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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Biggest Dating Secret For Men!


By Winston Wu (Founder of HappierAbroad.com)
If you are a single Western male, here is a life-changing truth that conventional sources will NEVER tell you about. The following is common knowledge among many expat males but unknown to the US mainstream population. Some expats prefer that these truths remain secret for selfish reasons, but I believe that a good thing should be shared and discussed openly, so that ignored problems are understood and dealt with, not denied.

The BIGGEST SECRET that’s being kept from you is that if you are an average decent Western male, you are GOLD and a BIG CATCH to millions of thin beautiful feminine women all over the world who will treat YOU right - for REAL! No joke.
This is a HUGE life changing secret that can transform the lives of countless lonely frustrated single males in America, yet is never told to them by mainstream sources because it is taboo in our culture and society to mention such things. That is a big INJUSTICE and we are here to help correct that. When American males discover this themselves overseas, they typically go into disbelief and awe, exclaiming "My God, where have I been all this time?! Why didn't I go abroad sooner?! This is how women were meant to be when God created them! Why didn't someone tell me sooner?!"
Now, we all know the rule of thumb that "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is." But this IS one of the exceptions (which we have abundant proof of) making it one of the Biggest Secrets. Many guys have trouble believing this until they experience it themselves. But that's what we are here for, to show you a mountain of authentic proof which will inspire you and change your life! 

You see, in many overseas countries, the gender and dating imbalances are reversed in YOUR favor! As you know, in the US it seems that every decent woman is taken, super picky, or not even looking, leaving most single males out of luck. It's gotten so bad that it's not even worth your time to try anymore. But in many other countries and parts of the world (Russia, Ukraine, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, etc.) the supply and demand are REVERSED due to various economic, cultural and demographic factors. There aren't enough good men, and an excess of women, so the women are the ones who have to impress the men with their sweetness and femininity, giving the males the upper hand with so many choices that some of them don't want to commit. Some countries also have certain cultural factors in your favor as well, such as being more open and inclusive, or more pro-male and less feminist, or more appreciative of nice men, etc. Whereas the USA is a dating paradise for any decent looking woman, in many other cultures you will find a dating paradise for YOU, giving you so many more choices that it can spoil you rotten! This is a HUGE life changing secret that has transformed the lives of many frustrated and lonely guys at a dead end in America. It's a simple fact, kept silent due to its taboo and politically incorrect nature in the anti-male culture of the USA. But you don't have to worry about us spoiling the "frontier" for you though. With the USA comprising only 5 percent of the world's population, and the fact that most men who write foreign women never actually get off their butt to go overseas, you do not need to worry about saturation.

The truth is there are so many quality available women all over the world who are thin, feminine, sweet, approachable, unspoiled and will treat you right, that you will have trouble deciding which one to choose! So why would you want to remain on a sinking ship, when you could skyrocket your love life and dating from zero to infinity by simply dating globally rather than locally?!

Now, this might sound too good to be true and you might be wondering what the catch is, but I swear to you that it is. Me and many others have lived and experienced it firsthand. If you come to my site and see the testimonials, interviews, photos and videos, we’ll prove it to you beyond a shadow of a doubt. The good news is that if you want, you can easily find a traditional wife, or party like a Rock Star in areas of the world like Latin America or Southeast Asia, for really cheap! Why should only the rich and famous be allowed to? You can too! All you have to do is to first make the mental choice to do so. We can guide you from there on.

Learn more about International Dating at http://www.happierabroad.com/

To meet foreign women now, check out these reputable dating sites, where you can meet Asian women or meet Russian women or women from other cultures.

To help disseminate The Biggest Dating Secret For Men, pass around this printable PDF pamphlet which you can download at: (right click and select Save As)


  1. Two feather says you gave your word to remove me from your site if anonymous posters were not allowed. your measurement as a man is at your word, Did your father teach you this = Mine did! So where is your measurement.... remove my name form you site as you said you would do = Keep your word - of mnore fancy words and dot keep your word - again

  2. With the rapid innovation of technology and the world today, for sure finding the right one for you is as easy as 1-2-3. Online dating played a greater factor to singles who cannot find true love or serious relationship in their homeland. There have been so many successful stories about finding real happiness and ideal match in online dating. However, one should be careful in dealing people online because scams and frauds are all over.


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