WARNING: This is the most TABOO article about Taiwan ever written. Guaranteed. It totally violates the social rule that everything said or written about Taiwan has to be positive, lighthearted and politically correct. It breaks this taboo completely in the name of truth, exposing dark and negative truths about Taiwan that no one would dare to say. In that sense, it stands out from the rest, and will probably be ostracized for that reason. But the truth is the truth, so this will be posted online anyway for all seeking the truth about Taiwan to find. Be warned though, this is NOT for the mainstream politically correct crowd, which is likely to find this article very offensive, no matter how true it is. So if that bothers you, then this article is not for you.
First, while you might think that a foreigner in Taiwan experiences a culture shock, there is an even bigger one experienced by Asian Americans (like myself) in Taiwan which is not publicly talked about and runs deep into one's very own identity.
You see, as an Asian American, I have basically no place in Taiwan. I don't fit into the local category or foreigner category. I'm definitely not a normal local because I'm Westernized and think/act like a Westerner, which is not how a Taiwanese is expected to be. In America, I am used to being treated like a Westerner, so it is awkward to be treated like a local Taiwanese in Taiwan by everyone constantly. It's like everyone has this FALSE assumption about you everywhere you go, so that you always feel PRESSURE to be something you're not. Really weird.
A Taiwanese is expected to be a lot of things I am not - repressed, humble, shy, meek, conformist, narrow, small-minded, insular, obedient, group-oriented, passive, indirect and non-assertive. In contrast, I am direct, assertive, outspoken, blunt, intense, passionate, romantic, flirtatious, relaxed, open-minded, broad-minded, intellectual, philosophical, freethinking, curious, adventurous, melodramatic, self-centered and individualistic. On the other hand, I don't fit into the foreigner category either, because I'm not white. So I don't get the foreigner hospitality treatment in Taiwan, or the attention from girls either. Thus, I really have no natural place in Taiwan and am constantly treated and viewed with false assumptions.
So you see, being in Taiwan is a very awkward experience which messes with your identity. And it explains why Asian Americans do not usually like to live in Taiwan like other foreigners do. After all, who would like his/her identity messed with everyday? It gets annoying after a while when everyone carries a false assumption about you, expecting you to act, talk and think like a local Taiwanese. Eventually, it makes you feel invalidated. And that's not a good or positive thing at all.
So in that sense, an Asian American (or Taiwanese American) experiences an "identity shock" in Taiwan, not just a culture shock.
And if that wasn't bad enough, it gets worse. That was just the tip of the iceberg. It gets much deeper and more taboo, which I will go over in the next section.
WARNING: The following section may sound a little kooky and is totally taboo as well. So if deep or taboo content offends you, you might want to avoid this next part.
Honestly, Taiwan may have good Chinese food, safe streets and polite people (when they aren't driving that is). But it is also a very boring, miserable, repressed place where you can be yourself or tell the truth, and I will explain why, in ways no one else has before or dares to.
This might be personal and subjective, but Taiwan seems to have some kind of negative energy vortex. I don't know why, but I sense a vibe of misery and repression everywhere I go in Taiwan, which is draining and undermines my self-confidence and self-esteem. I do not like it at all. It's feels horrible and draining, like some kind of toxic radiation. It's like there are hungry ghosts sucking your soul or something (in addition to the sterile environment). I feel like something is trying to choke me in Taiwan. Perhaps it's because I don't fit in or share the narrow repressiveness of the Taiwan vibe, so it has this effect on me? I guess if you are narrow and repressed yourself, then you won't notice anything it, but if you aren't, you will?
Now I can't prove any of this scientifically. And I don't know if it's my imagination or if I'm projecting my own misery onto Taiwan. But I definitely feel a vibe of extreme repression and misery everywhere in Taiwan 24/7. I don't know why others don't complain about it. Maybe I'm just more empathic or sensitive to energies than other people? Or maybe it's because my soul energy is incompatible with Taiwan? But the thing is, I may be right, because Taiwan does have a high suicide rate (like Japan), and most Taiwanese people do not look truly happy. They look extremely repressed, stiff and their smiles appear phony. So perhaps people do sense it subconsciously but falsely assume that the misery is coming from within themselves? I wonder, could this miserable vibe be generated by the people or the location? If people can have vibes, then why can't places as well?
Now I know that might sound a little kooky and New Ageish, but consider this: We cannot see air, gravity, radio waves, television waves, and wifi signals either, yet they are real. Who's to say what else is out there that we cannot see? Our vision only allows us to see a narrow spectrum of visible light. There could easily be other energies, or even hungry ghosts or parasitic energy vampires, around us that we can't see. I'm not trying to spout crazy theories, but such things are possibilities that can't be ruled out.
Ask yourself this: How else can you explain why some cultures like Taiwan and Japan are so repressed, uptight and miserable, with high suicide rates, while other countries like Mexico, Latin America, Spain, Greece, Italy, etc. have a 1000 percent different vibe, one that is very lively, festive, natural, open and relaxed? I don't think culture alone explains the difference, or even different genes. Just as each person has a different aura or energy field, so too does each place have its own energy field. That only makes sense right?
What's worse, you aren't allowed to complain about such negative energies or experiences in Taiwan, because the social culture is very strict about its political correctness. There is an unspoken rule in Taiwan that everything you say about Taiwan must be positive, nice and superficial. No negativity is allowed. The only criticisms allowed are those pertaining to politics or the weather, but those are so cliched.
If you break this rule, most if not all social groups will ostracize and avoid you, leaving you lonely and deprived of human companionship. For example, even though it's obvious that Taiwanese are generally closed, repressed and narrow, you are not allowed to SAY that they are. It's like the Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. In that sense, you are not allowed to tell the truth in Taiwan. And if you are feeling miserable or unhappy, no one wants to hear it. What this means is that you can't be yourself and you aren't allowed to tell the truth either - a double whammy which is horrible and even more invalidating!
However, I do not agree with this social rule mandating political correctness in Taiwan. You see, I don't believe that just because something is negative, that it should be denied simply because it is politically incorrect. You must understand that political correctness is about control, NOT truth. And control = loss of freedom to say and think what you want. As a "freedom junkie" I do not believe in such control and censorship, especially when it conflicts with reality. But sadly, most people are the opposite. They prefer political correctness, control and censorship over the truth.
In this regard, Taiwan reminds me a lot of Seattle and Washington state in general. Seattle also has a miserable socially sterile vibe, and is reputed to be one of the most socially isolating, hard to make friends, places in the USA. Google "Seattle Freeze" and you will get tons of hits about it. Yet in Seattle, you are NOT allowed to talk about this. You are only allowed to say nice positive things about it. Any criticism will get you ostracized (even if you have no social life there anyway) and vilified. This is why no matter how many miserable depressed people there are in Seattle, everyone you ask there will only say nice things about it. Unless you are their close friend, few people will tell you how they really feel. Yet there is a high suicide rate in Washington state, similar to Taiwan, so perhaps it too has some kind of bad energy vortex.
However, despite its social sterility, Seattle is at least better than Taiwan in that the air is far more fresh and clear, streets are cleaner, drivers are far more polite, cuisine has more variety (great Mexican food that you can never find in Taiwan) and the infrastructure is more modernized as well. You also don't have insects biting you everytime you go out like you do in Taiwan, and food spoils at a normal rate rather than an accelerated rate like in Taiwan due to its tropic humidity.
Anyhow, this topic about the miserable energy in Taiwan is not only taboo in Taiwan because it's negative, but also because it's deep and deals with the metaphysical/spiritual realm. You see, Taiwanese young people don't like deep conversations for some reason. Not only is it beyond their capability, but it's awkward to them as well. Deep conversation and spirituality is abnormal in Taiwan unless you are in a Buddhist monastery. Taiwanese social groups do not persecute you if you are different, they simply ostracize you and avoid you. Also, if you say anything intellectual or too intelligent, you immediately get awkward vibes which will count against you. Thus Taiwan is one of the worst places for an independent free thinker or alternative type who thinks outside the box.
Taiwan is an extremely conformist society and culture where groups are everything and individuals are nothing. The rule in Taiwan is that simple and narrow is the norm, and social converation must always be polite, positive, innocent, non-controversial and politically correct. Otherwise, you become a social outcast. But if you are not simple, narrow, and small minded, then it will be difficult to vibe with them because you won't be on their wavelength. The problem is, if I am not simple, narrow and small minded, then there is no way I can be on their wavelength. So it's a no win situation for me. This doesn't just apply to Taiwanese social cliques, but to multi-cultural ones as well.
(However, since I don't have a great social life or dating life in Taiwan, I have nothing to lose by writing this article of course. Being miserable in Taiwan, all I have left is the truth, which I deliver honestly and articulately. After all, since I'm treated like dirt in Taiwan and not validated, why should I cover the truth by saying only fake positive things about it? Would you say nice positive things about someone who treated you like dirt? You gotta understand that political correctness is not truth, contrary to what liberals tell you.)
Even worse, in a sense I am a "double misfit" in Taiwan. Let me explain. The average Westerner is more open/broad minded than the average Taiwanese (at least in my experience). Now, since I am part of the alternative counter-culture group in America, and also an independent free thinker, that means that I am much more open/broad minded than the average Westerner, who is already more open/broad minded than the average Taiwanese. So when you add it up that way, I am "doubly" more open minded than the typical Taiwanese, all of which ostracizes me even more as a "double misfit" in a highly conformist society like Taiwan where groups are everything and individuals are nothing.
Taiwan is not an intellectual culture. All that matters there is making money and eating food. Those are the two biggies on the Taiwanese treadmill of everyday life. Nothing else really matters, not even love. People generally don't care about philosophy or intellectual matters. So it is very hard to find people who can relate to me. Not to brag, but as far as I know, I seem to be the only Taiwanese freethinker. I honestly don't know any others. I guess that makes me really unique, but uniqueness comes with loneliness too.
Worst of all, as a passionate and romantic person, I find Taiwan to be VERY depriving. To me, there's no passion, no romance, no flirtation, no sensuality, no love, no heart and soul, no special moments, no special memories, and no camaraderie with others. Time just passes by and is wasted with no meaning (just like in Seattle). It's like Taiwan only wants you to eat and be bored, but offers nothing else. That sucks. My two priorities in life are romance and adventure, but Taiwan offers me neither, so Taiwan sucks in my book.
Unfortunately, Taiwan has become a lot like America - socially isolating, stuck up and lonely. No one seems to care about you. It wasn't as bad 20 years ago in Taiwan, but sadly, it is now.
Taiwanese personalities commonly come in two weird extremes: 1) grumpy, constipated, stern, strict facial expression (common among older generation), and 2) fake innocent cheesy corny "hello kitty" facial expression (common among young adults and teens). Ewww! Both of these suck and are abnormal and unnatural. How do you vibe with such unnatural personalities? I have no idea. Why can't Taiwanese just be normal and natural? I often feel like I'm the only one that's "normal" in Taiwan. It's like a Twilight Zone environment where normal is abnormal, and abnormal is normal. Really weird.
What's worse, most young Taiwanese are duds with no personality and can't even hold a normal conversation. There is nothing really there to connect with. They are the least engaging youngsters I've ever met - usually quiet with nothing to say and no expression (except for very superficial ones). When you talk to them, after a few minutes or few sentences, the conversation runs dry, like you've run into a brick wall with nothing more to say. Asking them open ended questions about themselves, like interviewers do, will not change any of this. (if it did, I wouldn't have a problem engaging them) They are like empty shells.
To be honest, Taiwan is the most UNINTERESTING country I've ever been to. And its people are the WEIRDEST and most inhuman I've ever met - unnaturally closed, cold and repressed, with no personality, soul or passion, which makes them almost inhuman. I don't understand why they are like that. How the hell am I supposed to "act" around such people? I'm confused and I don't get it. I'm nothing like them, thank goodness. This might sound bad, but in Taiwan, I feel like I'm the only one that's "normal". I know that sounds terrible, but I don't know how else to put it. I guess theoretically, if you are like them, you may not notice anything strange, but if you are not like them, then you definitely will.
The females in Taiwan are among the most cliquish, closed, and uptight I've ever seen. They project this "cold wall" and "negative energy barrier" around them that makes it unnatural and uncomfortable to try to meet them or chat them up. They are nothing like the girls in Europe who in contrast are far more open, relaxed, friendly, sociable and easier to chat up. To give you a simple example, if I say "Excuse me miss" (in Chinese or English) to girls walking by in Taiwan (who are totally cold and closed) none of them will stop. But in most other countries, when I do that, very often the girls will stop and talk to me. That's a very big difference that says a lot, no matter how you try to spin it.
To make things doubly worse, Taiwanese girls are extremely picky, shallow, judgmental, difficult, vain, and spook easily like deer do in the wild. They are overly cautious and unnaturally shy to the extreme, and don't like talking to strangers without an introduction through mutual friends. These extreme traits that are common in Taiwanese females make them almost inhuman and definitely unnatural. Now there is nothing wrong with being a little shy or cautious. That can be cute. But Taiwanese girls take it to the extreme and are too excessive in their closed-ness and shyness. Ironically, their own ancient Chinese wisdom says that nothing in extremes is any good, and that everything must be in moderation.
Also, Taiwanese girls have hang ups about dating. To them, dating is a stepping stone to marriage, so they won't just go out with you for fun, at least not the good girls. You have to jump through a ton of hoops. So you can't just simply ask them out like you can in most countries, otherwise you will be met with polite rejections and excuses. To make matters worse, the normal courting process of flirtation is considered a taboo in Taiwan, seen as creepy bad behavior. It does not create any energy or excitement, like it does in other countries. It does not help you meet girls either. It is simply of zero value in Taiwan.
So if you are a Romeo or Casanova who likes to flirt, this will be a big let down for you, because you are not allowed to use your main arsenal of seduction. Furthermore, it's very hard to vibe with Taiwanese girls if you are not on their small minded, shallow, narrow, insular wavelength.
So it's like everything is against you in Taiwan if you want to try to fulfill your romantic or sexual needs, which sucks and is terrible beyond words. Taiwan does have a high concentration of hot girls, but what's the point if they are all look and no touch? That just makes it more depressing and frustrating. Personally, I find Taiwan to have the most unnatural and ego-deflating dating scene I've ever seen. The miserable vortex in Taiwan compounds it and makes it all worse.
Even when I manage to make polite small talk with a girl in Taiwan, so what? Most of the time it won't go anywhere. She will act friendly for a while, then maybe give me her Facebook or email, and maybe add me, but that's it. She will not agree to meet up or go out. If I ask her out, all I will get back are excuses, excuses, excuses, which totally sucks. At best, she will exchange polite but short and boring pleasantries over Facebook or email only. God that's soooooooooo boring!!! I hate that. It's happened to me soooooooooo many fricking times already. Fuck! Sheesh. What a miserable boring culture. Totally sucks!
What's worse, most Taiwanese girls have no personality and no social skills. They are duds who can't hold a normal conversation and are not engaging at all. When they do talk, the things they say will be very superficial and meaningless. Thus, there is nothing really there to connect with. Asking them open ended questions about themselves, like interviewers do, will not change any of this. (if it did, I wouldn't have a problem engaging them) When they talk amongst their friends, they squeak to each other like little mice, acting very fragile and insecure. Very weird.
In contrast, girls in most other countries (Europe, Russia, Philippines, Mainland China, etc.) are far easier to engage in a natural normal conversation. So you gotta wonder, what's the problem with Taiwan?
(Note: Not surprisingly, Taiwan is now reported to have the third highest divorce rate in the world, according to its own news media. That's an indicator of how fucked up things are there, as the negative qualities of Western culture start to take over.)
Publicly, everyone says that Taiwanese are very friendly, even if they don't mean it. But the term "friendly" is a broad word that is used too loosely. What I've noticed though is that whenever a person, magazine, book, website or blog says that "People are friendly in Taiwan", they NEVER EVER differentiate or specify what they mean. In reality, the only people who smile and make eye contact with strangers are elderly people and customer service people paid to be polite. Not young adults and especially not young women. Hell no! No way! Young adults and teens in Taiwan are excessively shy, not engaging, have no social skills and can't hold a normal conversation, while older folks are much more talkative to strangers. This is a big consistent and obvious difference between young and old in Taiwan, yet I seem to be the ONLY ONE who differentiates this. WTF?! How can something be so obvious yet I'm the only one in the world willing to mention it?! So weird. Am I the only one that's awake and normal?!
In reality, young Taiwanese are very exclusive, never look at strangers, and treat them like they don't exist. Unless you are introduced, they will not socialize with you at all, especially women and girls. The only time a Taiwanese girl will look at a stranger is if she is wondering, "What is that creep staring at?!" Their attitude is the one that's negative (not mine) and unapproachable. This is yet another reason why I find Taiwan to be one of the loneliest places in the world. It's like a jinx where everything goes against you.
On a simpler note, the weather and climate in Taiwan are also terrible. It is hot and humid most of the year, which is unhealthy and causes your body to sweat more and work harder to cool off, making it hard to breathe or exercise unless you are really fit. (Personally I feel much better and healthier in colder dryer climates, like in Europe.) It also makes it hard to think too. No wonder why the greatest writers, artists and intellectuals throughout history have mostly come from colder dryer climates, like those in Europe, not hot tropical climates like Taiwan. The tropical humidity also causes food to spoil faster, and allows more bacteria and mold to grow, and insects to become more abundant. What this means is that it is easier to get infected by bacteria, and when you step outside, there are more insects to bite you and leave red bumps on your skin, all of which is annoying and irritating and detracts from the outdoors experience!
Taiwan is drab and dull in terms of architecture and natural scenery. The infrastructure and buildings consist of ghetto slabs of concrete with no aesthetic quality - which is crappy compared to the magnificence of European architecture. And the natural scenery is dull and bland, nothing spectacular. It cannot compare to the spectacular breathtaking national parks in America (such as the ones in Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Yosemite). Thus Taiwan is not really a "beautiful country" in terms of infrastructure or landscapes.
Here are some image examples. Here is a typical street in Taiwan (you've seen one, you've seen them all):
In contrast, look at the beautiful cultured architecture I photographed in Europe and Russia:
This is a typical outdoors scene in Taiwan:
Typical mountain backdrop in Taiwan:
As you can see, it's very bland and nothing special. Nothing to rave about. Nothing you can't see anywhere else. In contrast, look how spectacular the scenery is from my photos of the American Southwest in Arizona, Utah and Colorado:
As you can see, the images speak for themselves.
Taiwanese drivers are rude and reckless, not as polite as in Western countries. There are so many drivers who are either rude a-holes, or incompetent drivers who have bad sensory motor skills. In cities, even small ones, it is inconvenient to try to park a car. The cities are designed for scooters to park. But scooters are dangerous because one accident and you could be killed or hospitalized. There is no safety margin on a scooter. So you are either inconvenienced with no parking spaces, or you have to take a dangerous risk with your life on a scooter. That's what I call between a rock and a hard place.
Now I know what you must be thinking. You're probably thinking, "Well it's no wonder people don't like you in Taiwan and why you don't have many friends there. Your shitty attitude about Taiwan turns people away obviously." But wait a minute. That's a typical victim-blaming copout of mainstream politically correct people. Let's suppose tomorrow I woke up and started raving about how wonderful and awesome Taiwan is, like Janet Hsieh does on Fun Taiwan. What would the result of that be? Would I then start having a great social life, feel a sense of belonging and suddenly start dating great women? Come on. Get real. It doesn't work that way. The net result would be the same. People just don't give a shit about me in Taiwan, and their actions show it. Being socially appropriate and being liked by super picky closed people are totally different things. So in reality, my attitude wouldn't make any difference, and you know it. You are just looking for a cheap way to try to pin the blame on me, which is typical of the mainstream.
Besides, what have I said in this article that is not true? My attitude did not create the extreme repression inherent in Taiwan, so pointing it out does not make me "negative". I am merely pointing out the obvious that everyone already knows but is afraid to mention due to its taboo nature. Merely being more aware than others does not make me negative or have a shitty attitude. I am an empath who reflects back what I get. I'm not going to lie and be fake and try to reflect a positive reaction from a negative experience. Come on now. That would be dishonest and inauthentic.
Actually, I can be very positive, if my experiences are positive that is. Why should I be positive if my experiences are not positive and instead I am treated like shit? Be realistic please. Why should I lie just to appease political correctness? Sheesh. I tell it like I experience it. If I experience something negative, I will be negative about it, and if positive, I will be positive about it. What could be more honest and simple than that?! Geez. Would you rather I lie? I may be critical, yes, but I am fair and accurate.
So look, I am only relating my experiences and observations as honestly as I can. If you don't like it, that's fine. But it's not right to condemn me for honesty. Most people are not good in observation, and are in denial of what's around them. Just because I am far more insightful, aware, conscious and honest doesn't mean there's something wrong with me. I am simply a sane person in an insane world. And in fact, some of the greatest minds and writers in the world have said the same thing about themselves - such as Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Eric Fromm, Friederich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Marcus Aurelius, Gandhi, etc.
Now before you call me crazy or delusional for writing such a taboo article, let me tell you that I'm no fool. My IQ is well above average (as you can see from my writing style and organization skills) and I can beat 99 percent of people in chess (figuratively speaking) and even 99 percent of Taiwanese people in Chinese chess, using pure logic and strategic thinking alone. I have also occasionally beaten the computer at Scrabble on the advanced level. So I'm no idiot. In addition, I have a credible reputation which can be verified by third party neutral sources. See a list of them here: http://www.happierabroad.com/References.htm . And I have received many praises from others for my intellectual insights. You can see links to them on my About Me page here: http://www.happierabroad.com/AboutMe.htm
To summarize, in a nutshell, Taiwan does offer good Chinese food, safe streets and polite people (when they're not driving that is). But that's all. It has a long list of negatives, none of which you are allowed to talk about in its superficial politically correct social culture. Without regard for such taboos, here are the major negatives of Taiwan:
The vibe and atmosphere are perpetually boring, miserable, repressed, lonely and soul draining, as if there were some dark negative vortex, hungry ghosts, or energy vampires depleting you of life force. Taiwan is also severely lacking in passion, romance, love, sensuality, special moments, special memories, intellectualism, heart and soul, and camaraderie.
The people are unnaturally closed, cold, repressed, insular, narrow and small minded, which makes them seem almost inhuman. And the girls and women have a "cold wall" around them that makes it uncomfortable, awkward and unnatural to meet them (without being introduced by a mutual friend). Taiwanese personalities commonly come in two weird extremes: 1) grumpy, constipated look with stern, strict facial expression, and 2) fake innocent look with cheesy gay "hello kitty" facial expression (common among young adults and teens). Both of these are abnormal, unnatural and inhuman. I dislike both and don't vibe with either of them. Thus I often feel like I'm the only one that's "normal" in Taiwan.
Taiwan's architecture is ugly and drab, and its natural scenery is bland and nothing special. It is not really a "beautiful country" in terms of infrastructure or landscapes. While the Chinese food there may be great, it is lacking in international cuisine, outside of the big cities that is. You will not find the diversity or quality of food there that you have in America. (And if you love Italian or Mexican food, like me, you will be sorely disappointed and deprived.)
The social culture is very superficial and politically correct, and only allows you to talk about light, superficial, positive topics. It is socially taboo to talk about anything deep or negative, even though there are many negative things in Taiwan. You are not allowed to be yourself if you are deep, intellectual or passionate - such traits make you a misfit in Taiwan, because the culture itself is cold and practical, and the people, being highly conformist, conform to that.
In short, Taiwan is a very safe but very boring, repressed, lonely and miserable place where I can't be myself or tell the truth.
Also, as mentioned in the beginning, as an Asian American I have no real place in Taiwan and am treated with false assumptions by everyone constantly, and expected to be something I'm not. Furthermore, none of my core personality traits fit into Taiwan or harmonize with its vibe or culture either. For all these reasons and more, Taiwan has been a highly awkward and negative experience for me, and one that is totally invalidating and ego-deflating as well. What more can I say, except the truth?
Yet I seem to be the only one who tells such truths about Taiwan. No one else does, at least not publicly. I guess most people are programmed to never say anything taboo or politically correct. They desperately want to fit in and be accepted by others, which is more important to them than telling the truth or being honest and aware. But as an intellectual and introvert, I am more apt to remain true to my "inner self/inner life" and tell the truth honestly and accurately, rather than be fake to follow the norm, which I see as inauthentic.
I guess that makes me different from others. But then again, if being honest and authentic makes me different from the crowd, and if telling the truth makes me a misfit, then that speaks volumes about what a dysfunctional society and social culture this is. And I am not afraid to say that. Where I come from, being brave, confident and courageous enough to follow your heart and tell the truth is encouraged and valued, and if that makes me a misfit in a repressed insular culture like Taiwan, then so be it.
Many of the greatest writers, intellectuals and freethinkers throughout world history agree with me on this. To understand what I mean, see their quotes here: http://www.happierabroad.com/Quotes_Insanity.htm
Thanks for reading these taboo but deep and truthful observations.
Winston Wu
See Also:
The Four Biggest Problems With Taiwan
10 Reasons Why Taiwan is not good for social life, fun, happiness or romance
The Pros and Cons of Taiwan
Taboo Observations and Truths About Taiwan