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Friday, August 6, 2021

More Americans are renouncing their citizenship

 By Andy

I recently came across this article, and I am not surprised. We here in the HA community have known about this for at least the last 10+ years. But, because of such a big increase last year, it was too big of an elephant in the room for the MSM to further ignore. You see, it's always we the people that know things, at least months before the MSM does. In a lot of workplaces, it's the employees that know more than management. 

More Americans are renouncing their citizenship

It's just that the management and the MSM usually wait six months after the employees tell them of an idea or a problem, to bring it up again, for the sake of claiming it as their own. That's the general intelligence level of those in charge. This reminds me of that scene in "The Untouchables", where Sean Connery's character says the "smart" police cadet is going to be the next chief of police. Can you really even blame me for hardly watching any TV nowadays? Enjoy and have a laugh.


1 comment:

  1. How can I leave the U.S The land of incarceration? I lived in Old Mexico for ten years. I was deported back to the USA and sent to prison.I am out now ,but I have been informed that if I leave the USA The,State of Texas and return to Old Mexico, where I lived in freedom, I would be sentenced to ten more years in Prison!I am on Parole until 2024,But I get threatened With Jail, ISF, or prison every time I go before Parole! I am required to wear a tracking Monitor on my leg. And I have to give a schedule for everywhere I can go for A month at a time.I can't even walk out of the house without getting a violation!Is there anyone reading this who will help me get out of the USA and relocate to Mexico or anywhere else in the world where I can live in freedom? I am a poor man because everything I have ever obtained has been stold away from me by the system of the BEAST "The State of Texas"! My name Is Dallas Waddell, dw5865@yahoo.com,563 Cutter dr. Trinity Texas 75862. Please Help me live free !


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