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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

12 Reasons Not To Get A Dog: Why They're Not Worth The Trouble

I don't understand something. Why do people, especially white Americans, need to have pets in their home, especially dogs? They are so much trouble, burden and responsibility, yet provide no practical value or benefit. So why do so many people seem to need them? Why are they so common? Why do so many people get them without thinking or weighing the pros and cons? As we all know, dogs are an icon of the typical American family home. This is exemplified in TV shows too, where every ideal American family has at least one family dog.

Now don't get me wrong. I love animals too. I'm a vegetarian after all. But that doesn't mean I want one sharing my living space, especially my bed. That's weird. I don't feel that animals and humans are meant to live together under the same roof. Animals are for watching in a zoo or in the wild, not for sharing your living space. Come on now. Isn't it kind of strange to have an animal running freely in your home, which could potentially harm you or others in your home (even if by accident), cause damage to your furniture and carpet, and also make you do more house cleaning as well? That's crazy.

So why do people get dogs as if they were some normal thing that everyone gets? Weird. People don't make sense! Americans don't seem to mind all the trouble and are addicted to pets, as if they need them for some reason. But in Asia, people aren't as big on pets, and if they have them, they usually keep them outside, because their standards of cleanliness in the house are very high.

Here is a list of factual drawbacks to getting a dog, which are valid reasons NOT to get them: (apologies to any dog lovers here)

  1. You constantly have to buy food for it, so there's an added cost to your budget. Though dog food is cheap, if you want your dog to eat well, you have to pay more for fresh food, even in a can.
  2. The veterinarian bills must be expensive. Also if your dog gets sick, it's an emotional burden on you as well.
  3. If the dog poops or pees on your floor, you have to clean up after it. Stains in your carpet and furniture will be common. Americans don't seem to mind this, but Asian families will not tolerate this at all.
  4. Pets in the house result in fur everywhere, on the carpet, furniture and even bed. Ick. How do Americans tolerate this? Every Asian I know can't stand that and are clean freaks.
  5. Dogs are very needy and dependent and need constant love and attention. They could emotionally drain you. Cats are easier and less trouble and not as needy.
  6. A dog usually wants to share your bed, which means there is less room in it for you (and your partner) in it. Also, if you come to bed later than your partner does, the dog may already be lying in your space, so that you can't even snuggle next to your partner. And it also means that its fur and smell will get on your bed too. How come Americans don't mind that? Asians would never think to let that happen.
  7. If you are with a woman and her dog is there, and you hug her or kiss her, her dog may think you are attacking her and bite you or attack you, or do it out of jealously. Would you want that? Geez. Why the unnecessary trouble? That's so stupid! Who would want that?! Also, if you are having sex or making out in your bed, and the dog is there, it will get aroused and make noise and try to join in the action by humping one of you. That's very distracting if you are trying to make love or have sex. Why wouldn't you want that? That's crazy.
  8. A dog jumping up on you or into your lap puts you and any others around at risk for injury or bruises. This is especially the case if you have babies and toddlers around, who are more fragile. A cat with claws may accidentally scratch you, and there's also the risk that its claws could hit your face or eyes too. A cat will also scratch at furniture. Even the Garfield cartoon portrays this.
  9. A dog is noisy and barks a lot, sometimes for no reason or for things you can't see. If you are a writer or artist and sensitive to sound, this will not be good for you. It will be very distracting to your deep train of thought.
  10. Dogs can also be hostile to your guests and neighbors, and frighten children. Little kids or young females who visit are easily frightened by hostile animals or barking dogs. Why would you want to do that to them?! Geez. Why would you want a hostile dog barking at your guests? That's not good. So why put up with that, especially when there's no benefit in it? It doesn't make sense! People don't make sense!
  11. When your pet passes away, you will suffer emotionally and endure grief and sadness. Why would you want to go through that? Why create unnecessary attachments that will result in sorrow? Why is that necessary?
  12. Dogs and pets tie you down and obstruct a lifestyle of traveling. When you go away on vacation, you gotta worry about who's going to feed your pet and watch over it. So you gotta burden someone with the trouble, or else you have to put it in one of those pet kennels where someone babysits your pet along with many others. Such places put your pet at risk for catching diseases from the other pets there too. So if you want to be free with less burden/attachments, not more, then obviously pets aren't for you. Being responsible for a pet means LESS freedom. But even if you travel with a dog, most restaurants, stores, hotels and indoor public places will NOT allow you to take it in. But if you leave your dog in the car, even with the window down, the summer heat can be deadly to it, so you can't do that if it's too hot. This puts you between a rock and a hard place. The only restaurants you can eat at are the ones that have outdoor seating. Stores don't allow dogs, unless they are zipped up in a dog stroller. And national parks also do not allow them on trails, only on overlooks. So bringing a dog with you on your travels causes many inconveniences and obstructions. In addition, pet experts will tell you that dogs do not like travel, but prefer stable environments. So constant travel would not be good for a dog psychologically.

So with 12 factual drawbacks to getting a dog, and no tangible benefit or gain, why are they so common then? It's so weird and illogical. Something tells me that the reasons must be mostly emotional, not logical.

Besides, isn't it kind of strange to have an animal running freely in your home, which could potentially harm you or others in your home (even if by accident), cause damage to your furniture and carpet, and also make you do more house cleaning as well? That's crazy. So why are they so common? Why do so many people get a dog like it's some normal thing to do without thinking or weighing the pros and cons?

I mean, if you need something to love you back, why don't you get it from humans, your kids, friends or lovers? Why a pet? If you are lonely, you can call your friend or Skype with them. Or find a new penpal or chatmate online. Or go out and make new friends. Why do you need a pet and put up with all the many drawbacks above? A pet can't hold intelligent meaningful conversations with you either.

If you need security in your home, you can get a strong lock on your door, or install a security system, or get a gun or tazer. You don't need a dog, and put up with all the trouble above. Come on now. Besides, danger to the home is exaggerated, especially in the USA which is relatively safe. I've never had anyone try to break into my home. So why live in unnecessary fear?

Aren't dogs considered ugly anyway? I mean, when guys refer to an ugly girl, they call her a "dog", not a "cat". Doesn't that indicate that dogs are physically unappealing? So why would people need them if they're not even attractive?

So why do so many people need pets? Especially dogs? Overall, they are a ton of trouble and burden, with many drawbacks, and no tangible benefits or usefulness. So why are they so common? People are weird and don't make sense.

And how come white Americans don't mind animals and humans sharing the same living space, especially sleeping space, but Asians do? Why do white Americans people not care about getting their home all dirty with fur?

Wouldn't it suck if you were dating someone and got serious, and found out that your partner is the type that needs a pet or a dog? That would suck. You could eventually break up over it.

I don't get some people's incessant need to have a pet or dog and go through all the UNNECESSARY trouble outlined above. It doesn't make sense. What do you think?

If you are a dog or pet lover, it'd be interesting to hear your feedback on the above too.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Some interesting links:


  1. My family have a dog. The horrible thing is always in the way when I'm cooking, then it sits next to me staring at my plate while I'm eating.

    Also it gets me in trouble when I leave some piece of plastic lying around and it decides to eat it.

    And don't get me started with all the trouble I had with dogs in Thailand. It was kind of a clue about how stupid the people out there are though.

  2. winstons ma bitchFebruary 1, 2014 at 2:16 AM

    who needs a dog when you have Winston wu.

    Fetch boy. Fetch.

    Good winston wu!



    You will never get bitches!! You gay pathetic prick hahaa

  4. The veterinarian bills "must" be expensive. That statement is not a fact, it is a guess.

  5. Straight-talking common sense! I think the reason many people "need" a dog is they need to be adored and needed. Dogs have been bred to be pleasers to the point of being neurotic. Many people also like the excuse that a dog gives them for not getting on with their lives and doing the things that need to be done around the house instead of sitting on the sofa petting their dog.

  6. I agree the article is a bit poorly written, it is too opinionated, but i agree, i would rather not have a pet personally.

  7. Why get a dog? Exact same reason humans do anything. To be happy. Why have any friends when they have the posibility of wanting a gift or a favor? Dogs are a companion that, if you get
    the right breed and if raised right, won't cause your house to be any dirtier than it already is. They can also be helpful when being active, going on walks with a dog is much more
    enjoyable than if you were to not have a dog. Dogs will uncondishanaly love you so they can help you with stress or depression and never
    leave your side. Also, I don't think you have ever owned a dog because a lot of what you said is false or has a very easy simple solution.

  8. Not everyone is meant to have/own a pet/dog/cat. I'm not a pet person - never will - I'm very happy with my life. My grown children on the other hand out of the 3 is crazy about dogs - that's great. I don't envy his vet bills - fits when dog has chewed on dining room furniture or pooped "accidentally" inside the house, dog hair all over the house. yuck!!!! - I'll settle for a stuffed teddy bear - LOL

  9. Your a piece of shit! Asian Bitch that can not accept. The inevitable fact that you have to be an Alpha Male to own a dog. go crawl in a corner and eat your rice and sushi. you pathetic excuse for a Human being. Ooorah!

  10. Your a piece of shit! Asian Bitch that can not accept. The inevitable fact that you have to be an Alpha Male to own a dog. go crawl in a corner and eat your rice and sushi. you pathetic excuse for a Human being. Ooorah!

  11. If you have made the decision to add a pet to your family, first check your local animal shelter. They not only have dogs and cats, but other animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and gerbils. Pets end up in an animal shelter for many reasons. These animals would love to be adopted and brought home to become part of a family. WWW.MYPETNEEDSTHAT.COM/

  12. I'm sorry you've never owned a dog you opinionated son of a gun

  13. Why don't you just mind your own business? It's not your money that we use to buy our dogs so keep your mouth shut!

    1. It's public platform , he has all the right to write what he feels as much you have and ofcourse keeping dog at home is 100 % stupid and illogical too.btw by your comment can understand that what type of people own dogs??? Now we are NEVER EVER waste my time on dogs and dog lovers.

    2. The fact that the blog only looks at the cons of having a pet would disturb any pet lover. Maybe that is the reason of the frustration. Anyways, please do not judge a dog by his owners attitude. Frankly this kind of blogs hurt a lot of dog lovers as such blogs are written by people who have never owned a dog.

  14. Dogs are stupid. They do not deserve us. They are not innocent. One stupid ugly mutt killed my sister. They kill more than sharks. People are more concerned about starving and abused dogs than starving and abused children. children matter more. Ok. Children need the help before the animals.

  15. White Americans are not the only Americans that own pets.

  16. Yeah everyone should really weight in pros and cons of owning a pet...unfortunately few people do, and later realize they can't make this commitment, cant't tolerate the noise or the smell, and give dogs away for adoption or to be killed. Sad, much rather they read posts like this and considered all the factors.

  17. Yeah people should really weight in all the pros and cons of getting a dog before they get one. Unfortunately, few people do, and then end up hating the smell, the noise, or how it affects their lifestyles - and give dogs away for adoption or to be killed. They'd better read posts like this to take in a different perspective...

  18. I have not much to say eapecially in my own words but to quote a statement from the popular movie 'Marley and Me'. 'A dog has no use for fancy cars ir big homes or designer clothes. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated ir illeterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. How many people can you say that about?' Point made.

    1. Dogs are precious it's sad some people will never experience it

  19. You’re an idiot. Stay in Asia if it’s so great. In America we have a lot of pets because we don’t eat them for dinner


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