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Monday, August 26, 2013

8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

Have you ever noticed (but never dared to tell anyone about it) that modern Americans seem soulless and inhuman, as if they lacked warmth and feeling? Well it's not all in your head. Even TV shows and movies reflect this.

You might have noticed that the TV shows and movies from the 60's and 70's had very different characters from today. The characters in those days exuded kindness, warmth, feeling and had strong morals. The main characters were never assholes, even if they were action heroes. They cared about others, and were nice and friendly, like people you'd be glad to hang out with. And they had an air of familiarity to them, like they were part of your family. Viewers felt an emotional attachment to them. Love and drama scenes were full of genuine emotion and feeling. Even the music in older TV shows and movies was very romantic.

But modern TV shows and movies have cold, uncaring, gritty characters that seem soulless, inhuman and devoid of feeling or warmth. All they care about is acting tough and badass. With no emotional investment in them, you don't even care if they live or die. Sadly, I guess that reflects the attitude of young modern Americans (or is supposed to).

It's kind of like that 1978 sci-fi horror movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" with Donald Sutherland. In that great classic film, alien pods replicate humans on Earth into alien clones who are devoid of any emotion or feeling. At the end, everyone in the city of San Francisco has turned into soulless inhuman clones. You gotta wonder if the filmmakers were trying to tell us something, since the film's scenario so chilling accurately depicts modern America. Plus, the humans only get replicated when they "go to sleep" which was a great pun, whether intended or not.

Many foreigners and soulful aware people have observed to me that Americans seem to lack soul, and have only money in their eyes. It's as if the "life force" has been drained or sucked out of them. Now, I don't see how it would even be possible to suck out the soul or life force of an entire nation, so I can only wonder if something "out of this world" is going on at a higher or deeper level of reality. (Reality is multi-layered after all, with both physical and non-physical layers) It's as if invisible extra-dimensional forces are at work.

However, since I cannot speculate on things unseen, I can only try to find more physical earthly reasons and causes. So here are some that I offer based on my speculation and educated guesses.

1. Americans are conditioned to be single-minded about the purpose of life, which is to make money. They are taught that life and everything is all business. A workaholic lifestyle is considered to be the norm that one strives for. Such a narrow focus on life suppresses their creativity and imagination, and makes them dull as well. 

In America, the pursuit of money has REPLACED the human soul. Thus the eyes of Americans look empty and plastic, not soulful or passionate. Their eyes often look depressed too, as though they've been overworked and been overconsuming too much with nothing else to live for.

Moreover, the ever increasing high cost of living in America (due to inflation and the malpractices of the Federal Reserve and banking elite), which has gone out of control, has further perpetuated the need for living a workaholic lifestyle to keep up.

Most Americans don't realize how insane it is to live on a treadmill though. They never stop to ask themselves this enlightening question: What's the point of making a living if all you do everyday is work to make a living? After all, there's no "living" to make if there's no time or freedom to "live" and do what you want right? Thus the phrase "making a living" becomes a self-contradiction and oxymoron.

2. Americans are conditioned to be materialistic and derive happiness from consumerism and material possessions. Thus their focus is on the external rather than the internal. As a result, they do not cultivate their inner self or soul and thus become soulless. This explains why people who are highly materialistic seem to have empty soulless eyes with no inner self or spirit radiating within, and lack true passion as well.

Americans also trade happiness for comfort, by following the system rather than their soul. This is a big mistake because when you focus on bodily comforts and neglect the wishes of your soul, heart or spirit, you deny yourself and live a very fake and inauthentic life.

3. Americans are conditioned to live in fear and paranoia. Someone told me this once: "Cars run on fuel, Americans run on fear." The typical American mentality, personality and attitude is in a state of fear consciousness. You can see it in their personality, body language, and vibe. Their media perpetuates fear by feeding them bad news and tragedies everyday. Studies show that the more you watch the news, the more paranoid you become, which is no surprise.

But even if they listen to the alternative media, they will still be fearmongered, because the alternative media tells them that their enemy is their own government and the lies, corruptions and conspiracies of the powers that be. So they are always kept in fear of something, whether by establishment sources or alternative sources.

The thing is, having fear when there is real danger involved is normal and necessary for survival. But Americans are in a mode of fear about everything, to the point where it dominates their state of mind and consciousness, becoming excessive and beyond reason. They even start to fear things that don't exist. As a result, they see every stranger as a potential psycho, criminal or terrorist.

What's ironic is that in foreign countries where there is a higher level of danger and crime, people are not as paranoid. For example, Russia, Mexico and the Philippines all have higher crime on their streets than America does, but yet the people there are not paranoid or in a constant state of fear at all. In those countries, you can walk up to strangers (including women) and talk to them and they will be relaxed and comfortable. Unlike Americans, they do not have imaginary fears. Rather, they are more in touch with reality and their personalities are more down-to-earth.

I would even venture to guess that Americans project their fears and lack of freedom to other nations. They view people in other nations as living in fear, being unkind and unfree, while themselves as friendly, warm and open, even though the truth is the exact opposite.

The problem with being in a perpetual state of fear, or being in fear consciousness, is that it lowers your energy and chakra levels to a slow vibration, which makes you less aware, less conscious, and impairs your ability to think clearly. It inhibits your potential for growth, creativity, openness, adventure, and new ideas. As a result, your soul/spirit becomes low density and less vibrant. Rather than being on fire, you feel weak and helpless.

The consequence is that fear narrows your mind. The more fearful you are, the more narrow your mindset is. But the less fear you have, the more open-minded you will be, and along with it, your imagination, creativity, and soul will blossom and expand as well.

4. Americans are not curious nor are they drawn to novelty. They prefer familiarity over novelty, and lack curiosity. Thus they are not drawn to new ideas, new people and new things. Instead, they seek the familiar and the routine, in people and things, and do not trust the unfamiliar.

This explains why Americans are not comfortable with meeting new people and why they don't like talking to strangers unless it's for business only. American social life is highly cliquish, which means that it is limited to within groups that are CLOSED and EXCLUSIVE. Preferring familiarity, Americans only socialize with established friends in their social clique, and are not open with strangers. To strangers, they tend to be standoffish and distant, as if everyone is expected to mind their own business.

The problem with social life being limited to cliques is that cliques by nature are closed and exclusive. Thus, the people within them are going to have an attitude and mentality that is "closed and exclusive" as well (or snobby and stuck up in other words). Therefore, to fit into a clique, you have to be "closed and exclusive" yourself. Otherwise, you will have a hard time breaking in as you will not be on the same wavelength as the people in them.

(What's interesting to note is that when two American strangers run into each other in a foreign country, they are much more likely to start a conversation and ask questions about each other, than if they met in America, which speaks volumes.)

This is especially the case with women in America. Studies show that women prefer familiarity, whereas men are more drawn to novelty. See here:
Thus women in America are more cliquish and socially closed when it comes to meeting new people and socializing with strangers, than men are. This is a consistent pattern I've seen time and time again. No question about it.

The significance here is that people who are more curious, more open, seek new experiences, and drawn toward novelty, tend to be more passionate, creative and imaginative than those who aren't. Thus they will seem more soulful and alive as well.

5. Americans are taught to only care about themselves, be independent and not need others. As a result, they are socially disconnected and distant from others. As they say, every man is an island. By default there is an "ice barrier" between strangers, hence the term "breaking the ice". Americans don't talk to strangers unless its business related.

Most friendships are facades and more of an acquaintance relationship than a true friendship. True friendship, connection, camaraderie, love, romance, community, and family values, don't exist in their natural form in modern America.

Inwardly, Americans are cold and unfeeling, albeit with fake plastic smiles, as well as arrogant and asshole-ish. In fact, modern American television and movies idolize characters who are uncaring assholes with no warmth, which reflect the typical modern American personality, sadly. In contrast, television shows in the past (before the 1990's) featured characters that were warm and caring. I guess to be truly independent and not need others, one has to become cold and uncaring. This makes them seem soulless as well.

6. In American public schools, imagination and creativity are suppressed, not cultivated. Children are conditioned to be left-brained by following steps, memorizing data and repeating it on tests. This makes them left brain dominant, while ignoring the right brain, which controls creativity, imaginative and freethought. As a result, they become robotic, zombie-like and dull. They also become rigid and not as open to new ideas. That's the goal of the American system, unfortunately, which treats everything as a business, including people.

Deep down, people can feel intuitively that they've been suppressed and controlled into an inauthentic existence. That's why their faces look depressed, empty and grumpy. Their "life force" has been suppressed and killed off. They can feel that something is wrong, but can't consciously understand why. So they feel this constant dissatisfaction and emptiness. But rather than engage in introspection, they engage in consumerism and making money. But ultimately none of it leads to true happiness, joy or fulfillment.

7. Food in America contains more processed ingredients than in any other country. Just look at the food labels at the supermarket in America and you'll see what I mean. There are so many processed ingredients and additives listed that you can't even pronounce. Not so in other countries. And who knows what those GMO's (genetically modified organisms) from Monsanto, which are now in most American food, are doing to us genetically.

You've heard the saying, "You are what you eat". Well if most of what you eat everyday contains a high amount of processed artificial ingredients, then logic would follow that you will become "artificial and processed" yourself, wouldn't it? Thus, the more "artificial and processed" you become, the less you will seem to be alive and soulful.

8. The architecture in America is dull and soulless. The buildings in most of America, such as the architectural design of the suburbs, strip malls, and corporate offices, have no style or creativity. They look soulless, empty, depressing, rigid and conformist, especially compared to the rich creative colorful architecture in Europe. As a result, the soulless architecture that surrounds Americans must play a part in making them soulless as well, since the environment rubs off on the people in it.

The lonely consequences of non-conformity

In regard to these likely reasons why Americans seem so soulless, the sad implication is that IF YOU do not share these same qualities, and if you are a freethinker with a soul, then you will be on a different wavelength and not be able to connect with others.

As a consequence, you may be ostracized from social life and dating in America, leaving you feeling lonely, alienated and isolated. It will be hard for you to make friends, get dates or have fun. You will have a hard time breaking into cliques, which are mandatory to have a social life in America, because as mentioned earlier, people (especially women) are only social within cliques, they don't go out and meet new people.

As a result, life will feel boring, empty and depressing. You will have no action in your life. And you will be ignored and left wondering, "What happened to the myth of the wild open America shown in the media?" because the reality around is that everyone is closed and cliquish, especially women.

However, you can't simply "pretend" to fit in. You see, if you are on a different wavelength or frequency than others, they will FEEL it and SENSE it too. They will get weirded out by you without knowing why. If you are on the polar opposite wavelength as them, they will begin to fear you. You will act as a "mirror" to them which shows them what they have really become, which makes them uncomfortable. After all, darkness fears light.

NE Asian countries share the same soulless traits

But the above dominant traits do not just apply to Americans. I have found that they apply to NE Asians as well. By that I mean people from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Singapore. These countries also suppress their people's souls so that they can become workaholics. Like Americans, they are repressed, live in fear and paranoia, and limit their social life to within closed cliques.

Thus they are not open, do not make eye contact with strangers, and are not relaxed. They prefer familiarity over novelty, and are highly conformist as well. Their mentality is one of groupthink. (But as Aaron Russo said, "Groupthink is no think.") In these ways, NE Asians are very similar to Americans.

(What's funny is that NE Asians are tricked by Hollywood into thinking that America is very open and wild, but it's all illusion of course.)

Thus, if you are a soulful open-minded freethinker, you will not fit in there and will not connect with people there either, leaving you feeling alienated, isolated and lonely as well. It will be hard to make friends, join social networks, have fun, or get dates there since your vibe and wavelength will be different from others. So I would avoid NE Asian countries as well, if you do not fit into such repressed conformist cultures. Otherwise, you will feel ostracized and be bored there.

For instance, in my native country of Taiwan, I notice the same correlation as in America. Taiwanese live in a high degree of fear and paranoia, and are conditioned to be workaholics with very few interests. They are focused on external materialistic things and only care about practical issues. There is no focus on the internal, and no cultivation of the soul. Thus they seem soulless as well.

Therefore, I cannot connect with Taiwanese either and feel ostracized from social groups there. Their wavelength is way different from mine. Plus their social life is confined to within closed exclusive cliques as well, and women do not talk to strangers.

Good News: Why freethinkers will be happier in Europe

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  1. Thank you Winston, thank you for spreading the truth.

    1. Why is it that when I move from USA to another country and keep on eating same food, but made locally, I lose a lot of weight that was gained in the USA. And then there is this thing called CHEMTRAILS (SRM), which unfortunately now has been spread all across the world.

    2. I have the exact same experience!!

    3. I've been working in uS as cook and I never gained any weight. It's all about genetics and what kind of work you do.

    4. This is total BS; "fake news". The entire world is trying to illegally enter the USA & this educated airhead is trying to blame his social deficiencies on others.

    5. The author & his sympathizers need some serious counselling. Pathetic narcissists. Insecure & immature crybabies.

    6. It is difficult to accurately & concisely tell the whole truth without gaining the wrath of Goggle censors.

    7. This is a damn good article. And it is correct to a tee! So true of Americans. I am an American and roots from America back to 1600s. However, my parents were expats and I was reared many years in Europe, mainly Germany, Italy, and England. I am an older adult now, and still dress, talk, and have different interests from American women. And it is so damn true. American women are very shallow, immature, cliquey, souless, unfeeling, and in their own little sisterhood world. I never fit in. But I am very souful, have ideas, love the beauty of life, am poetic, and compassionate. These are NOT the traits of women I work with, live around in my neighborhoods, in church, etc. And I am in my 50s!!!

    8. I agree. The butt hurt naysayers are projecting their OWN narcissism onto the truth teller as usual. They can't handle the truth because it forces them to introspect and they don't like that. THEY are the "immature insecure crybabies" here, not the truth tellers!!

    9. I work in Delaware. That state has the ugliest women on the planet. Most of them voted for Biden

    10. Unfortunately, all of this is true.

  2. Winston, I believe one of the main reasons why Americans are soulless when compared to other countries is because the BUSINESS and POLITICAL ELITES want it that way!!! I don't think it was an accident that these SOCIAL ENGINEERS desired our whole society to narrowly focus on only money and business interest using psychological warfare (fear, envy, greed, etc.) and division (divide and conquer). Also, economic warfare (monopolies, inflation, taxation, debt, credit, etc.) are used to control peoples' access to resources. Along with fostering cutthroat competitiveness instead of corporation and collaboration. This process began way back during the GUILED AGE with the ROBBER BARONS (the Rockerfellers, Carniges, Morgans, Vanderbuilts, Fords, etc.). They wanted a to set up a school system much like a factory that would produce (left-brained) obedient workers and soldiers. This would benefit BIG BUSINESS and GOVERNMENT. What they didn't want a new generation of freethinkers, creative artists and writers, scientists, intellectuals, philosophers, etc. Because these types of individuals would tend to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. Thus getting others to question and challenge the status quo!!! Another reason why Americans are soulless is because of the breakdown of strong families and communities. It is within these two structures people learn to connect and think of others. However, many social forces such as FEMINISM have ruined them. According to the late Aaron Russo, Feminism was created by the Rockerfellers through CIA funding of Ms. Magazine. It's purpose was to get women out of the home so that 1.) they can be taxed 2.) their children can be raised and modeled by the state. This also done to further the plan for a NEW WORLD ORDER!!!

    1. So you believe you(& others) have been entirely pre-programmed to believe, behave, and react in a certain predetermined way? That is serious paranoia. Get some help. Some how these great powers skipped me. Life is good

    2. If life is so good why do you feel the need to make this person think " they need help"
      What do you know ?

    3. The person above you is a deluded fool. They apparently are so egocentric that they cannot realize the subconscious, the significance of its role and that in fact people can 100% be molded specifically and especially from a young age. Humans mirror that which surrounds them, stone age hieroglyphs prove that. Americans whether aware of it or not are definitely socially engineered and programmed. We're surrounded by a faux reality and media world that creates a psuedo reality that bleeds directly into the actual one. Humans typically completely overestimate their awareness and being an American we've been conditioned that way too. American is a rotting corpse that no longer stands for or believes in anything and that's why Marxism is being easily implemented. Especially with the young and docile, I wouldn't put it past the system that they're using chemical biological engineering as well. LOOK AT THE RATES OF AUTISM!

  3. I live In Singapore , Winston and i agree that Singapore women are souless and unapproachable. That's why i hit on the filipina maids to release my sexual fustration, not because they are maids, but because they are naturally very friendly , socialableand outgoing unlike singaporean women. They appreciate and love me for who i am. I can't travel abroad due to lack of money and resources, but i am thankful to have filipinas and indonesia girls here. And just to let you know , maybe you should include indonesia, because they are super friendly to strangers too

  4. Thank you so much for this article. I, too, have always felt this way but never fully understood it until a short while ago. My mother is from Poland and although I have lived here my whole life, I always clashed with other girls my age, had trouble making friends, and vibing even with those closest to me. I've tried to explain things similar to this to my boyfriend, but have been told that its not them, its me. I'm so glad that others understand this stand-offishness and plasticity; I think that at twenty I'm pretty set in my ways and would be better off moving to another nation that still believes in wholesom-eness, passion, and authenticity! (; Best wishes to you

  5. You are a sad and bitter little man. I can see why we wouldn't be your friend. 'Merica!!

    1. You just proved his pint. You are a troll.

    2. I agree with "Anonymous". The author & his sycophants need some serious mental counselling.

    3. How long does it take for google censors to "approve" a comment?

    4. oh yes more pedantic psycho babble
      I wonder who's going to pay for that? Huh the state?

    5. He is totally right, it’s a sad reality but is true and that system and mentality in United States needs to have an end, otherwise it won’t last long because it will get to a point maybe in 30 years that will become a place of self destruction.

  6. You should have just named this article, "Why wont white girls fuck me?".

  7. Pathetic! Simply pathetic!!!


  9. Would just like to correct that Singapore is actually a SE Asian country not a NE Asian country....

    I hope you realize you're making a really broad generalization here.... a fast pace of life doesn't necessarily mean a "depressed and soulless" life lol. In the end, it all boils down to attitude. I have seen plenty of people who succeed in working hard while playing hard and enjoying life at the same time. Just my two 2 cents worth

  10. Dear Author,

    I am going to get emotional, because I have no one in this country to whom I can express myself, only to my best friend who is from Lebanon, and we are in different places now. She was the one who put into words what I had been feeling, especially after moving to Dallas, Texas. I am from Miami which has a little more warmth because of the Cuban culture. But it's still in America, and it can't avoid being changed by the system. Life there is mostly about working--you go from work to your hermit cave. I call it a hermit cave because here we are all either forced to live like hermits in their caves with no social life, or live like ravenous beasts who have on their minds mostly things like food and sex. Actually, you are forced to become both here. If you come into contact with people, it's only to use them. Religion here in the U.S. is a joke. I am barely hanging on to my faith, because I feel so alone. I went to Lebanon last summer, and I have been in depression ever since I came back. The Arabs are known for their warmth and hospitality., and nothing is more true. They don't care about money. Everything was paid on my behalf while I was there, and it hurt them if I offered to pay. Everyone was concerned that I was happy and enjoying my time...they wanted to find me someone to marry, to that point they cared about my happiness. Of all the cultures I have experienced, the Arab is the best. I prefer living under bombs but happily, than in the fake peace the U.S. offers. Lebanon blends modern and traditional. Lebanon is my favorite. I really hope to go there and live there, but I am always feeling crazy and I feel like maybe God doesn't want me there. It could be my neurotic spirituality that's keeping me back. I am just so full of anger at God because I have to be a citizen of this country. My family does not feel how I feel, even though I have gotten them to understand me somewhat. I feel that they will always be in denial, because to call into question American values is to call themselves into question, and people can't handle that. I don't blame them! If my family decided to move to Lebanon, I would be so happy

    1. I agree with some of what you express above, but it is folly to put blame onto your idea of God - "blame God" - this is pure folly - God is so huge - like Universe, so that little petty concerns we have should not be nit-picked into a form of "blaming God" for bad things in life. These bad things must be motivators for changing one's life, not for reacting in negative blame.

      Otherwise, I wish you well in your quest (like mine) to leave the cold-mean USA (white people here). Remember that ingrained into most white Americans (but not all!) is white-supremacy. America IS a WHITE-SUPREMACIST nation (I swear by this thanks to all of the crappy talk I hear coming out of the mouths of most of my white acquaintences in this small town of California. Also, just travel to northern Idaho, USA, and you WILL see WHY!

      Good luck in your eventual escape! Steve

    2. Sounds like anonymous & these other whiners would be happier if they returned to the wonderful, happy places they left to come to the terrible USA.

    3. Miami and "warmth"? You absolutely have to be kidding. I am bored and raised in Miami and it's the most fake, superficial, rude, and cold place in America. In fact everyone that's left there seems to be or feel enlightened as to how completely screwed up and toxic that horrible third world cesspool has become.

    4. Come to Buffalo, NY. It’s a rust burly town bigoted hood town where if you are down to earth you will be bashed. Plus the ladies are ugly and think they are Dimes. That is the only difference between Miami and Buffalo, NY besides being NFL football rivalries. That place is bigotry in the 1940’s up there and racist too.

  11. You forgot 1 thing: most Americans don't care about history unless it glorifies their part in it. Americans are conditioned to be political "realists". Just knock it down (or bomb it to oblivion) and rebuild. That's the American way.

    1. Russians did the same to Grozny. They bombed it then rebuilt it. Probably learned it from the USAmericans.

  12. Winston....Surprise! I'm one American woman who completely agrees with you. There aren't many of us though. I actually just found your page by googling "soulless Americans" just to see what interesting things might come up. This has been becoming more and more clear to me over the last 15 to 20 years and I've learned to deal with it, but I just had a particularly weird experience today which is what prompted me to search for ANYTHING/ANYONE who understood, and I found it here! Thanks! I thank god I do know some people who aren't that far gone yet (and hopefully won't ever be) but many of them...even some of my own family...have been showing some of the signs of this phenomenon. I agree with Grady Cofer Jr. that it is not likely any accident and there are probably (psychopathic) social engineers behind it...who may or may not know, and most likely don't care.... just how much damage they have done. There are those who would argue that souls can't be stolen, only given away, and that may ultimately be true but I think people are taken completely by surprise and are dealing with forces they don't or can't understand and are duped into slowly having their souls drained away...and then their own self respect is the next to go..etc..etc.. I worry most about young people who seem sometimes like they never had a chance to experience anything truly real and may therefore never have a chance to find their way back.

    1. There is Planned Obsolescence and then there is Planned Soullessness. It's all part of the Agenda 21.

    2. Awesome lekawa (above). This morning I felt the same cold, aloof, downbeat attitude when I went to the local Post Office in this crappy little Owens Valley town in eastern California, and was so disturbed at the negative vibe this Monday morning I did the SAME thing as you - went home here and searched for this string and found this site by typing in Google: "Americans are cold" (exactly that) just out of pure curiosity as to what I would find, and if I weren't alone in feeling this - and what a miracle I found this blog! cool! THANK YOU - Steve

  13. yes it is hard to believe iam saying this...but love to me and having someone i care for is more imprtant to me than anything in this life....and i cannot find it here in goodbye america....the cold and distant land....iam moving to bosnia

    1. After spending several years in USA I finally did it too - I moved out to a more soulful place.

    2. where did you move to? i agree completely with this author and always wondered would a different culture suit me better? i am very free thinking, very soulful, and do not fit in, except when i serve someone's conniving purpose!

    3. where did you go? i have wondered where might be a better location for me. i am a free thinking, very soulful american woman, who only fits in when someone has an ulterior motive for me.

  14. This country is a nightmare; this is a zombie apocalypse—but it is worse, because they have no problem sucking off you like vampires as well and wasting your time before blaming you for everything simply because you have emotions, as if love itself were the devil.

  15. If you don't stand behind our troops please feel free to stand in front of them.

    1. There are two things I can't abide in this world. Cruelty towards the powerless and willful ignorance. Along with idiotic phrases like 'America, love it or leave it!', this comment epitomizes willful ignorance. MMS is an embarrassment to thinking Americans.

    2. What MMS probably means is that if you don't go along with the idiotic "stand behind out troops" then you should stand in front of them, in order to STOP them. Right, MMS?

    3. The stupid "troops we're supposed to be brainwashed into "standing behind" are so good on their own at attacking American civilians! See this very important website about military aircraft attacks upon small California towns:

      So MMS is brain-dead and really should be ignored! The low-life "troops" are low-life zombies hired by the crappy war-mongering Pentagon to be their paid-cannon fodder and usually come from low-life places, in general, etc.

      For example, I got semi-attacked by Marines on a highway driving away from Twentynine Palms, California back 8 years ago - a group of them on Amboy Road in the Mojave Desert tried to run my van off the road - they were ALL from the MARINE BASE Twentynine Palms, CA - Killers! Soulless killer nasty people who surrounded my van by driving in a vehicle-pack on the wrong side of the highway! Scary! I had to bail out on a pullout soon as one came up!

      SO TO THE AMERICAN MILITARY: - YOUR PRECIOUS "TROOPS" ARE FABULOUS at being low-life scum who attack American civilians with machines on the ground and machines in the air! I swear!

      Steve - Keeler, California.

  16. I live in Canada, and people are the same way. No one makes eye contact with anyone in public. Anyone who makes even the slightest bit is given rude looks, scoffed at, or otherwise.

    People are so paranoid and fearful of their common man or woman, I'm surprised they haven't been locked up in mental institutions and put in straitjackets. These people clearly can't function in normal society.

  17. Maybe there is no such thing as an American. Maybe America is a mere idea. While other nations are rooted in blood, traditions, the fatherland, America bases its national identity on the cult of work, the cult of achievement, the vice of busyness, the curse of technology. This great land of America is nothing more than property insurance. Oh and Keep in mind-- that is how we see your land as well; nothing more than private property to be sold to the highest bidder...Or we get the guns out.

    1. This comment is poetic. Just wow.

  18. I'm not really that familiar with America but I agree in the Philippines being soulful since I live there. To set an example would be this, when going home, I saw that the traffic would take too long so I decided to walk all the way home since I like long walks and the sun feels so good. I met a cheerful person there looking for a certain store that's near my home. I offered to lead him and he cheerfully agreed. We had a fun talk. Anyways, the streets here with people are busy and I pretty much see a lot of happy fellows. Poverty and the like made people here soulful and hardworking. In fact, my goal is to work and see how high I can reach before retiring peacefully to enjoy myself. I can make friends easily and they're all cheerful. If there's a game, I can easily join in and if I'm already in it, we can pretty much accept anyone who wants to join. I mean, my classmates and I were playing basketball and some random guy wanted to join in and we accepted it without a second thought. You've written a great article as an eye opener.

  19. Hello Winston. I'm so glad I came across this, and I completely agree. I was born and raised in South America. Unfortunately my parents brought me here when I was 15. I'm now married to a man who was born and raised here and will never leave, so I'm stuck with it. I hope my sons will not turn out like this. I'm an artist, and freethinker. I've been shunned and excluded by the cliques ever since I arrived in 1976. Thank god for my faith in Jesus. Perhaps someday my husband will change his mind. People here are generally arrogant, selfish, egotistical, and emotionally cold. What is even worse is I'm encountering more who are downright cruel and vicious.

    1. ..."downright cruel and vicious" is what I have felt a high-percentage of (sorry to say) American culture seems to like..By no means all Americans (native born) are this way - loads of opposite examples exist of wonderful, caring people and fun Bohemian culture exists here, mostly in secret. Superficially, American is horribly cold and chilly - worse in the winter too!

      Even the US Military is so low-life that they attack civilian towns with jet planes in (the desert of) California for thrills and "practice." Sick! Future-shock, Machine-Hell-Risen (Los Angeles). Welcome to California USA!

      Yes Filipino folks are incredibly warm people! Steve

  20. No No No , westerners are assholes because we got not other choice.

    If white westerners in fake united states show any feeling or tenderness a nigger will rape them.

    in other words, whites have had enough and are about to kill anyone that crosses their path, you have been warned nigga.

    1. Extraordinary example of the kind of sub-human that infest the USA and why it is best to escape their shitty culture!

  21. For an explanation of how this all came to be, read the works of Morris Berman. Twilight of American Culture, Dark Ages America, and Why America Failed.

  22. I can say as a sensitive caring person and native to California (a really cold-ass state now) that America is a place I swear I hope to escape from before I am 60, because of all the cold, aloof, rude, mean people I feel the negative vibe even in this crappy little town of Keeler, California (pop. 70).

    If you think Americans ARE cold (or an overall COLD-arse culture, then it is time to learn this!):

    THE AMERICAN MILITARY - ever-willing to bomb your own country for its own selfish greedy reasons, has (Pentagon) a systematic program of harrasment of small towns via military-aircraft attacks! It has gotten this bad now - the US Navy, Air Force, and Army pilots (etc.) literally attack, with gigantic sonic-blasting, the little towns in the California desert - specifically, the Owens Valley of California - you talk about soul-less technological machine-hell-risen Amerika - this is the place to experience all the negativism that one can imagine America to have descended into - HERE in good old southern-California.

    I have traveled to 18 nations since 1996 and I get the cold-chills as the day approaches when I am required to return to the Machine-Hell-Risen-Redneck-Gun-Head consumer-culture with its hateful politics. I SWEAR I have weeks to get re-used to being back "home." God! So this article above that Winston wrote is dead-on if one has any kind of open mind.

    Yes be aware that the American Pentagon does plan on eventual total global destruction, and this is reflected in their treatment of American citizens on the ground...; Please see:


    OK - Well done Winston! Steve

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. African Americans I believe have more emotion,energy,talent,courage and smartness than the white boys..I wouldn't judge all white people bcos there are wonderful people too...but generally some whities are a-holes..I'm sorry really...but I said this bcos of their racism...all you racists will have a horrible next life..

    1. I agree - I'm a white male from AmeriKKKa (I escaped a long time ago). When I lived in AmeriKKKa, I was routinely treated like dirt by white girls, white cops, white employers, my white family, etc. I got lots of love from black, Hispanic, and Asian women though. The black men were way nicer to me than white men were. I did a short stint in the county jail in Miami, which is almost exclusively African American and Cuban, with a good helping of Haitians thrown in. Those men in the jailhouse were much smarter, much more empathetic, and just all-around better people compared to the white boys I met in college...

  27. Afro americans r Better than whites In every aspect..I hate some whites bcos they are a-holes,have cold hearts, r emotionless,greedy,money minded,racist and pompous prats..racists shall suffer a lot...

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. While I have yet to go to Asia, especially east Asia, but I would think people in rural areas of these countries (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc.) are a little more open than people in the city. There's a YouTube account of a lady living on the rural outskirts of town in Nagoya, Japan and she says the atmosphere's a little different. She's also married to a Japanese man! You gotta check it out. Her name is smartalecky1. As far as America is concerned, this place is overrated in more ways than one. I'm already ostracized by friends and family for not trying to achieve an unrealistic expectation of being "on top" or close to rich. It's horrible. That's why I keep to myself 'til I can move. I hate the states.

  30. Rename this article to '8 Reasons Why Modern People Seem Soulless and Inhuman'

  31. Not only in the USA. I have a little note in my Facebook "The World is ruled by psychopaths". Psychopaths are people 'without soul', that mean emotional areas of their brains are undeveloped. They are emotionally disabled. That is why they do not feel shame, empathy, shame, regrets, love, etc. They only care about themselves. While psychopaths live everywhere, the USA rulers, who are psychopaths themselves, push their psychopathic values onto the Society, because it suits them. That is how the USA encourage psychopaths and they become "successful".

  32. HELLO

    1. This is not true of Israel so much because if it were everyone would leave. Israel is a place of high living costs and high taxes and you really don't make much money living there. Israelis are tough by nature but are very family oriented and the women are much much tougher than American women but also far more loyal and traditional in values.

  33. This is plain stupidity.
    I, as an American woman, know for a fact this isn't true.
    From reading this article, I've come to a realization how many people such as yourself are idiotic.

    1. You sound like a typical American. You just proved the point of the article. Even your response lacked any passion, motion, or logic. You sound like a soulless robot. I bet you take a lot of selfies and don't know anything outside of your own pathetic life

  34. This is plain stupidity.
    I, as an American woman, know for a fact this isn't true.
    From reading this article, I've come to a realization how many people such as yourself are idiotic.

    1. You don't know squat, obviously. Thanks for proving the point of the author's article!!

    2. American women abandon their own children, they treat their families as a "burden". This is very abnormal. Go spend some time in more civilized cultures, and you'll learn. Going to Germany on business or going to Iraq to invade doesn't count as "seeing the world", you have to actually do something positive. The language "I know for a fact" really illustrates the whole concept of closed-mindedness. 85% of homeless Americans are male - that's a fact. Every one of those men was abandoned by the women who they love.

  35. Yep, I've seen this trend first hand in certain environments. Bars I've been to in Dallas, TX are especially soulless. Seems to be trendy to be too cool for school there. Unless you're already friends with the bartenders/owners, they tend to be pretentious. San Antonio bars tend to be the opposite of that, i.e. friendly, fun & cool. But bars are now thing. In general, average folks seems 50/50 as to whether or not they are friendly or dickheads. Ok, so that's my two cents.

  36. Completely agree with what you said.. I feel so sad about this.... this fact is just too depressing for me as an international student coming to USA for a better future

  37. You have some truth in here but unfortunately you are ultimately misleading and wrong. I've been all over Europe and America - Americans are on average much friendlier. Americans vary from state to state - people in Georgia are NOT like those in New York [southerners are far nicer people]. Materialism and consumerism is the curse of humanity - you will find it everywhere. America has the most inspirational leaders, artists, inventors and philosophers on the planet. Don't judge a people by only spiritual pitfalls that you'll find in most places - unfortunately.

    1. I've been to all 50 states, and I don't think southerners are always "nice". They tend to be very exclusive, unaccepting of "outsiders", paranoid (and heavily armed), etc. Your "red states" have tons of poverty, homelessness, and broken families... The "southern values" are an illusion. Even Alaska, one of the most Republican, most rural states in the Union, has legions of abandoned men. Where are their families?

  38. There is a lot of truth in this article.

  39. It's the exact same situation in Australia

  40. Students in Italy, Germany, China and Saudi Arabia stay with their classmates as they progress through the grades, sometimes keeping the same teacher. Here, there are different students and teachers every year. Hence, community, friendship and relationships are not fostered. The schools are set up for competition, passing tests and individualism. In Italy, they even have kindergarten reunions, imagine that!

  41. Dear Sir, Mr. Winston,
    This article is excellent. I was searching "most people are soulless" on Google.
    As one of commentators said, the article's content is not about the USA alone, but it can be generalized to the whole world. It is right that in some other countries people may seem warmer and more friendly, but in general the whole world is afflicted with this.
    In my experience, based on my trips, the most arrogant and soulless people live in the USA (despite a colorful population profile), Canada (extremely soulless people), Japan, Singapore (it is like a frozen hell), with Turkey, Russia and Ukraine (all 3 very mean people).
    Also, those who have mistakenly thought Mr. Winston has a problem with white women which might have given rise to this article, must take notice that when he points out American women are into their own cliques it means they have the same attitude regardless of the nationality or race of the observer. That is, they behave like that, no matter who is the observer.
    In general, an atmosphere of fear and ignorance prevails North American continent. Thank you.

    1. Agreed and the one's who automatically resort to the knee jerk "race" card are among the most ignorant (but properly indoctrinated) among the American zombies. Blacks in particular seem to think that "racism" can only be directed at them.

  42. I have lived in America for 3 and a half years and can't wait to leave. I love Americans, they're so kind and polite and funny BUT they have no charm. This is because what you say is true; the country is a dystopian wasteland and creates a charmless malaise within the entire population. A shiny, thin veneer, stretched thin across a hideous truth. Cannot wait to leave and go back to charming, beautiful, historic, ancient, deep, soulful, artistic Europe.

  43. All of this is true. Another factor in America is the use of involuntary commitment by narcissists to "get back" at people they're angry at. I experienced this first hand with fake suicide attempt calls -- what I endured there has turned me from an individual with thoughts, dreams, and emotions to a soulless shell of what I used to be.

    Yeah, sure, I'm "hard" now. Didn't give two shits when my dad died, don't care that I live in constant pain. Big whoop. Becoming a sociopath totally wasn't worth it.

  44. I don't get the gender separation on this site (mgtow maybe?). I know female ex pats who wanted warmth and enriching experiences as well when they left. What's disturbing is the blanket statements. Very rare is a country made up of ONE type of person. I've found that people like me, who want deep experiences and connections, purpose over wealth, etc...they ARE here in the States. But I've found they aren't online talking about themselves. They're not represented online because they're helping their communities, trying to infiltrate government to save this place from the heartless ones, or they're just living their lives.

    Often, we see the most hateful of any group (religious, political, cultural) because they are the most outspoken, meaning they are the loudest, they are the ones who get the attention. The rest of us are shy and have to work on making the first move. People think All Americans are this, all brown people are that. When it's just not true when you bother to get to know some.

    Most places suffer from political, cultural, and religious brainwashing. It's ruined much of the planet. Just find your purpose in life and it will lead you to YOUR life. If you whine and post every night about how awful things are, what are you accomplishing? My purpose is helping, compassion and anti-brainwashing activism through creativity. Talking about the problem turns into misery loving company. But taking action leads you to great places. So how many years should one blog their complaints and expect a new life? It's better to spend the hours doing research for the ACTION you plan to take! For example, if you don't like the US (many of us don't and are trapped here for very difficult reasons), research the places you DO want to live. Then consider finding others who want to do the same. If you all move to a new country, in an agreed upon region, you will already have a familiar community in your new community. Get it? People who only talk about problems have only problems. People who relentlessly look for solutions (study inventors, creators, etc) are going in the right direction. Never succumb to blanket statements and us vs them mentalities.

    America is full of heartless, brainwashed individuals. Yet, it's not 100% of the US. If it were, every NON white person would already be dead or deported. And under the current administration, I AM working on my options. Not everyone can afford to up and leave, especially when disabilities prevent flying for your loved ones.

    Americans tend to see things in black and white like teens do. That's a problem. A huge problem. Nothing is black and white, except to teens...and extremists, and dictators, the deeply disillusioned,and hate groups, and blind patriots. Peace to you all. Stop the whine fest and start working on solutions. Stay rational, folks! Peace.

    1. I've been to all 50 states, and I can attest that the blanket statements are true - most Americans are the same.

  45. Just look at so many very mentally disturbed women that we now have today unfortunately which tells the whole true story right there.

  46. >> generally arrogant, selfish, egotistical, and emotionally cold.

    You forgot un-sophisticated and ignorant. This is a very well written article.

    Yes, as an American male in my late 50s, I have never been a conformist and have been harrassed and insulted by co-workers AND "friends" my entire life. I have been abandoned by every friend I ever made. I didn't understand it until after age 40. Americans, indeed, are conformists.
    You know, Americans are too "busy" for friendships.

    As I made a good amount of money, I spent much time in Europe almost every year. I was so much happier and more comfortable and in my own home, lived my life culturally as a European, as much as possible. (Of course I have never known ONE American woman who can cook. And they are proud of this it! Arrogant, childish stupid women in the US). What a novelty that a man cooked dinner, I was told! And of course laughed at by "friends"

    If you are a really decent and friendly man, you can find "white" women to date. Not very attractive ones, but that's ok, right? No matter, after a year or after marriage (god save you!), they will start treating you like shit. Endless fake "needs" and projects and materialsim will mean a life of invented stress.
    Most Americans see kindness and compassion and relaxed character as a weakness. This shows a sociopathic and stunted society. American women generally hate nice, mature men. They prefer ignorant idiots, because they percive the ignorant, ill-mannered, crass, asshole as "stronger" than a nice person.

    In addition, "friends" would also turn into insulting assholes in any social situation and try to convince me that I was "just like them". You know, because I wasn't. They were so uncomfortable that someone in their presence spent so much time in England, Italy France, Austria, Germany and enjoyed it there.

    Eventually I learned that they disliked anyone who was not the typical ignorant white guy who eats hot dogs at their back yard barbeque.
    Of course, acting like ignorant assholes is considered NORMAL for the American male. To them, insulting everyone who is different is "humor". (Chicago area).

    America has NO culture and never has. The selfish, insolar, dishonest, hateful american was much noted in the 19th century by the famous Alexis de Tocqueville study, and Dickens as well.

    I long noticed that most Americans have the emotional maturity of teenagers for their entire lives. It's a form of cultural retardation. I've seen adults in their 30s and 40s acting like repulsive fools in restaurants, because they were so embarassed to be at a nice place with a wine menu! BY age 55, I had not ONE friend who could sit down at a dinner table, and appreciate good food and a good glass of red wine. Not one.
    If I won a few million in the lotto, I would sell the house and drag my girlfriend to Europe, without hesitation.

    Advice to anyone with a decent paying job. Make money in this country for 10 years, save everything, and LEAVE.

    1. Oh man, I have never been in a more negative place than the Chicago area! People there seem to actually enjoy being mean for no reason. If you ask somebody for directions or something, they say "I don't know" with a very robotic tone of voice, as if they're all clones. That doesn't even take into account the violence, crooked cops, etc. I've been in actual warzones, including the Gaza Strip, and I wasn't nearly as afraid as I was during my time in Chicago.

  47. I so agree with this article. I'am a 66 year old white American woman and all my life never fit in with the crowd. I grew up isolated by religion and then when I went out into the world still didn't fit it. I always thought it was my upbringing, but my parent's are more kind than most so called normal people. All the people I ever thought were my friends were never there when I needed them. They just all seem so unaware of anyone but themselves, yes always taking selfies and trying to be with the in crowd. I'm a very creative person and actually a deep thinker and yes people sense I'm different and I rarely get past saying hello. I've spent most of my life pretty lonely even though I have a family, but I never have any friends. My husband hates most people and he's pretty crazy himself, but he does agree with most of what Winston wrote here. My oldest son just moved to Sweden and I'm hoping he's going to have a happier life than here in the USA which seems to be full of narcissists.

    1. I still get posts from this article Winston wrote. I had replied above in December 2019 and now it's July 2022. A lot has happened since then, most not good. My husband died of COVID in late 2021 and my son came back from Sweden. He has told me Sweden's culture is nicer, more polite, so I understand him now. I have always lived in America, mostly as a loner because I never fit in as above. Now that my husband died and I am trying to start a new life being older, not much has changed out there and in many cases it's worse. I've had scammers hit on me, the poor, lonely widow. I've had selfish assholes hit on me and most of the men who have survived long enough to be older are sour, grumpy still only interested in food and sex (if that can still function, which probably not). I keep hoping for an interesting, intelligent, compassionate person to come into my life, but I don't have high hopes. I guess I'll just keep on trying to find joy in my hobbies and what other entertainment seems pleasurable. Yeah, most are like zombies here or at worse Satanic demons.

    2. Hi Bella, my condolences for your loss. That must be terrible. Don't you have any female friends to comfort you at least? Or relatives? Do you plan to move abroad to Sweden with your son? Feel free to come to my forum and PM me sometime or share your observations in the forum. The link to the forum is at the top menu. Thanks.

  48. Oh my gosh, so true!!! In the US, I could go YEARS without making a SINGLE friend! And if you are more highly educated/a free thinker, etc., it will be even harder. You will find very few people to fit in with. You can take adult ed classes, go to cafes, go to bars, and MEET NO ONE! This is especially true in the northeast. Life becomes cold, it's all about work, not play (besides for which you will get little free or vacation time, anyway)! This is NOT a healthy way to live!!!

    If you move overseas as an American, you might also find that people complain about your high levels of anxiety. (Meanwhile, you are just an average American). So you may not fit in there either!!

  49. Feel like I've just lost multiple IQ points while reading this article and the comments.

    1. That's okay, you didn't need the IQ points anyway. Smart people are not respected in your country.

    2. You are proving the trope of Americans being stupid, when the hard truth lowers your IQ.

      You also do realize thanks to the USA anti-intellectualism. Smarter people get disrespected, but stupider people get praise. It's thinking like this, why the USA is falling behind in the world.

  50. Amazing article! No doubt the people disagreeing and stating that it spreads falsities are the ones living in the exact sad conditions mentioned. The encouraging of us all to have robotic-like personalities and lifestyles has only gotten worse. Growing up in the 80’s, it didn’t really feel so bad – people were more creative, more free-thinking. Since the early 2000’s technology seems to be robbing people of their genuine personalities too. The internet is incredible in that it allows access to learning 24/7, but many don’t use it for that purpose. Today, so many are caught up in trying to “prove” they have exciting lives by posting it all on social media. These are often the most miserable and soulless of them all.

    At present, I’m stuck in a meaningless office job that I keep only to pay the bills. Most of the people I work with are superficial and dull, while craving attention for trivial accomplishments. I’ve got several other side projects going, so I can eventually get out of this place, because it’s been killing my soul for quite some time. You are so very right about being unable to pretend to fit in. I can tell that many people are slightly uncomfortable and hesitant around me, although my personality is very free, albeit fairly introverted. Even my superiors seem to fear me and try to make pointless small talk to connect, which I secretly find amusing. At any rate, it’s been very refreshing to see that others have the same sentiments for where America is headed.

  51. I agree with Winston Wu America is only good for making money and higher education but their way of life sucks big time,Most americans are dull,Robotic,soulless and dead wonder they have high rates of depression and drug use in any industrialized country...all they do is work work and have less vacation
    vacations...due to their high sense of individuality trying to make friends and connect with people is difficult to downright impossible and they are always in denial about everything hence some of the negative comments on here they dont like hearing the truth and always want to be coddled like kids some of Winstons Wu's videos were taken down on YouTube or censored...they dont like being criticized even if its constructive criticism they take it as an attack to is nightmare for single men women are stuck up,standoffish,narcissistic,play too many games,dont need men,have too many options or only date men they perceive as the best..and if you do get lucky to date or even marry an American woman the marriage is more likely to end in Divorce...America way of life is sick,dysfunctional,insane and highly unnatural everything is all ass backwards...a sane person cannot fit in such an insane country like USA and people who are genuinely down to earth or nice are left out as most people in USA are fake and their interaction and relationships with other people are fake and superficial.

    1. I quit dating American women in 2012. I had plenty of girlfriends there, but none of them really had any love for me. They were also just generally irresponsible and selfish. They actually seem to enjoy making men feel worthless and alone - they derive a sadistic pleasure from it.

  52. I would like to briefly talk about a non-western country that really lays bare the difference between the soulful and the soulless. I lived in Israel for a short time, but unfortunately I was in a community of mostly immigrants from AmeriKKKa, the UKKK, etc. When I would go outside of the community on my own to meet real Israelis, I had a great time. However, within the rigid, inflexible lifestyle of the Hasidic Americans, there was no soul in sight. People would start arguments for no reason, ask me tons of questions and then walk away while I was answering - proving that they didn't actually want to have a conversation at all, but rather just wanted to hear themselves talk (more like shout).

    Israel is an obscenely expensive country, with a 3rd-world standard of living. They think of themselves as 'Europeans', despite the fact that they're actually in Asia and border Africa. People seem to have tons of money in Israel, but nobody has a real job. It's very surreal. People in the community where I lived drank VERY HEAVILY. I used to have an alcohol problem a long time ago, but I got it under control, so I was not happy about being surrounded by drunk people all the time. They used the religion as an excuse and none of them would dare to admit that they are actually alcoholics. Happy people do not get falling-down-drunk every night...

    Then of course there's the violence. I once witnessed fighter jets return to base at 5am, after an airstrike across the border in Lebanon. I was out there, walking by myself because the rest of the community were all passed out drunk. The next day, the hungover rabbis were cheering and celebrating the killings. These were Americans - the head rabbi was from Philadelphia. I left Israel, went back to Southeast Asia, got a real job and met my wife...

  53. I was working in the US for 6 years. My experience is different. Most of Americans are very nice and friendly people. They helped me a lot. After that i was working in Germany. Germans are like emmotionless beings that don’t trust strangers.

    1. German people also started both world wars and the Holocaust... But somehow they totally escaped responsibility and are still allowed to have a country today. Germany should have been disbanded entirely and the Jewish people should have taken all of the German territory, instead of invading and occupying Palestine... The fact that German people are allowed to live at all is perhaps the greatest miscarriage of justice in history.

    2. What do you mean Anonymous? Germany did not star WW1 and WW2. Britain and France did. That is historical fact. Mainstream historians do not deny that. Germany didn't ask for WW1. They were outproducing Britain, that's why the Allies wanted to destroy Germany, In 1914 Germany was minding its own business. This is well documented. Germany had nothing to gain in a world war. Think about it. See the documentary series "Hellstorm".

  54. Food in the US is crazy. I moved to Japan and the differences are staggering. From the quality of the food to the portion size, it's really hard to control how much you eat in the states. People can do it but it requires discipline that many don't have. I visited my family in the states this past year and I couldn't even finish a single plate. Before I moved to Japan, I could devour that with snacks and more food. The quality is another issue too. SO much preservatives and other junk.

  55. I think most people lack depth and emotional intelligence. Maybe Americans are worse though. A lot of these replies do kind of prove the authors point instead of what they intended to do. I do agree many Americans are horrible at genuine critical thinking and end up feeding their own bias, prejudices, etc. Americans are also incredibly selfish. I am not sure if this is just Americans or everywhere though. Wish I could afford to travel or move somehwere else.


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