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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is Chuck Norris really any good? Where's the proof?


I don't get how Chuck Norris can be any good. I mean, if he's really an 8 times world karate champion, as his stats say, then why are there no videos on YouTube of him competing against real opponents, other than in movies where they are wooden dummies? I mean, you'd think someone would have a video of him competing if he won the championships 8 times wouldn't you?!

Does winning a point sparring tournament in Karate mean that you're really good?

If so, why do virtually ALL his movies TOTALLY SUCK, other than the first one with Bruce Lee? His movies are completely predictable. The acting in them suck. The plots in them are hokey and cliched. And worst of all, his fight scenes suck too. He doesn't even move that fast. A typical Karate green belt could do the moves and kicks that he does. I've seen them do so.

So where is the proof that he's any good?

And why aren't there any films showing him fighting against real opponents?

All we see are films of him kicking wooden dummies in really fake fight scenes.

On YouTube, there are a handful of films claiming to show Chuck Norris in karate tournaments, but they all LIE. None of them actually show anything. You can't even see Chuck Norris in them. I had a look at them. Very disappointing.

Same with Steven Seagal. All his films suck too.

Seagal and Norris' movies are all insults to one's intelligence. They walk around like they are invincible Gods whom no one can touch, not even the police or armed guards. And they plow through everything with no resistance like paper, as if they owned the world. And everyone is afraid of them and kisses their ass. Yeah right.

And they are 100 percent predictable too. Only hicks would enjoy them.

I can't imagine why their films are still always on cable. They suck so bad that they seem like they were intended to suck.

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