cough that keeps them awake at night and annoys the f*ck out of everyone around them. The feminist movement sure had most American women leaving the kitchen for McDonald's and processed foods. 

In addition to there being very few skinny women as a result, there are very few American women who admit that they are fat or have a weight problem. Also, for every one American woman who has, or claims to have a thyroid problem or "condition", rest assured that there are hundreds more using that as a cop-out to cover up their bad eating habits and laziness.  

With this fat acceptance movement unfortunately gaining steam and barring a general shift in American women's attitudes towards their health, the obesity epidemic among women in America is only getting worse and is further diminishing the already mediocre dating landscape.

2.  American women have very bad attitudes.     

Simply put, the vast majority of American women are bitches. They are rude for no reason, confrontational, defiant, demanding, standoffish, crazy and are angry 99% of the time. They are impatient and scoff at just about anything. It is no surprise that they are unapproachable, and to be in their presence is a nightmare and would make a man run for the hills, or the airport. In the extremely rare instances where they are nice, it's easy to sense the bitch behind the curtain due to the shakiness in their voices; they are playing nice just get what they want. 

American women generally think that being nice is a sign of weakness and that being a bitch is what gets things done. They think it's a sign of strength and if you don't like it, you can't handle a "real" woman and can f*ck off. Disturbingly, some men like a bitch, a woman with an "attitude." It seems such men like "strong" women and a challenge. It also seems that such men are suffering from missing balls syndrome. Personally, I've never viewed being a bitch as attractive, romantic or sexy. 

It is little wonder then, why American women are unapproachable. This attitude is off-putting and only brings out the worst in people. When walking down the street or while grocery shopping, instead of "excuse me," I commonly hear, "get out of my way," or nothing at all which clearly indicates that an American woman thinks she owns the place, that nobody else matters, and that she has no obligation to be sincere. Few American women will admit they they are bitches and the ones that don't are severely lacking in self-awareness. Either way, they seem content on not changing in this respect.

3.  American women have the worst fashion sense in the world.

It baffles me as to why American women generally view being out in public as one big slumber party. But this is the reality of today's American fashion scene.  In America it is common to see women dressed in pajamas and sweatpants at the bank, the post office, the store and even at work. Flip-flops and ugly Uggs are their preferred footwear, and nothing else. At best, they will dress themselves in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, which is their version of dressing for the occasion, which usually means going out for a night of excessive alcohol consumption. 

Regardless of what they wear, their clothing is either too big or too small for their size. There are exceptions to this rule, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a well-dressed American woman. Of the well-dressed women that I have seen in America, I've noticed that they are usually hefty and really don't carry themselves well. It's like putting lipstick on a pig. You can't really blame such a woman for trying, but when she neglects her health it doesn't really matter what she wears. Dogsh*t covered in frosting is still dogsh*t. I know you can't judge a book by its cover, but when I see a woman dressed as such, I can only think that she is a shameless soul who is lacking pride in her appearance and has no respect for herself. 

4.  Their extreme arrogance.

American women are the most pretentious women on earth. They have inflated egos, a princess syndrome. Their elitist attitude causes them to believe that there is little or no work required of them. They generally think that simply because they are women, they are worthy of everything; and that other people should just provide for them in an instant. They think that it's okay to enter a parking lot via the exit that reads "Do Not Enter" and that it's acceptable to run red lights and stop signs. I've seen such occurrences numerous times and the culprits were almost always women. 

They think that they should get the best jobs that they are not qualified for. I have had jobs where I dealt with female colleagues who said rubbish like, "Well, I'm a nurse, so I don't have to do that," or "My name is__, so that should qualify me as the best person for the job." I also heard such repeated drivel from a group of unpleasant female colleagues like, "Nobody came to get us for the meeting," despite constant reminders well in advance that meetings were mandatory and monthly. I've even had the displeasure of walking down narrow hallways countless times, only to encounter a fatso gal coming my way and not even making an effort to move because she was so fat, she took up nearly the entire space of the corridor. 

They definitely feel that they are greater than they really are. For example, an American woman who is a six, thinks she's an eight. They do believe that big is beautiful and that men should lower their standards for a woman. They want men to accept them for all their faults, for they think they're so righteous and above everyone else, and that that alone should be enough to bring to the table in a relationship.

5.  Their selfishness.

The societal changes during the last few decades have definitely led to a better way of living and monetary independence for American women. Too bad that during the process they forgot about others and everything else around them. 

American women are off in their own world, completely full of themselves and lacking in teamwork. I've completely lost track of the number of times I've heard them ALWAYS putting their needs and desires before those of others and offering NOTHING but a fecal sandwich in return. It comes as no surprise that they know diddly squat about pleasing men, being in committed relationships, being good mothers or good companions. 

One would think that they would at least take care of themselves as a result of their independence, but as I stated previously, American women are failing in the responsibility department. I've also noticed their attention whoring on social media with selfies and posts indicating nearly everything they are doing such as waking up, going to the movies and going to bed. As if the rest of the world actually gives a raccoon's nutsack about such activity. "It's all about me" is not just a phrase on a t-shirt, it's the American woman's mantra.

6.  American women are generally immature.

The more time I spend in the U.S., the more I see it as one big daycare center thanks to American women and their obnoxious, irresponsible and childish behavior. I've noticed that most American women are still stuck in their teenage years or even worse, their pre-adolescent years. I've definitely seen plenty of 40-something women acting like they just graduated from elementary school. They are definitely caught up in voluntary retardation. 

For example, their abuse of the word "what" by responding to questions in a loud and childish manner. "Waaat?!" Talk about acting like spoiled brats and petulant children. If anyone fell asleep in manners class, it's American women. When they are not cursing like a drunken Oscar the Grouch, even to their children, they are using gangster parlance. Yes, grown women not even from impoverished areas speaking like they are rappers. Their laughter at the highest decibel level accompanied by incessant and asinine chatter is something that unpleasantly distinguishes them from other women. That and that cringe-inducing nasal accent. They chew food with their mouths open and talk with their mouths full. When they're finished with their unhealthy meals they burp, fart and laugh about it afterwards. 

I've heard very young grandmas encourage and perpetuate the childish acts of their children and grandchildren who take after them in nearly every sense imaginable. Nice parenting there. When they are distraught, they say such things aloud like, "I'm tired" and "I want my mommy." I once saw a woman walking out of a restroom still pulling up and fastening her pants. Now tell me; when has that ever been feminine? 

Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of such aforementioned behavior, I think of a bunch of young males goofing off or Johnny Knoxville and Co. causing mischief. Why would one ever want to be in a relationship with or marry these satires? If American women are so childish, do you really want to marry one of them and be a "single parent?" It would make sense that the only group of people who should be acting like children, are children, but American women opted for the Peter Pan route instead. At best, it takes them an achingly long time to grow up, if ever.

7.  American women usually make terrible bosses and co-workers.

Petty behavior. Zero productivity. All in a day's work. The credo of the TV series "The Office" is also that of American female bosses and co-workers. More often than not, American women are a pain in the ass in the workplace. Female co-workers are lazy and incompetent, and will focus all their efforts and company time playing things slyly by kissing ass to compensate for their lack of skills and productivity. I have worked with complete imbeciles with no qualifications, that only got the job because they knew someone in the company. It didn't help that those in charge were such slobbering doofuses to settle for such loserdom by hiring such money-losing cancers. 

I've seen that they come to work for the paycheck, screwing off and spiting others, and forgetting about simply getting the job done. In their arsenal of annoyance, distraction and mediocrity are incessant and loud socializing, ear-piercing laughter, constant absenteeism, singing and humming, foot-tapping/stomping, gum-snapping, mobile phones going off loudly and vibrating like small motors, personal phone calls on company time and disappearing acts from desks via extended and unauthorized breaks. 

They typically start their day with an attitude of defeatism, yet bullsh*t themselves into thinking all is well in the workplace. They will resent you for getting them caught and ruining their party; not being able to screw around on the clock. But they will make it seem like something is wrong with you, that you are the cause of the problem. Any time I have ever called out a female colleague on something that was her fault or a job she failed to do, she immediately became defensive and resorted to copouts and redirected blame, always on me. Women hate accountability, so they treat it like something foreign by pointing fingers at others in order to preserve their reputation. 

The hell that is a female-dominated workplace results in an absence of teamwork, lack of responsibility and no sense of community because selfish American women in the workforce usually means selfish employees. Female management is no better, either. Whether they are managers, assistant managers, upper management or human resources, they are not in their positions to lead, but to abuse power. When they are not micromanaging, they will deny problems while letting them get worse and then six months later say that there is the same problem because they can't stand such undermining from subordinates. In my work experience, female bosses have gone out of their way and worked in conjunction with certain female employees to get me to fail, even after I had been hired. From having a dusty desk first day on the job to phones that don't work, their methods are subtle and systematic. If you are a man in a workplace that is mostly women, nobody will support you or let you reach your full potential; it's all a game to them, not a job. They think a man's plight is funny, so they want to be entertained. 

Despite skills, qualifications and consistently producing stellar results, top performers are picked on the most by female bosses in order to pander to the interests of the weakest links they fail to fire. Female bosses do not like productivity, they desire drama. If their "tests" are passed, they only become angrier and will make sure the top performers are miserable with the worst working conditions. The end result is that "A" players get so mad that they either get fired or quit, causing a brain drain on the company. 

I once complained to a female boss about work not being done while I was gone on vacation, despite me being way ahead on my work right before I left. Somehow, she magically made it seem that what didn't get done in my absence, that I had no control over, was my fault. Never mind that I came back from a well deserved period of time off and a coincidental bereavement that ensued. 

Female bosses are very condescending and cynical, and will try to nail you on anything and everything simply because they don't like you. They will reach to and scrape the depths of the earth to find dirt on you, especially if you are a man. During job interviews or when a new manager comes on board, they will discount everything you've ever done in your career and for the company. They will do things their way, even if their way runs the department or company into the ground. It's power to them. The rest is meaningless. If you've ever wondered why companies tank, it's typically because female management is managing, not leading. In my years of working I've had many bosses and all but one was a male. My best bosses were one female who "got it" and one male. Granted there are some good female bosses and co-workers out there who will have your back in the workplace and form reputable references and long-lasting friendships, but they are rarities. 

8.  Materialism and superficiality define the American woman.

Too many times over the years, I've heard American women demand that a man have a six-figure income, live in a McMansion and drive whatever the f*ck is in the latest James Bond flick in order to even date them. In addition to that, they present a different version of themselves when meeting potential suitors. This is just to reel them in or at the very least, play head games for their own personal amusement.  American women are engulfed in getting status and possessions, not caring about character, love or respect. The result is someone who is soulless, not providing much to a relationship or contributing to society. 

9.  American women can't cook. 

Few American women have mastered the culinary arts. Even fewer make any attempts to learn to make simple meals or even brew a cup of freakin' coffee. I've only ever known one American woman who admitted to not knowing how to cook and was willing to learn how, and that was right before she got married.  That's it, one woman. All others I've known avoided the kitchen unless it was to microwave leftovers from ladies' night out at some chain restaurant. 

American women are too busy stuffing their faces at fast food joints and consuming overpriced drinks at Starsucks to even try to make a home-cooked meal. Yes, they're busy working those jobs, too, but sooner or later they're going to realize that eating out all the time puts a strain on their budgets as well as their waistlines. 

10.  The typical American woman is tattooed.

This pathetic excuse for art has become a value among American women. Too many American women are adamant on this trend just for the sake of "fitting in." It appears they want to be as baddass as the badasses they try to attract or they just want to get noticed. Regardless of their socioeconomic class, they just look trashy with no class when they get a tattoo. I've noticed that nowadays, their tattoos cover all or most of their body, and that it is virtually impossible for them to cover them up per their job requirements. 

I'm appalled at the number of Scarlet Letters I see on women in the gym, at the store and during a stroll through the park. If one is into having a f**k n' chuck with a whore or a slut, by all means, bang away. Then again, that is what most American women are, whores and sluts via their tendencies to stray nowadays. This kind of art doesn't arouse me. If it did, I would head on over to the local art gallery and have sex with paintings. It is said that every tattoo has a story. Yeah, the story is someone wanted to put ink all over her body and didn't think what a turnoff that would be or how that would look days, weeks, months or decades down the line. Oh, and someone doesn't respect her body. End of story.

11.  Their hatred for men.

Thanks to feminism, magazines and television, America has become not only a place where women don't need men, but a man-hating society. Women have dismissed men as tumbling, bumbling morons, creeps, evildoers, pigs and second-class citizens. In other words, they treat men like sh*t. I have had the unfortunate experience of being patronized by women who talked down to me as if I were a six-year old, simply for being a man. It is my belief that the losers and deadbeats that women hooked up with have tarnished the image of the normal dudes and have taken things way out of context. 

The reason male leadership is frowned upon in the U.S. is because women are hell-bent on shaming and emasculating men for being natural leaders and taking the initiative. American women hate this because they are the ones who desire power. They only need men as scapegoats for their own failures and for whatever is wrong with society. Only then will they take a reactive stance by asking where the real men and heroes are. 

I rarely hear praise from women about men or the men they are with, but plenty of constant complaints and criticism. It's no surprise, then, that American women complain about the silliest of matters like their husbands forgetting to pick up milk on the way home from a long day at work, not washing the dishes or taking out the trash. Or subscribing to the belief that men can't operate appliances for fix a toilet, when few women can even do it themselves. 

In college I was once asked by a female athlete on scholarship to stop by her apartment and help her assemble a shelf that she couldn't even put together correctly. After that was all said and done, all I got was an unauthentic "thanks." Thank goodness for a speck of gratitude. Ironic how I've heard phrases like "Well, a man designed it" indicating blame on men for construction flaws. I've also heard women complain to men about the weather as if the men were somehow responsible for meteorology. 

once stopped off at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, nothing for miles, and when another car arrived, out came a couple, a skinny man and a chubby woman, and the first thing the woman said upon exiting the vehicle was "it's so cold." She directed that statement exclusively at him, making it seem like the cold weather, and apparently, via some more inaudibles, their entire road trip was his fault. Leave it to American women, being the instigators that they are, to mar an otherwise peaceful fill-up. They are insensitive and cold to a man's feelings and needs.

At my father's funeral, his former boss, who was notorious for being a cold and militant micromanager that breeded hate in the workplace, attended and came up to me saying nothing more than a dour statement of  "you'll have to get over it," and then she walked away. 

They will cockblock their friends from seeing other men. I once asked some chick out on a date only to get a call from her friend vehemently saying it wasn't okay for me to go out on a date with her because she wanted her friend all to herself and she claimed that since they were back in town for summer vacation, it was their right to spend as much time together as possible. Needless to say, the date was cancelled. 

Moving along, I once knew an American woman who publicly slandered a male judge on social media for supposedly delaying her divorce papers. Apparently, she didn't posses patience in such a matter. It should come as no surprise that I cut all ties with this woman who was, at one point, a colleague, as I couldn't associate myself with someone engaging in such disrespectful behavior. 

American women have no problem falsely accusing men of rape, sending them to prison, manipulating courts and men into paying for children that aren't theirs and killing their dreams. 

Chivalry is obviously dead, yet I still hear American women complain that their men don't do things to satisfy their princess syndrome like take them out to a nice dinner on Valentine's Day. American women have relegated men to nothing but sperm donors and walking ATMs. 

12.  American women are the most irrational beings on Earth.

It amazes me how much American women don't make much sense of anything. Their lack of logic is just astounding. Ask an American woman a question and she'll not only not answer it, but she'll say something that initially sounds important, but really isn't and is not on topic. American women spend insane amounts of time trying to sound right at all times. They have such a huge superiority complex that they are under the illusion that they can say and do anything they want and it will be right, valid and vindicated. That way, if they encounter a situation where they are clearly wrong, they won't be made out to be such fools. No wonder I've heard countless women in America think that good is bad, boob tubes are better than flat screens and 2+2=5. 

When some American women found out that I was dating overseas and why I was doing so, in addition to being shocked, they still had the nerve to tell me I wasn't looking hard enough or in the right places. I guess to them, I had to either settle for mediocrity stateside by "waiting for the right time" or go to Mars and marry a green chick with three breasts. 

Common sense is nonexistent with American women. The real reason why American women like shopping, or rather, shopping for useless crap, is because they are emotional creatures. That leads to impulse buying. They will buy things at the register that they don't need, but they don't realize it until afterwards that they didn't need it. The result is a reactionary creature realizing the damage she's done when it's too late. But now they have to live with it for the next few years. You can find them frequently traveling on the bad decision highway. Their only defense is telling a man, "You think too much!"

13.  American women do not possess much mental prowess.

The last time I had an intelligent conversation with an American woman was over a decade ago and I can count the total number of times I've had an intelligent conversation with an American women on one hand. When I talk to American women, I always have to repeat myself because they are so stupid, their listening abilities suffer as a result. Even after I make my point multiple times, I still get looks like I just disembarked from a spaceship. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. Ironically, the common phrase I hear the most from American women is "This is so stupid!" 

American women are also geographically and historically challenged. Not even a decade ago, an American woman I talked to thought that Armenia still belonged to Russia. With or without navigational systems, American women get lost the most while driving. Even if you're riding with them and clearly locate a destination for them, even if it's a major freeway or big convention center, they still won't see it and will keep on driving. Well, that has been my experience. I'm sure there is an American women who tried to go to Google Maps to get driving directions from San Francisco to Hawaii, and ended up complaining that the system is not functional. 

Hence, a typical conversation between American women is annoying, distracting, irrelevant and lacks any substance. American women are as useful as a bag of M&M's in a brush fire. If you can't have an intelligent conversation with an American women, how can you be intimate with them? 

14.  Their infatuation with bad boys.

Have you ever been passed over for Mr. A**hole?  I have. Countless times. American women really know how to squander golden opportunities in dating by dating a**holes. This is one of the contributing factors to a dysfunctional dating scene and ass-backwards society. Being a nice guy in America is a death sentence while being an a**hole, a convicted felon, a drinker, a drug abuser, a cheater, a douchebag and a hothead is royalty. Such red flags fail to get noticed by American women as they see only adventure and cheap thrills in such "boys." They are quick to go for the criminal Wall Street bankers because of, duh, the money. 

Weeks, months or years later, American women will seek out the nice guys with random but nicer than normal phone calls, texts and e-mails so they can whine about their awful choices in suitors. An American woman's version of a shrink is a nice guy she put in the friend zone, who she can complain to and whose shoulder she can cry on. America is definitely the champagne room for such fu**ery. 

15.  American women are in a state of denial.

Ever heard that denial is dangerous? Well, it is. American women are living in their own sugar-coated dream world. Delusional with a distorted view of reality and the world. As a result, they are not well aware of their surroundings. They are queens of being mentally unstable, have unrealistic expectations and ridiculous standards. They really believe nothing is wrong with them, and are psychotic to the point where they act like their sh*t doesn't stink, both figuratively and literally. 

American women can't comprehend why men are angry, avoiding them and looking overseas for female companions. They don't understand the consequences of their actions. American women ask too many questions, but don't even come close to being solution-oriented. This may explain why, when a woman walks around thinking everything is hunky-dory, she asks others what is wrong or tells them to put a smile on their face without taking the time to get to the root of the problem or know the person. She can't put two and two together. 

I even had a female boss who thought, despite major attendance problems over a span of many years, that the absences were legitimate and justified, yet she didn't listen to anybody else's ideas on how to improve the situation, nor could she come up with any ideas herself. American women fail to understand that nobody wants to order their metaphorical sh*t sandwich that they continuously offer up.

Don't bother.

I came to the conclusion long ago that American women are a lost cause and need to be avoided. I am in no way convinced, nor do I have any hope that American women will improve in any way, anytime soon. I know that I'm preaching to the choir, but I feel the need to reinforce and reemphasize this without sounding redundant while still identifying a major problem in the U.S. And for those who are rolling your eyes at what I'm writing, American women deserve this criticism, and quite frankly, I don't think they get enough of it. I seriously think they need to know how bad they really are, and this needs to continue to be voiced so that more men wake up to this reality. 

The more men that wake up to this reality, the more men will be able to focus on themselves. The more they will love and challenge themselves to become better people. There is so much potential to be met and so much the world has to offer. The focus should be on saving money for that trip abroad, work or that promotion, education in and out of the classroom, learning new skills and getting new hobbies like pissing your name in cursive on a wooden fence. All of these are much better and so much more rewarding than wasting time, money and effort on American women. 

Let it be known that I am not launching a hate-filled attack, nor am I promoting violence. I don't hate women. Quite the contrary. I just have no respect for bitches and that is what most American women are. There are some good American women out there, but they are extremely rare and are always taken. 

Don't date, marry or befriend American women. They will make your life miserable and bring out the worst in you. Don't bother with American women. They are a lost cause. 


  1. You must be speaking of the American White Woman, because I cannot think of any who fits this better.

    1. Yeah he probably was. The pics above reflect that. White American women are the worst. Their personalities are highly toxic and they are so self-absorbed and arrogant that is it virtually impossible to connect with them or have a decent conversation with them.

      Even Asian American women and European women visiting America have told me that they cannot connect with white American women either and did not make friends with them. White American women cannot even connect with each other. They are the most unconnectable women on the planet for sure. Every other type of women is far more down to earth.

    2. The sad thing is that even many colored women in America are copying after white feminists thinking that they were always been oppressed and it is such a cool idea to play dominatrix.

    3. Uh UH! Oh no you Din't!

    4. Not only was I speaking of White American women, but American women of all races and ethnicities. In my experiences, minorities and Americanized women from other countries have been equally as bad as White American women in every one of the aforementioned categories. That's why this post is about American women, not white American women.

    5. Andy,

      I applaud your honesty in this well written piece. Being a White, American woman myself, I am at a loss for female friends or family members who I can relate to.

      With that said. Don't you think there is, maybe, a bigger issue going in in the US? Aren't we all becoming morally bankrupt a**holes? I say this to equally hold American men responsible for their actions as well. I think both genders are raised with dysfunction in this culture and play out a sick back and forth with each other which only exacerbates these horrible behaviors.

      I will be 33 in a few months. Since turning 30, I have become growingly disillusioned with men my age. I find that, rather than a true partner, they want someone who will:

      Be educated with a successful career which took a great deal of time and money to achieve, YET be perfectly happy and graceful about dropping it all mid flight to have and care for babies. Be all demure and apple pie, dress and act like Donna Reed to meet his family, YET have a huge wardrobe of lingerie and slutty club clothing to promenade around the bedroom with or out for a night. Be spiritually beautiful and profound (which takes time and dedication to cultivate), not be too materialistic or grabby, YET frequently don a full face of makeup complete with full runway trendiness. Have a mind of her own, sense of conviction, opinions on politics, world events, social concerns and how her martini is made, YET not challenge him TOO much, lest he feel emasculated. Be happy as a home maker and grateful he makes enough for her to stay home, but somehow keep up with all these physical and personal expectations with someone else in charge of the purse strings. Don't like it? Then she has to go back to work, spend her own money again since she couldn't stroke his ego long and consistently enough to get him to pay for her gym membership...which she needs to keep her figure after having kids, and keep his interest. And oh, by the way, even though shes working again, the brunt of raising the children will still be on her.....

      I could go on, but you get the point. This is what I have encountered in my personal dating adventures and what I see many female friends going through. I don't know, maybe I will move to another country too. Glad you have found somewhere that works for you. :)

    6. Andy,
      Well I would disagree somewhat. Yes some Asian American women are really bad too. But I've been able to befriend and date at least SOME. I haven't had such luck with White American women though. What I mean is, at least some Asian American girls are friendly, but it's damn near impossible to even befriend any decent looking white American girls, even for a coffee date. They all make excuses and act like I'm not worth their time, even socially. So for me, they aren't the same.

      Yes, there are bigger problems. If you read my home page at, you'd see that. America is poisoned in all categories - food, relationships, personality, soul, body, etc. Both men and women are fucked up. It's been like this since the late 1980's, when trash culture skyrocketed in America, and values plummeted. Since then, people have become more and more soulless every year.

      However, you can't deny that it is FAR FAR easier for you to approach and start a conversation with a guy in America than for you to approach and start a conversation with a white American girl. American girls are like closed shells in their own space. They are the least easy to talk to, even to other women. You can't deny that. Guys in America are far easier to talk to. No one can deny that.

      Thus, men and women are not the same in America. Men at least are more friendly than women, even though both genders are fucked up.

      Those standards you listed seem fucked up. I don't know what kind of guy you date that demands all that. No guy I know would demand all those things. Those are unrealistic. You must be dating alpha males or something. Guys in general are not that picky. Why don't you date some nice guys who are kind and caring for once? They will not have such insane standards. But you probably ignore such nice guys huh? And when they ask you out, you tell them you have a boyfriend right? I've never understood how all American girls I meet could all already have boyfriends. How are you supposed to date in America if every girl is taken?

      Btw, you are invited to join our Ladies Forum at:


    7. Winston, I actually prefer the nice guy to the bad boy. It seems to be, that after a while, (over a year...) these sort of contradictory standars seem to spring from their psyche. That nice, caring guy wants you to mother both him AND his children, facilitate a him have a closer relationship with his mother by being the one to call her and plan family dinners. They don't understand why these behaviors don't just "spring into action" after a while. I am very upfront about what I want from the beginning and hope for the same. But with men, they present one way, really mean it, then after a few years their subconscious expecations of what a woman should be start to surface. I do agree that American women are very abrasive however, and am interested inexploring your work...

    8. @Aprilrose - Fuck off, you're exactly what he was talking about. You came on this site to make everything about you.

    9. "Any time I have ever called out a female colleague on something that was her fault or a job she failed to do, she immediately became defensive and resorted to copouts and redirected blame, always on me. "

    10. Sad, I actually came on this board to have a stimulating, intellectual conversation of how people relate to each other in American culture, as well as others. Instead, I was met with hostility from those who seem to have deeper issues going on. Winston, thank you for the invite and engagement in polite debate. Peace and Love to all.

    11. No man I have ever known or met has those demands or standards. If you as an AW went abroad you'd be the laughing stock. Why would foreign men date an AW when they have 100 times more attractive females in their own country who can still make their own money of they want to. You're not liberated but you're in bondage to femiwhore culture a cancer. Can't take criticism then go gtfo and date foreign men you will have nobody interested in you except mexican men who are poorer and less attractive than us and they'd only go out with you as a trophy of payback against the white man. lol

    12. Death to all monotheists!

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. naaa...go kill yourselves...all of you yankee subhumans!!! Thanks a lot for Roe vs. Wade, fag and feminazis lobbies, Al Qaeda, Taliban (to Afghanistan with love!!) and Islamic State (by fuck on purpose the iraqis and syrian minorities). Thanks a lot!!!

    15. I enjoyed this post as a white American woman, I am sad to say this is true for the most part. In all fairness though, American men aren't much of a prize either.
      I personally married an educated Arab. They're more loyal, manly, better fathers, moral, they wash after they use the toilet unlike fat, obese American men who have skid marks. (appalling).
      As far as the obesity epidemic in this country, poverty rates have contributed to it, Explain why a cheeseburger is $1 and a salad is $7. 50 million people on food stamps are not able to afford to shop @ whole foods and eat GMO free food.
      Education has plummeted, wages stagnant, altruism is dead. 95% of my friends are foreign for a reason, kinder personalities, more family orientated, not alcoholics or drug users, have passports and use them, aren't pretentious and arrogant. I will never understand the mentality of a female who believes she can be intimate with several men and expect a man to love and cherish her after she's contracted STDS. Yuck. Mayo clinic statistics show 80% of women by age 50 will have had at least 1 form of HPV by age 50. American women clearly are uneducated that condoms do not protect you against this disease which is the number 1 cause of throat/vaginal cancers. Clearly, the men are too piggish to care as well.
      The laws in this country are obnoxious. Women who choose to stay home and care for their off spring are demonized and called anti feminist, on that level alone I do not bother associating with American women. Family unit is desecrated, and seriously, I just feel the majority of American people in general have IQ's lower than that of a doormat. Anyone and everyone different than the American standard is shunned, labeled according to the opposite of one's political beliefs, (If you're Arab you're Al Queida or ISIS,) If you're Hispanic, you're a Mexican who belongs to a gang, 'War was invented so Americans could learn geography) - Mark Twain. Sadly, most Americans lack the ability to recognize cultural differences in others, Hell Sikhs are considered Muslims, I could go on but why bother.
      To the author, marry yourself someone from abroad. Hopefully you can find someone who emotionally stimulates you and doesn't leave you mentally curled up into a fetal position while you suffocate laying in a pile of vomit whilst reality tv reruns are blaring in the back ground.

    16. no shit sherlock for american women are a big "0" and all they know is to take a man for all he's got and it's on to the next one

    17. I am a 16 year old American girl. Both this article and these comments are breaking my heart. I know that I try to always smile, be sweet to everyone, maintain a healthy weight, and NEVER be arrogant. Im sorry on behalf of all American women that you see us in such a light. I would never intentionally do any of these things listed in the article. I hope that you can see me as one nice, down to earth American. So sorry again. Love from America.

    18. Annabella that was really sweet. You sound like a wonderful woman. :)

    19. Annabella that was really sweet you sound like a wonderful human being. :)

    20. White American Women? This description should go for all Americunt women.(White,Black,Hispanic,Asian) They all suck.

  2. All the Anglo countries are messed-up, no two-ways about it!

  3. Honestly, i think that women never had any morals or 'dignity' because their chicken brains never had the capacity in the frontal lobe to become something more than a chattering little monkey - if they had the capacity for thet previously it was because that behaviour was endorsed upon them by society; and men; not being induced with a feminist-coma believing they were equal and not in need of correction when their behaviour went haywire.

    I mean everything i've realized about people so far in life points to that women - apart from men - doesn't have the capacity for higher thought where they develop moral guidelines and principles they follow, but are more stuck on a teenager stage throughout their whole life controlled by impulses from the 'Id'. Without anything that filters that bullshit out.

    Where modern western culture simply have put them on too high horses where men aren't endorsing civilized behaviour on them anomore, where it becomes painfully obvious they aren't equal to men and actually intellectually inferior. Regardless of what social stature or education they aquire; they simply lack the capacity to evolve into something worthy of respect.

  4. I am an Eastern European woman, married to an American man. A lot of things mentioned in the article actually apply to my husband, things like being fat, bad attitudes and disrespect towards other nations, bad fashion, arrogance, selfishness, immaturity, poor mental prowess, infatuation with supermodels, no common sense, etc. etc. I regret very much that I have married an American man. This was a BIG mistake. Unfortunately, I have to stay in this marriage because of the child.

    1. Way to be a supportive wife. Try making him happier instead of thinking about yourself all the time. Works wonders.

    2. How hypocritical of you, Stephen Hooton. You expect her to just grin and bear it..but I'm sure you would tell a man in that situation to drop his woman and go abroad. You are an idiot.

      The reality is that all Americans are trashy losers with no sense of soul. Just look at how this country was founded.

    3. A lot of what you say is true for a lot of men here, but not all. However, the symptom in alot of the men here in the US and other Anglo societies is the result of over 50 years of feminism and the policies that go with it. Real masculinity here is shamed and marginalized, while being a mangina and kissing up to feminists is praised. There are few male role models in society anymore to teach our boys how to be good men. Most of the male role models on TV like Jean Luc Picard on Star Trek have been purged from television thanks to radical feminists. Due to the no-fault divorce laws more children are having to learn to grow up without a father. There is no incentive to "man up" and start a family when the divorce laws make it too easy for women here to destroy the relationship due to the one sided divorce laws that automatically reward women's bad behavior by using the government to strip the ex of his wealth and transfer it to her pocket. It doesn't matter if he is father of the year and she is an evil witch, the woman almost always wins the case. I don't agree with alot of it, but I understand why some of them act immature and do what they do. What incentive is there to be a "real man" when you are going to get screwed in the end anyway? This is the end result of feminist policy. Feminism is not about equal rights for women. It is about the marginalizing of men, creating a rift between the genders of society, then governments using conflict to help with that societies control. Yet I see more and more countries following in the same footsteps and not learning from our mistakes. There are probably feminists in your country peddling the same idea for your country. Ask the feminists after hearing about the final results of feminist policy if feminism is still a great idea for Eastern Europe? Don't say I didn't warn you.


    4. @Stephen Hooton
      You said:
      Way to be a supportive wife. Try making him happier instead of thinking about yourself all the time. Works wonders.

      Why don't you try to make an American Woman happy? Guys like you, chauvinists, think that they are entitled to have a beautiful, smart, and nice woman. But you know what? A beautiful, smart, and nice women are NOT attracted to LOOSERS and to the guys who treat them like some kind of belonging. Women want to be respected, loved, they want not only a good lover, but a friend, a sole mate. SO FEW American guys have it. Look at Winston, he is a total looser, dreaming about supermodels, and he blames women for being attracted to handsome, confident guys. Se la vie!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Exactly. Most of the guys here in this site are fucked up losers who blame women for not getting laid. I've looked into the profiles of women they feature here and all I could say is that they are SLUTS, cheap girls who bang jerk expats for $$. Perhaps worse than American women that this loser named Winston so horribly described in a very biased way. I'm an Asian girl btw and I disagree with most that is posted on this site. They have TOTALLY unrealistic expectations about what Asian women are like. True enough, we may be more feminine and demure than most American women but I don't think that should be used to slut-shame women of other races. This site is sexist and racist at best. I have such pity for the chaps who believe things Winston psots on this god-forsaken site.

    7. Listen, just DIVORCE YOUR HUSBAND. You are not doing your kids a favour by staying in that miserable marriage. Try to find a good Woman to marry instead. I was born in Eastern Europe and can tell you FEMINISM IS GREAT. GODDESS BLESS AMERICAN WOMEN, ESPECIALLY LESBIANS!!

    8. @Blanche - you sound mad that American men aren't trapped to landwhales such as yourself, and are FREE and EMPOWERED to explore better options.

    9. Love and acceptance is a two way street... You can't expect women to be happy with shit men. That's just sexist. Like this whole site is. It's fine if men wish to explore their options of course.... But blaming women for the fact that a man is a total shit, because she isn't a "supportive wife"? Completely idiotic. And they say that women try to avoid accountability and place undue blame... Fucking ridiculous.

    10. Stephen Hooton is the prime example of a typical narcissistic American man. They can't accept their own faults & need to blame others to protect their ego. The most funny part is that these American men are just as bad as their "country pig" counterparts, & when they go to foreign lands the foreign women see these men as 1) Bank or 2) The entire list above. I'm all for going abroad but if you can't accept that you're the same species of dumb fuck you complain about on foreign bride websites, you're just another fucking loser who cries himself to sleep because Svetlana, Olga, or Katya knows you're a whimp too.

  5. This is, for the most part, true. American women suck compared to women who live in other countries. The typical American woman is dumb, cannot cook, has a loud, annoying voice, is fat, has a bad attitude, and is constantly chasing asshole guys. You want to be happy. Move overseas and marry someone from another country.

  6. I kind of agree with this list! America in general is dysfunctional no matter how you slice it! Thank the good lord I've been off the market for the last five years. May God have mercy on all of us. I don't think the men are so wonderful themselves but my message to them is don't enable all this bad behavior. Guys if you quit putting up with it all just to get some p^^^^ then they might just change. In the meantime you may just do better overseas.

    1. Yeah, male abominations get the fuck out of AMERICA!! American Women like to lick pussy. GODDESS BLESS WOMANKIND! GODDESS BLESS LESBIANS!

    2. Go take your schizophrenic medications.

  7. You are kidding me right?
    I didn't know any one person could be spew forth such misogynistic garbage.

    If this is some elaborate troll, i applaud you! ( 10/10 ). Otherwise your incessant drivel of how inferior the american woman is ignorant and appalling. The sexist statements you make are merely masked by the use of "american" before you use the word: "woman". After reading most of your hate filled tirade I was able to make the conclusion that you are of no quality man yourself. Your problems with women could possibly stem from your absolute hatred for the female sex. This is probably why they treat you like trash. (because you are.) Your opinions about tattoos, mental prowess, and other such statements are obviously related to a sense of low self esteem. It is possible you were not loved by your mother enough as a child and this caused a deep rooted loathing for women.

    And for those of you who agree with this abortion of an article, take a good hard look at yourselves. Unless you are: Thin, personable, fashion savvy, modest, generous, mature, perfect co-worker, non-secular, culinary expert, non-tattooed, loving, perfectly logical, genius, paragon , and an accepting person then you should probably not cast the your lot with the Hate-filled Vermin that was the author of this refuse.

    Thank you
    A man who finds your kind disgusting

    1. You, "sir", are a moron if you can't see the truth in this article. I've lived all around the world and this author is preaching fact. No one gives a fuck if it offends your delicate, white-knight sensibilities.

    2. I like how he used Sir and then used White Knight. clever girl! (but certainly not an american girl because they suck)

    3. Thank you
      A "mangina" who finds your kind disgusting

    4. American men- please grow up. You are not at all as intelligent, righteous, moral, and desirable as you think you are. Don't be ridiculous.

  8. As a woman who has spent a large part of my life in both other countries AND America, I can only conclude that you are jaded and miserably lonely. I too dislike most women, however I dislike women of all races and ethnicities because I do not get along with the same sex. However, I would never be so degrading and insulting as you. These generalizations only make you seem unintelligent and small minded. They also lead me to believe you've had some bad experiences with American women that cause you to resent them. I have quite a few female friends who are highly intelligent, well versed, athletic and able to cook, several are chefs in fact, and they by no means fall under any category your ignorant beliefs would try to place them in. I myself am a manager, about to become vice president, of a non-profit organization where I live. I'm covered in large tattoos head to toe and I'm married to a man who is the head chef of the number one restaurant in our town (he is also covered in tattoos, neck to fingers to ankles) Judging by your simple minded generalizations that obviously aren't true, my only suggestion is that you associate with better caliber women. Maybe the fault lies in you, not in them.

    1. Of course he is bitter. He admits he hasn't had success with picking up beautiful white American woman. He is a short, chubby Asian man that resents that these women are not in his league, even though he supposedly cold approaches a lot of them. For someone that claims he is happier abroad, he sure does like picking the brains of American women.

    2. I honestly can't wait for all Women in America to turn lesbians. That is LOOONG OVERDUE. I was born in Eastern Europe, have traveled all over the world, and can tell you, what makes America special is the fact that THE STRONGEST OF FEMALE SPIRITS MERGED ON THIS LAND. GODDESS BLESS AMERICAN WOMEN. They still have lots of improvement to do, like legalize prostitution and weed, but all in all, this country is on the RIGHT TRACK.

    3. Jeez. That feminist/lesbian script is soooo old!

    4. lol, and due to all the women becoming dykes in the us all the men will have to either leave the us or become gay

  9. This is the worst thing I have Ever read!! You are so insulting to us American women! You don't know us all like you obviously think you do! Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess!

    1. Wow, these cheap shots are actually quite entertaining. Glad I can keep haters busy by telling the truth!

    2. It's not insulting, it's the truth! I've survived every single one of those facts up there. Most American women are nothing more than an experience to survive, if us guys are lucky...

    3. American Women are great, thank Goddess stupid male abominations are leaving the country. I was born in Eastern Europe, am a Woman and a Lesbian, thank Goddess.

  10. As a male who has lived abroad and returned to America, I will say that many of these have a very tiny grain of truth but on the whole, this article has much over exaggerated, especially the last 5 points. The only one that I could say I more or less agreed with was #8 but I think that point is just as true for American men. Its no debate that more women in America exhibit these traits but to say that all of them do is extreme.

  11. spoken like a true misogynist

  12. Guys with small dicks who are too poor to buy a Porsche write whiney articles like this.

  13. the truthFebruary 1, 2014 at 2:30 AM

    10 things i've noticed about Andy and Winston

    1. You both are sexually frustrated and angry at yourself that the only way you can get sex is through buying whores on the street.

    2. You blame the world instead of investing time in self improvement which makes you out to be a resentful, bitter asshole that remains ignorant and is not open to any critique

    3. You pride yourselves on being individuals that can freely express your opinion and feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment when other pathetic ass losers such as yourselves comment in agreement.

    4. You have accomplished very little in real life and feel to be on top of the world with the blog you have created here.

    5. You fail to understand the difference between subjective comprehension of your self claimed truth and what others experience.

    6. You quickly dismiss others that claim otherwise because its too hurtful to think that other people's positive experiences means that they are more successful than you (which is not necessarily true as you have heaps of room for improvement if you wish to take it)
    7. you have considered becoming gay as your evident lack of manliness turns all good women away from you
    8. You're angry but you know everything I've said is true
    9. You had poor relationships with your mummy when you were young which is why you despise women in a general sense
    10. Your mummy and daddy are very disappointed in you as this is all you've accomplished

    CHEERS mate 

    1. O.M.G.

      You are SO RIGHT!

      I am a foreign woman who has spend quite a lot of time in the US. It is NOT TRUE that ALL women are unapproachable. Beautiful people, both men and women, have a lot of attention since childhood. If they are successful as adults, of course, they want to have the best. A beautiful successful woman would want to have a guy of the same quality. Just like a handsome successful guy would like to have a model-looking woman. You cannot change that. Also, I see a lot of nice-looking women around, who are family-oriented, busy with their children and families.

      Even if I was an ugly, fat, old, having all those dysfunctions mentioned in the article, even then, I WOUKD NOT date Winston Wu!!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The wealthy and elite males in the world can be with whichever woman they choose. Some of them are ugly as sin (crossbred royalty for example). Though I disagree with this post in general, you are wrong. Some of the most ugly, old, and unfavorable men who are wealthy and/or elite have wed some of the most beautiful, young, and desirable women on the planet since history has been recorded. If Winston's net worth was one billion dollars USD, you would date him, become his wife, and bear his children without a second thought.

    4. I have money, I'm young and handsome and i said that Andy is 100% right.. I recommend you to travel, come back to America and see the difference... You will say OH ANDY WAS RIGHT....

  14. Andy would you be so kind as to show a photo of your face? Really interested to see what your little whiny bitch ass looks like

    Much love 

    1. Post your picture first, e-thug. Really interested to add another e-thug/internet gangster to my collection. I'm sure you feel like BIlly Badass when you're typing out words which make you feel tough behind the keyboard of your local library.

  15. All the cheap-shots and ad-hominems here dodge the issues mentioned. The article tells the truth, but some people just can't handle it.

  16. As a male living in American I agree with your observations!! Especially the part about women in the workplace. Keep in mind that many companies provide additional extra support for women that they do not provide to men. For example women leadership circles, etc. Women are considered a minority despite making up at least half of the population! It might be that the best move a man could make these days is to have a sex change. Might even be able to get the ACA ( Obamacare) to cover the costs!!

    1. These articles apply to men of the lowest common denominator. Too bad you fell for it. In case you haven't realized, women have always been treated as a minority in appalling ways across the world (lack of suffrage, few female leaders, unequal access to education and proper pay, being forced to stay at home, and genital mutilation just to name a few). Heaven forbid that a human being may get ahead in a world that is designed to hold her back. Thank god for women like Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Jane Goodall, and thousands of other brilliant minds that bear proof that a woman is worth something grand.

  17. The feminists favorite weapon is guilt trip. Everything Andy said is true. I live in America and I've known this for well over 12 years of my life and AW are only getting worse. I will not let you hags guilt trip me from exposing your narcissistic bi polar devil ways. Your days are numbered.

    1. All male abominations are of the Devil and ought to leave the Earth. Goddess Bless Womankind!

    2. It is funny, because I have spent plenty a time thinking the same thing about sexist men. I am hoping that their days are numbered.

    3. same thing for ignorant feminazi dykes, except their days are truly numbered!

  18. This makes me weep. I'm a stay-at-home mom, I love my man, I shop frugally, I make sure my husband has everything he needs, and I get up in the morning to brush and braid his hair, make his lunch, and kiss him goodbye as he goes off to work. I love that he works his ass off to provide for us. I'm a disabled veteran, with a small stipend from the VA. Everything both of us make goes into running the household. I teach our children manners, politics, geography, and all the other things they need to know that the schools don't teach. Yes, I am fat. I have degenerative disc disease, which hampers my movements, and it wasn't financially feasible to keep up our gym membership for the past two years. Once we can go to the gym again, I will work out in the water until I regain my healthy weight. We don't eat fast food, I cook healthy food. I don't have friends who fit any of the descriptors in the article, simply because I can't stand being around people, male or female, who act like that. I love my husband and children. I dress the way my husband likes me to dress, because he's the one paying the bills. I've never had fake nails, I don't consider shopping a sport, and I don't make impulse purchases. I prefer to think of myself as closer to the norm, and the awful people described in the article as simply a very loud majority. We're not all like that. And, oh, yes, I'm a feminist, and so is my husband. All good people wish for equality, rather than supremacy of one gender or another. We're all in this together, people. Why not make it a wonderful journey?

    1. Deb you are GREAT! Don't pay attention to this idiotic article. I am a Woman born in Eastern Europe, have traveled all over the world and decided to make America my home because Women here have strong spirits. I do wish more Women in US were lesbians, though. There is much more that needs to be done, prostitution must be urgently legalized. But all in all, this country is moving in the right direction. And to answer your question, male abominations DO NOT want equality, that is why we, Women need to take a huge dump on them and continue dumping our shit on them, until their miserable, idiotic brains get it.

    2. Oh my god look at this freak. Here we have an article talking about all the women that have sold their souls and then we have a woman who spills her heart out talking about how she feels she has done all she can for her man even though she is fat, and then this freak pops up and uses this as an opportunity to actually prove the article correct. A lesbian that wants to promote her man hating qualities, legalize prostitution, and tells other women to abuse men. Obviously she proves the point if the article but she also wants other women to do and act in a way that will make their lives worse. Ladies hopefully this proves it was the lesbos that put you in this situation in the first place.

    3. What is with these generalizations? Surely you must be educated to know that not all women, men, Americans, and lesbians are the same. What school system has failed you??

    4. @Jelena Dzopalic lol

    5. your school system obviously failed you too

  19. This post is sexist; it really robs the sense that the writer is a person of the world when they judge a nation of millions, a hot pot of culture, through the scope of one stereotype. There are good and bad people everywhere. I am sorry you must be so short sighted.

    1. Exactly my thoughts. How can a person so well versed in culture remain so ignorant? There is just no helping some people.

  20. I am a Black women, and find white women very insecure, making them difficult to talk with and befriend. This has more to do with the racial and cultural segregation and stratification of this society, in which she was placed on an undeserved pedestal to promote and maintain the myth of white supremacy. Yes, America has a history of Apartheid, which manufactured undeserved privilege which particularly benefited white women more than has ever been admitted.

    When I was growing-up, (in the 50’s and 60’s) my mother, grandmothers and elders all knew the superficiality of white women, of whom they either worked for, or suckled on their breast and raised. Their insecurities and jealousy toward women of color was legendary, and led to so much unnecessary grief, anguish, destruction and misery for them.

    Back then, Black women were a product of their own cultural heritage, which required them to carry themselves much more refined and dignified. It was taboo to puts ones business out in the “street,” and our mothers formed co-opts to help on another.

    Today, it is shocking to see how much of those values Black women have lost; and how many willingly surrendered them in the name of “assimilation.” The level of arrogance, selfishness, insincerity, disloyalty, cultural ignorance and superficiality would bring tears to their ancestors eyes.

    Most of what is called "American cuisines" were invented or mastered by Black women, who are the cooks in back in those days. She would pass this knowledge and skills down to her daughter's and sons. Today Black many women can’t cook and would rather gorge on cheap high fat and salt take-out.

    Many can’t dress with any sense of style as did their mothers; and most are horribly unashamedly over-weight, gaudy-tattooed-up and celebrate hood-rat-ratcheness. It is even worst to listen to a “black-white-girl,” meaning one who was raised in white dominated suburbs, and schools. She has been completely stripped of her cultural identity, to sound just as foolish, empty-headed, materialistic and shallow as her white female cohorts, who are not her “friends, as she imagines.”

    These "black-white-girls" work hard to maintain their de-africanized selves, because their self-hatred is so complete.

    I could go on. But, it is important to add a cultural element to this article, because there is a deeper history than most are either too ignorant or too shallow or too in denial to admit and accept. The American women," has many parts and many histories that are unique to their historical perspective and experience in this country. In the case of Black women, many have completely lost their way.

    1. I am always amazed at how many black people bitch about their African roots. If you were born here, you're American. Just like everyone else that was born here. My family didn't get here until the mid-1900's, but I'm not running around calling myself German. Just get over it already.

    2. Why is it always about race with black people?

    3. Spoiled is spoiled white black brown don't matter. I am very fortunate to have a good woman.. Don't care what race she is as long a she is intelligent caring not materialistic good at sex sweet and down to earth.

    4. Wow! You just described both my former black female boss to a T. The only thing you forgot to mention was the ridiculous blond dye job she did to her hair (I've never seen a hairstyle so ridiculously unattractive).

      After being conspired against in a department where I was the only man among five women, my position was eliminated. I went back to running my own business, working for myself, and deciding for myself which clients I would work with, and which I would reject. It's a pleasure working with people based on the "content of their character" and merit, rather than their gender and skin color.

  21. Of Course there a bits and pieces that ALL women in America have taken on. HOWEVER the only group of women that ALL of these things are true for is WHITE WOMEN. ITS THE TRUTH accept it or not.

  22. I'm American female, thin,honest,quiet,140 IQ,no tattoos, only date nice guys, don't care how much money they do or don't make, design clothes have impeccable taste, was voted best boss in three of my jobs, work for a non profit, let go of ego ( its a daily thing for any coconscious person ) , lean heavily toward side of logic( and men yes men are mentoring me on listening to my gut ) , have been called giving and generous by many, can bake everything from a 5layer gingerbread house to homemade chocolates , am anti materialistic, believe less is more, now hating men I would say no.. AND I can see how the author would generalize and see validity to some points.. but clearly they are filling their vortex with manifestations of the same historic patterns with women.. I like how all the points are laid out and also believe this opinion will and can do more good than harm.Oneness divine blessings.. may all beings be released from suffering may all beings know peace..may we each realize the more we know the less we know..Light!

    1. and I, and I, and I.....get over yourself

    2. I, I, I, me me me, that's your entire post, good job on being a narcissist.

    3. Good job on being pointless both of you. Waste of internet space.

    4. Miss, if you had a bowl of 1000 marbles and 5 of them were blue and 995 of them were red would you claim some type if victory for blue marbles? If someone said hey I have a bowl of red marbles would they not be pretty accurate? You wouldn't jump in and claim he was wrong because there were 5 blue ones in the 1000 marbles would you?

    5. I believe the reason she posted a comment about herself was to prove this author wrong. And then you go ahead and call her a narcissist. She was merely trying to provide an example in which the author failed to overlook: that American women are not complete screwups. Shocking. So, if the narcissistic route won't win misogynists over, please inform us of the proper route to take when discussing gender politics. Let's make this a fair discussion, shall we, men?

  23. Jeez Wu, why dontcha tell us how you really feel...

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This article is true. America is an evil place full of guns, crime, abortions, processed food and every evil known to man.

    It got rich off of african slaves and still to this day treats them like trash.

    Americans are mostly white supremistswhose job is to enslave all people of color - asians, blacks, africans, latinos, etc.

    What would America do if they couldn't kill, lynch, enslave and destroy the yellow, brown and black nations?

    American women are the devil and any righteous man would hate living in this hell hole where you cannot walk down the street without hearing devil music blasting or choking to death in cigarette smoke.

    American women are fat, ugly and old. They hate men and love using them and killing their offspring. The evil white women has become the "holy woman" which means every human female is worshiping evil.

    It's the land of cancer, crime and debt. Millions of people drugged up, drunk and in prison. Losing their lives to gun violence and racism.

    The rest of the world may lack money but America lacks everything because it's 17 trillion dollars in debt.

    Winston and Andy are truth speakers, and the evil masses cannot stand truth in this evil cesspool.

    1. TJ....You're an idiot. Minorities have more rights in this country than any white person. So get off your high horse. They complained and bitched so long, they got want they want...more rights then anyone else. When my kid can get a scholarship or I can get a loan simply because I'm black or Hispanic, then maybe you can come back and talk on the subject. Until then, shut your trap about the white people who take the brunt of nearly everything in this country.

      For all the others on this page. If you don't like America, no one is stopping you from moving out of the country. We could use less azzholes.

    2. VExec: Yep, keep on ranting about "poor white men" being discriminated against. White men already run everything, and they're still unhappy with everybody and everything. In 30 years (which will likely happen in my lifetime), white Americans will numerically be in the minority, and they already are in California. Maybe give it another 400 years, THEN white Americans can start complaining about discriminating because of their skin color...Provided that the USA hasn't started a nuclear holocaust yet.

    3. Yep, minorities have more rights. That's why colleges are predominantly white, right? That's why white cops are allowed to shoot black kids, right?

  26. There is another more disturbing 'trend' going on. Is every other woman over 50 gay or just wanting to experiment? [i am over 50] Let me explain, try not to laugh. I recently cut my hair rather short which makes me look dike-ish. The short cut was intentional, my hair was ruined by medication. Now, I am hit on or get in conversations that quickly turn to "i have nothing against gays" sort of thing. These are strait looking women. Maybe these are the ones that the author talks about. Now older and more confused...

    1. Two things. 1) Most women (in America) look down on men for reasons both real and imagined. 2) Most men (in America) have decided relationships are decidedly stacked against them.

      Conclusion: Women are looking to other women (and/or pets) to fulfill their need for companionship. However, based on what I've come across online and heard from female friends: I get the impression most American women also can't stand each other.

      Men are not available to women your age (for the most part). The ones that learned how to live in a harmonious relationship are settled. That leaves you with men who have given up (long ago) and therefore are not out looking and women who have been lonely for a long time and are finally realizing being strong and independent is not all it's cracked up to be.

      Men, from your age treated women like shit, but women reacted emotionally instead of rationally: strong and independent is not the opposite of of being taken advantage of. This thinking has led to disastrous results because these women have forced that thought into their children (both sons and daughters). The result is old lonely women who blame the world instead of themselves and younger generations of women demanding the world without doing anything to to earn or deserve it; and the men trying to please them at any cost. Now e live in a society where a majority of the women lay out all these lists (see all social media) of what a man should be, what he should have, how he should act, and what women should not put up with. The opposite is almost non-existent: what women should do, how they should act, etc...

      The following generation resulted in girls that have entitlement issues and boys who have checked out or become pickup artists: pump and dump" life style.

      Sorry- this is too long of a reply :) Keep in mind, I'm just one person with limited experiences and therefore just a random, somewhere narrow-minded (yet thought out) opinion.

  27. I am not an American women, but damn, you're just mean.

    1. the truth hurts shawna

    2. Well, it's more that the ignorance of the article stings my eyes...

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @ tabbyleigh1, this post is based on facts and observations, not perception. This is not fiction, it is reality. Still in disbelief? Read this:

  29. This article describes all the white women on pof match etc to a tee lmao-right on point wow-Ive heard and witnessed all the EXACT same stuff he describe here NO exaggerations.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I'm slender/athletic in build, know how to cook, am intelligent, have no tattoos, have a good attitude, have good fashion sense, have good morals, and embrace my femininity. I'm embarrassed to say that I am a United Statean because you're correct: Most United Statean woman are disgusting. I hate that they cut their hair short, fist fight each other, lie, cheat, steal, i.e. have low morals, are riddled in tattoos, dress in unflattering clothing, don't speak correct English, get drunk, smoke, etc. and think that women with class are stuck up. They don't realize that straight men want a partner who is a lady, not a dude.

  32. Read the comparison chart on boggling how accurate that is- scary true!

  33. This is so true. I once dated a very hot BraZilian man and most of my girlfriends made fun of him for wearing speedos. He didnt understand it. I used to be like those stipid biotches but he had an amazing body. I have no regrets. Dating him taught me that my culture really sucks. Too bad he couldnt stay longer because of his visa. I would have married him.

  34. Fuck the feminists and all the bitches in the workplace who act like they deserve special treatment. You are filthy fucking bitches.

    1. Fuck the misogynists, too. Stay at home, misogynists. Let's let capable women get the real work done.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Americunt women have no honor, accountability, integrity, respect or empathy - and this is their chosen downfall to use their vagina's which harbor, breed and spread disease to plow through life, never really getting it. Not all women, just 99.999%

  37. Mi piace le puttane Americane perque sono facile estremamente. Tanti baci puttane! Muuuaaah!

  38. this criticism is a necessity in our culture it is honestly. maybe my thin choices have made me insecure but i don't care anymore.

  39. Hello I am camgirl from Euro and since I do this job I am also on many forums about it. I have noticed that girls from USA are really arrogant and consider us (euro girls) as cheap sluts and dont understand why guys from USA wants us. I am never like this ,I judge person based on himself not on nationality. But I feel they thinnk money should be throw on them ,that they are most beautiful,sexy...even they are arrogant,not friendly and think that universe was made for them. I know that my job and this post is out of the topi but still i think it shows the attitude. of course I met some nice girls but ....when it comes to girls from USA, I really tried to like them but sometimes is hard.

  40. that's because men in the usa like fat women and lie to them about it telling them that their obesity is beautiful and curvy.
    black men and fat women of all colors shame thin girls here saying their ugly anorexic and so on just b/c their thin.
    so that's why so many American women are so gross their men like them like that. stuffed pigs gets them hot.
    ps. I am an American woman

    1. I like the comment. You are correct. A woman needs at least a little fat on her. ;-)

    2. black men of any type of status like Kardashian figure types thats not fat. black men, like any other man who dont have status will be with whales but thats any man.

    3. The black men white women culture started years ago when black men just wanted a white woman no matter what she looked like just for the status of getting a white woman. They were stuck with the ones that couldn't get a white man and that was because they were fat. Match made in heaven lol.

  41. You know what's funny, is how the white-knight and "superior" women are resorting to grade school insults, nawalt, and bullying tactics to claim how "wrong" the author is by, acting JUST like the women he describes..

    Yet if some feminist or simp wrote the SAME article about men, they'd be all going out of their way praising it

    Hypocrisy is fun isnt it lol

    1. I agree. The harpies go on the attack in a flash. Proves the blogger's point 100 percent!

    2. Nah. Real feminism is not that. Misandrists suck just as much as misogynists. It sucks that genders are always trying to hold each other back. I wish that humans were more intelligent. Instead, we always revert to our primal instinct to label and generalize. It's not useful in the 21st century.

  42. Loving the responses of the AW's. It's either false diplomacy or animal rage.

  43. It's definitely NOT a color issue. It's a CULTURAL one:

    "Why Didn’t You Marry an African-American Woman?

    The question should be why I didn’t marry an American woman. Let me tell you what I, as a man, need from a wife. You tell me where you can find that in America or any Western country.

    1. Stop nagging.
    Real talk: nagging is verbal and emotional abuse. American women’s idea of marriage is a lifetime self-improvement course where she’s the motivational speaker. ..."

  44. I think the severity of this depends on what part of the country you are in. If you're in a really liberal or "progressive" state then the average woman is probably going to be like this, although the thing about tattoos from head to foot sounds like hyperbole. If you live in a more conservative and religious area things won't be quite so extreme, but there will still be problems.

    If you're a fat Homer Simpson type of guy then you deserve the type of woman in this article, and have no grounds to expect something better. HOWEVER, if you're a more traditional conservative type of guy then there is a lot of noise involved in dating American women which is difficult to bear. On the one hand a lot of women are fat, but on the other hand, the more attractive they are the less developed they are as people, as if their looks cover all flaws.

    I dated 2 American women. One was mostly white, and the other was Asian. Both experiences were very painful for me. After the last breakup I approached many women, both on the internet and in my local area, and I kept running into women who liked to drink and party. I was an old school 1950's kind of guy, and a religious conservative who did not believe in sex before marriage. Due to the lack of options I was willing to pardon the fact that women my age had already lost their virginity to someone else, but I wasn't getting ready to accept a divorced woman or a woman with kids. This all made me very tired, so eventually I got online and started looking overseas for women.

    I married a woman from India, and things are pretty good between us. We both had a clear idea of what our roles are, and what the power relationship should be. I get good food every night, like eating out at a restaurant, and my wife also plays Call of Duty and Borderlands with me. Also neither of us have any STD's.

    So if you're an old school kind of guy, like Wally Cleaver or Andy Griffith, then you almost have to look overseas to find someone who is like you, even if they don't look very much like you on the outside. Not hating on anyone, just relaying my personal experiences.

    1. I agree. I am an old school kind of guy.

    2. I think it's interesting that Homer Simpson from the cartoon is married to an exceptionally strong, attractive, intelligent woman, Marge, who the above poster doesn't think he deserves. I think it's interesting that Peter Griffin from Family Guy, a fat, ignorant, childish slob, is married to an exceptionally strong, attractive, intelligent woman, Lois, who this poster probably also thinks he doesn't deserve. The real issue in these cartoons is the portrayal of Homer and Peter. It would lead you to believe all men are fat, ignorant, childish, selfish, self-absorbed, beer-drinking slobs. I could go on and name a dozen other TV shows and movies where the man is portrayed as a bumbling, ineffectual moron. THAT is the real shame. With such a bizarre denial of reality (because the reality is generally the polar opposite of what is portrayed) you have to really start to wonder WHY this sexist and degrading portrayal of men has become so popular that it's at the point where even men are convinced of its truthfulness. Very sad and frustrating for those of us men (and women) who find such a portrayal of our gender repulsive and sexist. I guarantee you that if women were portrayed in such a manner, there'd be backlash, boycotts, protests in the street, and a bill passed by Congress to censor such portrayals as being demeaning and sexist, but, for some reason, women find them amusing. Guess it's easier to laugh at someone else's foibles, rather than look at your own. In any case, I simply refuse purchase or watch such sexist trash.

    3. It goes the same way with women. All of these wives on tv shows are purposefully portrayed as sexy or desirable. No wonder so many young girls are unhappy with their bodies.

  45. Get real. I'm an American woman and not one of these things applies to me. I found your post circulating on Facebook accompanied by "look at this overgeneralized garbage some idiot wrote" comments.

    You need to be aware than when you write things that overgeneralizes an entire country, you are really saying more about yourself. You are letting others know just how extremely narrow-minded and hateful you are. Not to mention completely full of shit. This article comes off as a rant from someone who gets rejected a lot. Maybe that explains the ignorant, chauvinistic attitude. It's a really dangerous way of thinking.

    I mean would you really have us to believe that there aren't many bitchy or selfish women in Europe? Wow. I have traveled, too, and ran into some really unpleasant people. You know why? Because people everywhere are individuals and the majority aren't going to fall into your ridiculous categories.

    I almost think this was written by someone who has never visited America. Someone who got all their information from watching a reality TV show. Because for you to live here and have these opinions, you would have to live under a rock.

    If this article is not a joke, you have some major issues you need to work out with yourself.

    1. @Jiller and I quote:

      "This article comes off as a rant from someone who gets rejected a lot."

      Men-shaming tactic: Charge of Rationalization (Code Purple) – The Sour Grapes Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of explaining away his own failures and/or dissatisfaction by blaming women for his problems. Example:

      “You are just bitter because you can’t get laid.”

      Response: In this case, it must be asked if it really matters how one arrives at the truth. In other words, one may submit to the accuser, “What if the grapes really are sour?” At any rate, the Code Purple shaming tactic is an example of what is called “circumstantial ad hominem.”

      Jiller: "Maybe that explains the ignorant, chauvinistic attitude."

      Charge of Fanaticism (Code Brown) – The Brown Shirts Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of subscribing to an intolerant, extremist ideology or of being devoted to an ignorant viewpoint. Examples:

      “You’re one of those right-wing wackos.”
      “You’re an extremist”
      “You sound like the KKK.”
      “… more anti-feminist zaniness”

      Response: One should remember that the truth is not decided by the number of people subscribing to it. Whether or not certain ideas are “out of the mainstream” is besides the point. A correct conclusion is also not necessarily reached by embracing some middle ground between two opposing viewpoints (i.e., the logical fallacy of “False Compromise”).

      Jiller: "It's a really dangerous way of thinking."

      Men-shaming tactic: Charge of Endangerment (Code Orange) – The Elevated Threat Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of being a menace in some undefined manner. This charge may be coupled with some attempt to censor the target. Examples:

      “You guys are scary.”
      “You make me feel afraid.”

      Response: It may be constructive to point out that only bigots and tyrants are afraid of having the truth expressed to them. One may also ask why some women think they can handle leadership roles if they are so threatened by a man’s legitimate freedom of expression.

      Jiller: "I mean would you really have us to believe that there aren't many bitchy or selfish women in Europe?"

      Men-shaming tactic: Charge of Overgeneralization (Code Gray)

      Discussion: The target is accused of making generalizations or supporting unwarranted stereotypes about women. Examples:

      “I’m not like that!”
      “Stop generalizing!”
      “That’s a sexist stereotype!”

      Response: One may point out that feminists and many other women make generalizations about men. Quotations from feminists, for example, can be easily obtained to prove this point. Also, one should note that pointing to a trend is not the same as overgeneralizing. Although not all women may have a certain characteristic, a significant amount of them might.

      Jiller: "If this article is not a joke, you have some major issues you need to work out with yourself."

      Men-shaming tactic: Charge of Instability (Code White) – The White Padded Room Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of being emotionally or mentally unstable. Examples:

      “You’re unstable.”
      “You have issues.”
      “You need therapy.”

      Response: In response to this attack, one may point to peer-reviewed literature and then ask the accuser if the target’s mental and/or emotional condition can explain the existence of valid research on the matter.

      Nice going, Jiller. You hit nearly EVERY single men-shaming tactic in the book. Perhaps if you post some more sexist, insensitive, reactionary, illogical trash, we can review the ones you've missed.

      And WHO are YOU to determine whether ANYONE has "major issues" they need to work out? By whose standard? Your anecdotal, "one exception disproves the rule," "I don't like what you said, so I'm accusing you of being mentally ill" standard?

      And who are you to so flippantly deny this man's experience? Isn't that EXACTLY what feminists accuse MEN of doing?

    2. @Anon Amos,Now that is what I would call a "thoughtful" response,instead of some immature personal attack.

    3. Jiller you should be smart enough to realize that when someone generalizes, like saying American women, it is not a statement that means 100% of American women. Now you are an American woman which could explain why you don't understand that but I would figure most people understand this. It means most women. Obviously nothing is all encompassing. If you are the rare woman that doesn't fit in this category then congratulations on being in the 5% that doesn't. He is correct that most American women are like this and as you can see many other men are commenting here to verify that. I assure you I could get 99 out of 100 men to agree with this article within a few hours. Most men feel the same way the writer does and I have heard it from hundreds of them.

  46. I would take it a step further and say that Americans in general are fat, stupid, arrogant, morally corrupt, and emotionally unstable. The women are just the female side of the coin. Sadly, we Americans usually misunderstand the concept of freedom to mean "I have the right to be a fat, stupid, retard" AND I have the balls to back my irrational actions with aggression (including the passive type) if you disagree with me. Very few people actually try to explore their potential here. I've not been to every town here, but I've lived in 23 places in 4 of our states, including redneck towns, suburbs and major cities, and the state of affairs here is dire. From rich guy to hobo, everyone thinks they are the center of the universe.

    That said, humans in general are pretty lame. I hope reincarnation isn't real, because I can't stand living with all you other cavemen any more.

  47. I agree with you Andy. I cant stand American woman and that's why most of my lady friends are foreign. But geez wouldn't going gay or moving out if the country be easier than whining about all this? If anything youre just making the herd of angry pigs even angrier LOL.

  48. This makes me sad that so many people really think that about us. I can see some of this is true but not ALL the time. I'm nothing like any of this. I'm a genuinely sweet person. I'm from the south though, there's lots of friendly girls here. Not all of them but a lot. I'm not overweight either. I'm actually borderline underweight.

    1. WOW! Thanks for the link, Chasity. We're all so happy you're a shallow, hot, skinny blond. It might interest you to know that you're NOT my type in the least, I don't find you at all attractive, and I rather prefer darker, voluptuous, intelligent women who can make good conversation.

      Perhaps I should share my Facebook page, so everyone can see that being an intelligent, attractive, successful male who is FINALLY in a satisfying, loving relationship with a beautiful, overweight, kind, decent woman demonstrates all American men aren't Homer Simpson.

      It's really true. Women just DO NOT get it.

  49. Most American women are fat, that's for sure:)

  50. The best ever..
    Hats off !!!

  51. I'm woman from north-eastern Europe. I don't know much about American women but American men I know are same way as you described women. It's not that American men are perfect princes who deserves best princesses. You guys are exactly like your women. You are born from one of them, raised by one of them and been around them for all your life. It would be miracle if things you said about American women would not infect/affect men around them. Family and environment is what creates person.
    Those things you described can be seen everywhere, not just in USA, especially amongst newest generations for whom western lifestyle is trend. Women abroad for you seems better because you DON'T know them, but try to marry Russian woman as example. Most of them will create disappointment after wedding.
    Hopefully you will find your perfect woman and you wont need to spread your bitterness and hurt towards American women over internet. Sorry for my bad english.

    1. Its not being bitter when one expresses their opinion. As u can see, there are numerous guys who agree with his take on American women.

  52. American women ARE unapproachable. And I am referring to just for conversation. The author is 100% correct about this. Most women acclimatized to American culture are also very poor conversationalists and have poor social skills compared to women from other countries.

  53. I'm an African American woman who couldn't find love in the USA, so I went out and married a Danish man. So it goes both ways. :)

  54. Great post.

    Some of my opinions - I'm at first year university and I've noticed that all the American girls are more interested in hanging around with the jerks, rugby stars, drunk guys, etc. I find I'm a fairly intelligent guy and I occupy myself with more important academic matters. However, it is impossible for me to find a girl that is interested in topics such as science or history, meaning the dating life has been pretty bad lately. I know that soon enough these drunk party girls will evolve to gold diggers in their late 20's. They will chase after the man with the Lamborghini, or the mansion, just so they can use their money to spend on their lavish lifestyle. There is no 'love' between these types of couples. Of course, the gold digger will continually reassure that she is attracted to the guys personality, etc. She will then trick the guy into getting married, so he can continually supply her with her expensive purses and clothes. Unfortunately, these types of relationships are very weak. Getting a divorce can be very costly in this case, especially to the man. In a very high number of cases, the women gets most of the money and child custody. Despite all the work the man put into becoming successful, it is all soon disappears when he decides to marry an American girl.

    These reasons are primarily why I will stop searching in every corner for the one rare American girl that is not materialistic, self-entitled and unintelligent like the others. I think looking overseas is the best option for my future.


    1. If you think Europe is the place to find that one girl who's not materialistic, self-entitled, or unintelligent, then you're going to be in for a huge disappointment. Scandinavian men are looking to Asia for wives because their "own" women are exactly those things that you seem to hate in American women. Ethnic Swedish women in particular are by far the the most insecure people on the planet - and yet a lot of these same women think that their version of feminism should be applied to that same woman from Riyadh to Sierra Leone to Beijing. And Eastern European women can be just as materialistic as the next girl: Caoline Wozniacki is an ethnic Polish young woman, but she was born and raised in Denmark, and her behavior is not that distinguishable from any ethinc Dane.

      But it seems to me that a lot of American men seem have contradictory standards in what they want in a partner, and it's probably why a lot of them end up getting divorced when they think they've found the "right" one. But I can assure you that the Latina from Peru or that Ph.D. student from Malaysia is not going to just throw away their own standards because their potential boyfriend is from the USA.

  55. I agree with the original poster, Andy. I have seen most of those characteristics in American woman that Andy has noticed. That is why I've looked and found my soulmate elsewhere. I was born in Eastern Europe and came here at a very young age. After living here most of my life, I've found that I cannot stand most American women. Thank god I decided to look elsewhere. My soulmate is from the same Eastern European country that I came from. I am very happy I chose to look elsewhere. I'm grateful to live in America due to opportunities to live a comfortable life, but the women...that's another story.

    1. And I have to reiterate that I'm talking about MOST American women. There are some out there who do not have those characteristics. The problem is they are hard to find.

    2. No American women can stand ur towel-head asses either.

    3. No American women can stand ur towel-head asses either.

    4. Melissa Chavez says:

      "No American women can stand ur towel-head asses either."

      WTF?! "towel-headed asses"? Is that a bigoted, racist comment on Muslims, Arabs, or Sikhs?

      Toshe clearly states "I was born in Eastern Europe and came here at a very young age... My soulmate is from the same Eastern European country that I came from."

      Why does "Toshe Ignatovski" sound like a Muslim or Arab name to you? Because you're stupid and ignorant? And why does the phrase "Eastern European country" immediately conjure up a person from a nation of "towel-headed asses", somewhere in the Middle East, rather than, oh, let's take a wild guess... Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia, Macedonia, Armenia, or Ukraine, perhaps?

      Lady (and I use that term loosely), you are a prime example of why Andy is disgusted with white American women. Because you are contemptible and worthy of disgust. You really are a dumb, stupid, narcissistic, misandrist, racist bitch. And all you had to do to prove it was... open your fat mouth.

      Give the bitch enough rope, and she'll hang herself. Q.E.D.

    5. That "lady" is a prime example of what this post is aiming at. She has mental issues. Sure hope no poor guy is involved with her.

    6. @Anon Amos,Damn you just hit her with the "sawed off"!

    7. @Anon Amos,Damn you just hit her wit da "sawed off"!

  56. As a Belizean American, I couldn't agree with Andy more. These females are the worst. I use to just think it was just the African American variety. However, as a result of this hip hop culture, they are all pretty much the same. Its sad and abt 80 percent of them dont even have a passport. If ur passport has less ink than unused printing paper, no dice nada. Smh

  57. I agree totally with the author. American women suck. They are pushy, bossy, arrogant, spoiled, selfish and too damn masculine. But, that's what the Government wants them to be. The purpose of liberal, feminist, homo-erotic values IS to undermine masculinity and manhood. I don't trust this government no more than I trust these bitches. They're mean as hell on this college campus, where I attend school. It's an all-black school, so not only do I deal with feminist bullshit, but it's got this noble black sheen to it, which highlights the excessive bullying that has become femininity. We need for women to be molded back into there original selves. American women need to cook, raise kids, fuck their husbands AND defer to men like they were meant to.

    1. You mention women and homo erotica. I was stunned to learn that a heterosexual woman in my community is authoring gay pornographic stories. She has skated toward illegal publications and now police are monitoring her activity. What in the heck is that all about? First time I called a female manager a bully (she forced a coworker to retire), all hell broke loose and my annual appraisal was lowered. I threatened and EEO lawsuit and she backed off.

  58. As an American woman I find this extremely false. You repulse me for even thinking that. You are probably just some stuck-up person who has never been to America and just reads shit about America online because that is the kind of prick you are. If you ever meet a normal American woman, you would see that they are not fat, they are very reasonable, and they could hold a intellectual conversation far longer than you could comprehend.

    1. Rude woman. No one wants to discuss anything with you. Oh...and what he writes is very true and I am an American male who dodges American women or rips into them if they persist. American men are quiet in their rejection of abuse by women. They just aren't marrying American women and are finding alternatives. Your sisterhood csn be private all women now and no men to rail against.

  59. As an American woman I find this extremely false. You repulse me for even thinking that. You are probably just some stuck-up person who has never been to America and just reads shit about America online because that is the kind of prick you are. If you ever meet a normal American woman, you would see that they are not fat, they are very reasonable, and they could hold a intellectual conversation far longer than you could comprehend.

    1. Where are you getting your info? 64% of American women are overweight. Overweight is fat. 38% are obese which is really fat. 8% are considered extremely obese which means can't walk on their own. 8% should be the overweight number not 64%. So you say a normal American woman isn't fat? You mean a rare hard to find American woman isn't fat.

  60. I notice most of the women replying to this article are proving the writer's point completely.

    No solutions, no ideas, no suggestions - just the usual finger wagging, deflecting and blaming. Good job on digging that hole all the way to China, ladies.

  61. Andy, U are obviously from outside the U.S....and u probably hate the U.S. and are racist and envious of Americans. I am a white American woman and I am none of these things, I think ur just mad because no white American woman would ever want you, and as far as us all being "fat" ...according to statistics whites are third in line when it comes to obesity rates: blacks have the highest obesity rates, second are Hispanics, third are whites, and last in line are Asians, and the same order goes for STD's. White and Asian women tend to exercise more and eat healthier than their black and Hispanic counterparts. U are very immature, ignorant, and stupid. When I first started reading this article, I thought u were talking about Mexican women, as Mexico holds the number 1 spot in the mist obese country in the world, the U.S. is second and Europe is not that far behind either.

    1. A feminista on the attack. You are the point of this post. Make it easy on yourself and leave men alone and foster your relationships with other feministas.

    2. How are you a white woman with the last name Chavez lol

  62. It's funny how American women think if you don't like them you cannot get them. It's truly sad what they've become. I'm wealthy now and thankfully for me I don't have to be around them anymore. They will never understand what scum they are it's not use trying to explain it to them, they are a destroyed people thanks to the Jew culture and Feminism and it's not something they have the brainpower to understand. The only thing left is for those men who have the money to escape the sinking ship to escape, and leave the homos, lesbians, thugs, and Jews to themselves......

  63. I think both things are true: 1) Women in the US have (generally) become undesirable in many ways, and 2) It's only one part of a broader US problem. I've traveled for years, and have had girlfriends of many races and cultures: Anglo-American, Portuguese-American, Cuban-American, Kenyan, Korean-American, Trinidadian-Canadian, and now that I live in Mexico, Mexican. I'd say that fully American (US) woman, while certainly not in the percentages suggested in this article, do have a higher probability of being entitled, shit-don't-stink, get-on-your-knees-and-worship-me bitches. To the degree that immigrant or second-generation immigrant women identify with their previous cultures this probability is lessened. And the non-American (US) women I've known are much less likely to be such.

    But I'd say the broader problem has been the growth of identity politics. The moment groups who feel underprivileged step forward to address their alienation, a movement occurs. Mostly (but not always) they have legitimate reasons, but as their movement grows and gains power, it very often overshoots its original intentions and becomes a nasty, ferocious beast. A type of "religion" forms around this movement, and when people associate only (or primarily) with those of like mind, they convince themselves they're correct about everything. By virtue of their "alienation," they now believe they have license to shout down their detractors--not with logic or reason--but instead with emotional accusations. Often the very things they claim to be angry about are things they now embrace themselves, and they reason it's acceptable due to their claimed disadvantage. "Okay for me, but not for thee!"

    This is not limited to sex, race or national culture. It can be almost anything. I first came to understand it by paying attention to labor unions. I myself was born into the 3rd generation of a religious cult, so I get how people (and that includes me) allow group identities, deception and self-deception to bring them into false reasoning.

    Was it right that women couldn't vote? Of course not. Am I glad that women now have opportunities they mostly didn't have 50 years ago? I am. Has the "Man Bad/Woman Good" religion been a healthy thing? No. No it has not.

    But I have to say that, as true as this is, I think today many women understand this "religion" and stand up against it quite often--and this includes American women. True, it's hard to stand up, since your fellow identity politicians will try to knock you down. But many women do anyway. Here in Mexico, even well-educated and independent women simply CRINGE at what they call American "feministas." While they certainly believe in equal rights for women, they see the US extremist form as having become an ugly attempt to destroy men and transform into some kind of FemMutant--to their own detriment.

    Me? I want everybody, female or male, to live and believe however they want. But if they think any movement can continue to use force, manipulation and shaming forever--without it biting them in the ass--they're unreasonable and destined (soon or later) to have a rude awakening.

    1. A very thoughtful reply that adds much to the conversation; thank you. I read in the comments of another article the following concept [summarized]: feminists are now a silent majority while feminazis are a very loud majority. After the feminist agenda reached a certain level of success, a lot of them (as is natural) dropped it as something they are focused on and moved on to something more important as they were content with the results. However, this left a void. Because the movement was needed and valid, it had a lot of power. That void was then filled by the more extreme feminists who wanted more - way more! They used the power of the legit movement to push their own, more ridiculous, agenda. And because it was associated with a good/positive movement, it was hard, maybe even impossible to stop.

      So part of the problem is the silent majority being satisfied and not all that interested (yet) in stepping up to say "enough is enough, some of you are pushing this to an unhealthy level".

      That unhealthy level is causing a huge disconnect between the 2 sexes in this country; if not down right hate on both sides. The small difference is: the women hate all men whereas the mean hate only American women. The men are happy to go overseas and leave those women to their fate.

      The women, on the other hand, emotionally call men who go over seas losers instead of stopping to think about it all; and maybe owning up to a little of the responsibility. The result is ignorance... delaying the truth- these men are not going over seas because they can't be with American women, and they are not doing it because women over seas are weak and easy to take advantage of (quite the opposite in fact). They are doing it because they don't want American women- that loud majority has created a legal system that at first balanced out rights for both sexes, but then went too far and ended up creating a situation where marriage is no longer valid in a cost versus reward evaluation to most men.

      Not to mention all of the personality issues described all over this article and subsequent comments.

  64. You nailed this right on! American women have become unemotional exception to react negatively toward men. Clinton, Pelosi, Mahoney, Boxer are idols. As bosses they denigrate and disrespect men and discriminate against them and promote females only. American women use men as a source of power or money in a marriage. American men are wising up and remaining unmarried since having an American wife is more of a debit than an asset. What man wants to have a live in critic? My naive nephew married a hard nosed Brunhilde. A few weeks after he married her he found an email she sent to her female friend stating she didn't care for him and preferred another man. She alluded to the fact that my nephew was a penis and a wallet. Men now find Asian women much better companions. As American women hit their 50s and are unmarried or 9 times out of 10 divorced, they get a few cats, embrace a vocal feminist demeanor and do yoga. An acquaintance is in his early 50s and just getting back into dating. He fell for this woman and she wanted to spend evenings when he visited snuggling with her cat. He was dumbfounded.

  65. are funny. And yes the women who replied here are proving the bloggers point. They are on the attack. Who in their right mind would engage women like this? Plus they are lesbian one day and straight the next but with a feminista attitude.

  66. Wow! And the over 50s that one woman posted here with the dyke haircut and drab clothes is solo true! I live in a community with many. Both lesbians and straight women look the same. Shaved or shaved sides, red and blue streaks, radical vegans. They all look like Winston Churchill.

  67. The author makes a valid point and I can definitely relate to his observations. For a black male originally born in the Caribbean, I am no doubt grateful for the opportunities this country created for my parents, siblings and for myself. BUT, in a deeper context of the poor quality of women in this country, I seriously believe the country’s historical treatment of men of African descent has a lot to do with where it is today, and has been the ultimate trigger for the backlash of mistreatment of decent, quality, non-white males in general. I’m not saying that all white males have it easy here, but the vast majority of them live in a very, secluded and shielded environment and the poor quality of women here affect them only on a miniscule level.
    I mean seriously, where else in the world have you heard of a young black boy being lynched for simply whistling to white woman? Really? What the fuck was she plated in? Gold? The first time I read about Emit Till, I cried like a fucking baby in my dorm room. From a lynching perspective, and all the other crazy shit this country had put in place and manufactured was enough evidence that the Black male would become a boxing bag and the institutionalized standard for “the American man who was not respect worthy” - of any type of woman – for white and later for or non-white females as well. I believe that over time, the average American woman (in all colors) cultivated this standard, and she effectively learned how to apply it not only as a defensive tactic to keep the black male psychologically controlled and relationship starved, but also to later create a barrier that would prevent peaceful and social interaction to exist with other ethnic groups of non-white men as well.
    I also find it interesting when comments such as “Why don’t you date black women?” pop up. My answer is: I actually do, but the type of black woman I date - I require to be 100% foreign-born and raised in another country. Sadly, from experience, I’ve also learned that all it takes for decent foreign women to become corrupt and get big-headed in this fake American society… was only a trip to a local Starbucks, a walk through Times Square or a walk down Wall and Broad Streets in NYC. That’s really it!
    I am in no means bitter, and I highly respect the U.S. because I think this country has accomplished a lot. But at the same time, I’m not going to fool myself and think for a second that the US’s lousy quality of sub-par women is in my advantage will somehow turn into good quality, feminine women.
    I have been planning my exit out of the U.S. permanently, and yes, I understand every country has good and evil women. America, however, takes the fucking cake. But just WOW!!!, just Wow!!! In addition to the color factor I’ve had deal with in this country, the weird moments of social interaction I’ve experience with most American women is something out of the ordinary that will backfire soon, above my intellectual capacity to understand, more powerful, more evil and more hateful than many other things I’ve dealt with.

  68. The author makes a valid point and I can definitely relate to his observations. For a black male originally born in the Caribbean, I am no doubt grateful for the opportunities this country created for my parents, siblings and for myself. BUT, in a deeper context of the poor quality of women in this country, I seriously believe the country’s historical treatment of men of African descent has a lot to do with where it is today, and has been the ultimate trigger for the backlash of mistreatment of decent, quality, non-white males in general. I’m not saying that all white males have it easy here, but the vast majority of them live in a very, secluded and shielded environment and the poor quality of women here affect them only on a miniscule level.
    I mean seriously, where else in the world have you heard of a young black boy being lynched for simply whistling to white woman? Really? What the fuck was she plated in? Gold? The first time I read about Emit Till, I cried like a fucking baby in my dorm room. From a lynching perspective, and all the other crazy shit this country had put in place and manufactured was enough evidence that the Black male would become a boxing bag and the institutionalized standard for “the American man who was not respect worthy” - of any type of woman – for white and later for or non-white females as well. I believe that over time, the average American woman (in all colors) cultivated this standard, and she effectively learned how to apply it not only as a defensive tactic to keep the black male psychologically controlled and relationship starved, but also to later create a barrier that would prevent peaceful and social interaction to exist with other ethnic groups of non-white men as well.
    I also find it interesting when comments such as “Why don’t you date black women?” pop up. My answer is: I actually do, but the type of black woman I date - I require to be 100% foreign-born and raised in another country. Sadly, from experience, I’ve also learned that all it takes for decent foreign women to become corrupt and get big-headed in this fake American society… was only a trip to a local Starbucks, a walk through Times Square or a walk down Wall and Broad Streets in NYC. That’s really it!
    I am in no means bitter, and I highly respect the U.S. because I think this country has accomplished a lot. But at the same time, I’m not going to fool myself and think for a second that the US’s lousy quality of sub-par women is in my advantage will somehow turn into good quality, feminine women.
    I have been planning my exit out of the U.S. permanently, and yes, I understand every country has good and evil women. America, however, takes the fucking cake. But just WOW!!!, just Wow!!! In addition to the color factor I’ve had deal with in this country, the weird moments of social interaction I’ve experience with most American women is something out of the ordinary that will backfire soon, above my intellectual capacity to understand, more powerful, more evil and more hateful than many other things I’ve dealt with.

  69. The author makes a valid point and I can definitely relate to his observations. For a black male originally born in the Caribbean, I am no doubt grateful for the opportunities this country created for my parents, siblings and for myself. BUT, in a deeper context of the poor quality of women in this country, I seriously believe the country’s historical treatment of men of African descent has a lot to do with where it is today, and has been the ultimate trigger for the backlash of mistreatment of decent, quality, non-white males in general. I’m not saying that all white males have it easy here, but the vast majority of them live in a very, secluded and shielded environment and the poor quality of women here affect them only on a miniscule level.
    I mean seriously, where else in the world have you heard of a young black boy being lynched for simply whistling to white woman? Really? What the fuck was she plated in? Gold? The first time I read about Emit Till, I cried like a fucking baby in my dorm room. From a lynching perspective, and all the other crazy shit this country had put in place and manufactured was enough evidence that the Black male would become a boxing bag and the institutionalized standard for “the American man who was not respect worthy” - of any type of woman – for white and later for or non-white females as well. I believe that over time, the average American woman (in all colors) cultivated this standard, and she effectively learned how to apply it not only as a defensive tactic to keep the black male psychologically controlled and relationship starved, but also to later create a barrier that would prevent peaceful and social interaction to exist with other ethnic groups of non-white men as well.
    I also find it interesting when comments such as “Why don’t you date black women?” pop up. My answer is: I actually do, but the type of black woman I date - I require to be 100% foreign-born and raised in another country. Sadly, from experience, I’ve also learned that all it takes for decent foreign women to become corrupt and get big-headed in this fake American society… was only a trip to a local Starbucks, a walk through Times Square or a walk down Wall and Broad Streets in NYC. That’s really it!
    I am in no means bitter, and I highly respect the U.S. because I think this country has accomplished a lot. But at the same time, I’m not going to fool myself and think for a second that the US’s lousy quality of sub-par women is in my advantage will somehow turn into good quality, feminine women.
    I have been planning my exit out of the U.S. permanently, and yes, I understand every country has good and evil women. America, however, takes the fucking cake. But just WOW!!!, just Wow!!! In addition to the color factor I’ve had deal with in this country, the weird moments of social interaction I’ve experience with most American women is something out of the ordinary that will backfire soon, above my intellectual capacity to understand, more powerful, more evil and more hateful than many other things I’ve dealt with.

  70. i would like to give my opinion too.
    well, the truth is not only in america women are like this.
    i live in brazil, and let me tell you this: i hate this fucking shit hole country.
    everything here is a intentionally unsuccessful and bizarre copy of united states.
    women here behave like queens without any merit.
    they are immature, arrogant, and intolerable.
    they always love to say that they are the best, they don´t need men, they are superior, but when things get really bad for her, they seek help of men.
    is sad, but women are coward. they can´t take the heat, they cry, they blame everyone for their disgrace, when in reality the blame is all hers.
    they don´t need men, but they will suck their money until the end.
    hypocrites, shameless.
    but, want to know a thing? is men´s fault.
    they are responsible for this.
    to fuck a stink cunt, they will do anything for a woman.
    i know many men that are like a dogs. they will sell their soul for a night with a vagina.
    simply disgusting.

    i could make a big list of things i´ve seen. but for now, this is enough.
    in the end i learned something, women and men are fucking retarded.

    and as man, i will stay away from them.

  71. For all the people that said this is an American white woman thing you are obviously white and only date white women. It truly us an American thing period, no matter the color or race. I am a white gentleman who started dating black women exclusively because if white women being bitches and I can tell you that black women have gotten almost as bad. It is really an American thing but it stems from our Anglo Saxon heritage. That is why you see this problem in America and Western Europe mostly. In most of the world men were men and women were women. However for some reason in more modern industrialized nations men started putting women in a pedestal. You can't do that without very negative consequences. Maybe it was because of the Queen thing in England but it has captivated Western Europe and America along with some areas of South America like Brazil. Eastern European women are phenomenal and areas that have not been Americanized have some great women as well like Africa, the Middle East, and most areas in Asia.

  72. The average American woman now weighs 166 lbs, the same as the average 1960's man! See the Washington Post article below:

    1. So true! And the fact that up until the last century, in the whole of history, women who weighed at least 160 (despite how tall she was) was considered feminine and attractive means nothing!! Men don't want that anymore!! don't women get it??? Men want boys!!! Oh god. I dream of a boys body. I'm quite slim but I don't yet have that masculine boys body yet. But I will!! Keep up the good work here!!!

  73. I am humbled and have never learned so much at any one time from a post such as this. After reading this blog and comments, I can surely see where my problem with women has been - it wasn't me after all.

    It is this dysfunctional society of the US culture of consumerism and pop culture, which has molded the kind of people we are living among, especially the sort of said women who are plaguing this American society. I can also say that this disease isn't only limited majority of white American women. You have assortment of low self esteemed wannabes of all races/colors who have thought they can mask everything with good physique and makeup - talk about being fake.

    The worse is yet to be seen and experienced when one comes across an Asian-American or Asian-European woman - I've encountered one from France. Once your gut tells you they have this womeny-higher-than-thou attitude, run. Run for your life because if they band together and plot against you, you're finished. I've had two psychotic women as roommates...yes what the hell was I thinking. I can swear and say they wanted something between a slave to an ass-kisser, which I have no time for. I also agree to one post someone mentioned of you pass some of their test, THEY BECOME MORE ANGRY!! It's insane and something I will never understand.

    Any women who have a lack of capacity for humility and intelligence should altogether be discounted from becoming a part of your life that you deserve. LOOK ABROAD. START NOW and let them drown in their own crap.

  74. This is the United States of America.... This is the big leagues.... We don't play JV ball here. What this author misses is that American women are tough. A breed apart...The United States of America is a tough place... What's your point??? Number 11 is this guy's problem.... He wanted something he couldn't have and didn't know how to get it...

  75. MY Two cents,
    The article is not 100 percent accurate. But it does reveal many truths. American Women have lost their femininity, Just travel abroad anywhere in the world, and then come back to America and the average man will look at them differently. Feminism has done more damage than good. Some of you may know of the popular television show Sex in the city. Many American girls watched it and aspired to be materialistic, vapid, and self centered. The minds have been corrupt for far too long due to the 80's to 90's trash culture.

    Due to McDonalds and Burger King, KFC, ETC their bodies have turned to crap.

    I just came back from the Dominican Republic. The women out their put American women for the most part to shame. A piss poor country but the women look far more healthier and appealing that the over weight women strolling the streets of New York City.

    I do agree the article has a very disrespectful tone. But the reality is Men are starting to look elsewhere, more and more of them are starting to realize, they are more attractive, women with better personalities outside of the United States.

  76. MY Two cents,
    The article is not 100 percent accurate. But it does reveal many truths. American Women have lost their femininity, Just travel abroad anywhere in the world, and then come back to America and the average man will look at them differently. Feminism has done more damage than good. Some of you may know of the popular television show Sex in the city. Many American girls watched it and aspired to be materialistic, vapid, and self centered. The minds have been corrupt for far too long due to the 80's to 90's trash culture.

    Due to McDonalds and Burger King, KFC, ETC their bodies have turned to crap.

    I just came back from the Dominican Republic. The women out their put American women for the most part to shame. A piss poor country but the women look far more healthier and appealing that the over weight women strolling the streets of New York City.

    I do agree the article has a very disrespectful tone. But the reality is Men are starting to look elsewhere, more and more of them are starting to realize, they are more attractive, women with better personalities outside of the United States.

  77. MY Two cents,
    The article is not 100 percent accurate. But it does reveal many truths. American Women have lost their femininity, Just travel abroad anywhere in the world, and then come back to America and the average man will look at them differently. Feminism has done more damage than good. Some of you may know of the popular television show Sex in the city. Many American girls watched it and aspired to be materialistic, vapid, and self centered. The minds have been corrupt for far too long due to the 80's to 90's trash culture.

    Due to McDonalds and Burger King, KFC, ETC their bodies have turned to crap.

    I just came back from the Dominican Republic. The women out their put American women for the most part to shame. A piss poor country but the women look far more healthier and appealing that the over weight women strolling the streets of New York City.

    I do agree the article has a very disrespectful tone. But the reality is Men are starting to look elsewhere, more and more of them are starting to realize, they are more attractive, women with better personalities outside of the United States.

  78. I skimmed through the article after the first few topics but from what I saw this seems really accurate of American women. Not only white women either. Any woman who is fully Americanized probably fits this mold pretty well. I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that a growing number of American women are completely indiscriminate about who they have children with and thus end up single mothers who still seem to think their *ish* don't stink. Ugh. I'm fed up and honestly over trying to entertain and take these little greedy gremlins serious. Gross. I feel sorry for the guys who decided to marry one of these beasts and is now a slave to her and her irrational and entitled mentality. Hope you signed a prenup dude.

  79. The author is a liar or exaggerating to prove his point...which seems to be that he is upset...which is not much of a point at all!

    I am on multiple dating websites, attend college, live in a fairly small city in the US, and have lived in various states.

    I see all sizes of women, from many ethnicities, of all ages, in public and online.

    Men have become such have some women. But on the whole...I actually see men acting more like complete dominating losers.

    I am sick of the whole pathetic attempt of the PUA and RedPill frauds.

    Women and men are equally retarded and lost.

    It has nothing to do with culture or race and everything to do with epigenetics.

  80. Yes this is very true. They are f'cked up. I've ben speaking with girls from many parts of the world, mexico and south america being nicest, asians very kind too, eastern european are gold diggers sadly as they watch too many hollywood movies and take over those sick attitudes. There seem to be equality in america but it's all fake, if you want real equality I guess you have to go to scandinavia I heard that's where it really works as women there don't expect men to chase them and will make move themselves and don't expect men to pay for date in french restaurant. I think american women are just spoiled bitches, have to say europe seems same as they are very stuck up but at least not as fat lol

  81. I am a male and somewhere in my 20s I became very bitter and would recite such opinions contained in this article. It got me ill tempered and it didn't help me find a relationship or get laid. I even missed out on chances that could have been more. Now in my mid thirties, life is getting back on track because of taking accountability for my short comings/failures while searching for solutions and or taking action for positive change. I stay single by choice, I get laid, and when I finish my masters I'll be gettin paid. Less talking more action...and yes, I have run into assholes, just can't let it stop you.

  82. i'm from an Arabic country and I've read the article and all the comments and it was pretty funny and entertaining lol!

  83. I'm from an Arabic country I've read the article and all the comments and it was pretty funny and entertaining lol!

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. No I agree. All these American men on here know first hand it is all true. all these men on here just have to look at their disgusting pieces of shit Mothers and Grandmothers and daughters (whom they should have aborted) to know they were born from degenerate women. While most of the rest of the men in the world can have pride and dignity in their ancestors, American men must come to terms with the fact they all come from pathetic whore females. . it's just a fact. They will always carry the stain of coming from a woman who is less than all other women in the world. I feel bad for them. Even if they marry a foreign woman their daughters will be half American and always be at least 'half' pathetic pieces of shit not worth life.

  86. Niggers and their less than human female counterparts are as relevant in this conversation as beastiality. Non whites have no place in this thread, this country or this world # final solution # disgusting monkeys

  87. So many shallow self absorbed women. Getting tired of dealing with it. Everybody wants to take seflies watch the kardashians and flowers every other week. All the good girls get grabbed by the time 30 comes around the meaningful dating pool shrinks with the characteristics listed above. Only ones focused on their career remain but meeting them outside of work is difficult.


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