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Friday, December 28, 2018

What To Pack For Your Trip Abroad, Pt. I

By Andy

Packing for a trip abroad, no matter the length of the trip, is a tedious process. If you're a perfectionist like I am, you don't want to forget to pack any items, and you won't want to leave anything to chance. It is challenging, but not impossible to bring everything you need for your trip that fits in a suitcase and falls within legal regulations. With advance planning and some research, you can spend a lot less time on your trip abroad, worrying about where you placed a much needed item or locating the nearest store, and more time enjoying yourself. I have used my many years of experience in traveling abroad to compile a list of what to pack for that next great adventure. 

This post will focus on the suitcase, your checked baggage, and a later post will focus on what you should pack in your carry-on baggage. I should mention that, in my years of traveling, I have yet to master bringing just one bag as carry-on, that will fit in the overhead bin and not checking in any baggage. I don't know, nor have I met any fellow travelers who have done this. The only exception is those who travel domestically or for a week or less. If you're like me and you take trips of at least two or three weeks or even a month or longer, you'll understand the need for carefully packing checked luggage. 

So, without any further screwing around, here's an outline of what you should pack in your (checked bag) suitcase.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Marrying A Colombian Woman? Here Are Four Things To Watch Out For!

Dating and marrying foreign women is all the rage nowadays. Chalk it up to the high divorce rates in North America or maybe just a massive change in romantic interests, but Western men are trailing their eyes overseas in the hope of finding the perfect bride. We all know, however, that perfection does not exist. Colombian women might seem perfect (and in many ways, they outshine all other women on earth), but trust me, they have their strange side as well. Four to be exact.

Before you plan on dating a Colombian girl, you might want to be aware of these facts:

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Happier Abroad Support Network

Do you have a book, blog, website, Youtube channel, forum, small business, or any product or service that needs promoting? Frustrated because you can't find reliable help?

It's not easy to succeed when there is so much competition and you have to fight so hard just to get a few clicks, views, and sales.

At Happier Abroad, we are building an outlet for getting what you need: clicks, views, reviews, subscriptions, sales. We call it the Happier Abroad Support Network.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Expatriation Ragnarok – My New Guide For Expatriating in These Dark Times

Hello everyone, Markcus McCloud here. You may know me better as Ghost from the Happier Abroad forum. I think it is evident that expatriation is harder these days, as the condition of the world continues to rapidly deteriorate. Ten years ago must seem like the good ol' days of being happier abroad. Where is there left to go that is still relatively good? How can you get started going abroad if you are starting at zero? And once abroad, how can you get what you need out of it? I talk about these things and so much more in my new guide, Expatriation Ragnarok.

The successor to Expatriation Apocalypse (2015), Expatriation Ragnarok expands on why the West is declining and collapsing, how we got into this mess and where it is leading, the ultimate economic doom that may be coming over the next few decades, and how to make the most of going abroad when things are so grim and difficult.

I have always had a focus on the 'common man' who is starting from zero or near zero. There are not enough resources for these alienated men who need help the most. Expatriation Ragnarok is the same – a guide for those who are at bottom and just want to get out of the West before it is finally too late.

Marrying A Filipina? Here Are Three Things To Watch Out For!

These are some tips about marrying a Filipina lady from a Filipino guy that I know. Some very interesting insights that you need to know if you are headed this direction with a women from the Philippines.

It's not a big surprise that many Americans today prefer to abandon ship when it comes to love and swim over to the other side of the world in search of their elusive soulmate. The relatively toxic culture of the West when it comes to marriage and commitment is an open secret, hence the collective eyes of its men are all turning to Eastern countries, one of which is the Philippines.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Life is a Scam – Enjoy Going Abroad While You Still Can

I'm going to tell you a secret that isn't so secret: life is a scam. If you are red pill, then you probably know that by now. But do you understand the depths of it? That is what I want you to realize. I'm not saying that life is a scam only right now, at this particular point in history. I am saying that it was always a scam. Sometimes the scam is a little better or a little worse for you, but it is always a scam. And it is specifically a scam for men.

What do I mean by that?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Traveling Abroad As Explained By The Joker

By Andy

Greetings, my fellow lateral thinkers. The picture below is so very true. But you know what? Screw what others think. Happy travels!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Review of Latvia

By Andy

Latvia is an amazing country. It is one of my favorite places to visit. I was very impressed with this country during my first visit. I was so impressed that the day I arrived there, I already wanted to come back. Latvia, at least for me, has that unique charm that keeps people coming back.

Where is Latvia, you ask? Well, I'm glad you asked because most people in the U.S. don't know where it us. I myself, had never even heard of it until the early 2000's. Latvia is in the Baltic region of Northern Europe, and yes, it is a sovereign nation. It's not a big tourist destination, at least historically due to being a former Soviet State, so it's not as popular, and is very underrated.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Xiongmao in Zhejiang. Dating Paradise or Freezing Hell Hole of No Eye Contact?

Xiongmao reporting in.

In this post I'll review my first 4 months living in Chinas's Zhejiang Province.

I've lived in China before of course. In 2013 I lived in Guangdong Province for a while. It was fun, but an incredibly annoying place to live. After 4 months I went for a 2 week holiday in Thailand, and stayed there for another 6 months.

So I'm back in China, albeit a different province.

Is Zhejiang better than Guangdong?