Promoting The Greatest Hidden Self-Help Secret: You Can Transform Your Life and Solve Your Problems by Leaving America for a Better Life and Love Overseas! Discover Friendlier Foreign Women, Social Connection, Authentic People, Saner Cultures, Lower Cost Living, Healthier Food, Greater Freedoms, and More! Change Your Location, Change Your Life!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Debunking the "Taiwan Is the World's Friendliest Country" Claim by Internations - 7 Obvious Reasons Why It's FALSE!
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
10 Reasons TAIWANESE Are NOT Friendly or Social! But Very Closed-Off, Cold, Repressed, Uptight, Prudish, Overly Restrictive, Reclusive, Soulless, Unnatural, and Awkward!
Friday, August 6, 2021
More Americans are renouncing their citizenship
By Andy
I recently came across this article, and I am not surprised. We here in the HA community have known about this for at least the last 10+ years. But, because of such a big increase last year, it was too big of an elephant in the room for the MSM to further ignore. You see, it's always we the people that know things, at least months before the MSM does. In a lot of workplaces, it's the employees that know more than management.
More Americans are renouncing their citizenship
It's just that the management and the MSM usually wait six months after the employees tell them of an idea or a problem, to bring it up again, for the sake of claiming it as their own. That's the general intelligence level of those in charge. This reminds me of that scene in "The Untouchables", where Sean Connery's character says the "smart" police cadet is going to be the next chief of police. Can you really even blame me for hardly watching any TV nowadays? Enjoy and have a laugh.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Foreign Women vs. American Women: 15 Major Differences and Reasons to Date Abroad! Best Comparison! (Original Benchmark Article. Groundbreaking. First of its kind!)
Saturday, January 16, 2021
To Conspiracy Deniers: Corruption or Conspiracy? Either Way You Lose! Your Inescapable Dilemma.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Important! Please Pray For President Donald Trump - Mass Prayer Does Make A Difference! Our Noble Hero is being targeted and slammed by evil corrupt forces!
Sunday, January 10, 2021
12 Reasons Why Russian Women are NOT Seeking a Green Card or Desperate to Leave Their Country - Debunking The Common Myth
Winston Wu