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Thursday, July 30, 2015

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Teaching English Abroad

It's the old “easy way” to expatriation: teaching English as a foreign language abroad. More people than ever have gotten into TEFL jobs since the Great Recession / Great Depression II of 2008. And yet the field still has lots of opportunity available and is still growing. And for the average Joe, TEFL is probably still the most accessible route to expatriation. It's a relatively easy way to get a job with a middle class salary (depending on the country you go to) and temporary residence.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Expatriation Apocalypse! Guide for the Broke and Hopeless

Hi everyone, Ghost here. Today's post is brought to you by a donation from Ghost. Ah, sorry, wrong script. Anyway, I'm here to plug my new book "Expatriate Apocalypse! The Guide to Expatriation for the Broke and Hopeless". Hmm. Too blatant. Anyway, read my book now. Ghosts need to eat too. You can find it on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats at the links below:

Here's the idea: expatriation is becoming a more difficult game to play. I'm still trying to figure it all out myself, but I have figured a lot of things out. I'm very sympathetic to the plight of the young, broke, hopeless man who is stuck in Western society. That was my story, and it didn't start changing until I embraced expatriation. Expatriation Apocalypse! contains a lot of the knowledge and wisdom I've acquired since I started traveling two years ago. Here are three reasons you should read my book: