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Saturday, July 24, 2010

How can America be a Christian Nation and a Free Country at the same time?

Patriotic God fearing Americans often tout that "America is the land of the free and the epitome of freedom" yet that it is also "a Christian nation" or at least based on Christian ethics and values.

Though there is debate over whether the Founding Fathers were Christians or Deists, America is still seen by many as being founded on Christian principles and ideals, which are ingrained in our culture, ethics and morals.

Yet the slightest cursory glance at the Bible and Christian faith reveals that it is inherently fascist in nature. The Bible teaches that if you do whatever you want or live your life however you want, you are living in sin and rebellion against God. Throughout the Bible, the message is that if you don't obey God and follow his commandments, you will be punished and damned. The Christian message is that freedom is evil, while obedience and giving your life and will to God is good. Likewise, in fascist Nazi Germany, anyone who didn't obey was shot or imprisoned. Dissension was not allowed. Fear of punishment was the motivator. Therefore, Christianity is essentially a "fascist religion".

Christianity and Fascism share the following core attributes:

a) Obey or be punished.
b) No independent thoughts. Must think with the hive.
c) No tolerance for dissension or free speech.
d) Your God or dictator is to be feared, for fear keeps you in line and protects authority.
e) The use of fear and guilt as psychological control mechanisms.
f) The view that the individual is weak and powerless, and his/her life is without purpose, unless aligned to serve a "higher power" (e.g. God, tyrant or dictator).

Now this isn't to say that Jesus himself was a fascist. Assuming he existed (which is not a proven fact), he could very well have been a well meaning person spreading a good spiritual message to help people. It's what the Church and elite power structure DID with his name and the religion around him that they established that turned Christianity into a fundamentalist religion and a fascist form of control over others.

So anyway, how can you believe in religious fascism and a "land of the free" at the same time?! How can you deem freedom as the highest value yet preach a religion where freedom is considered evil and obedience to God is the only good? How can you claim the right of free speech yet support a religion that doesn't allow dissension? You can't. It's a total contradiction. Yet they preach it nonetheless. It's another example of Orwellian "double think". Therefore, living with the ideals of freedom and fascism at the same time is a Catch-22.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. When you look deeper, the contradictions become even more numerous.

For example, how can you support the American value of individualism and at the same time the Christian belief that the individual is nothing unless he/she submits to the Christian God and obeys him? If you truly believed in individual free will, you cannot endorse the punishment of individuals who freely choose not to surrender to the "hive mentality" of the Christian Church. There's no way around it if you think about it. (but then again you are not meant to think about it, only to obey all that you are told)

Furthermore, as the Apostle Paul said in his Epistles (Romans 6), we are "slaves to sin" before accepting Christ. But once you accept Christ and start following God's commandments, you are "set free" from sin and become "slaves to righteousness" as Paul put it. In other words, when you are free, you are "slaves to sin", but when you submit your will to God and give up your freedom, then you are "set free from sin"! How can you be "set free" by submitting to fascism?! What could be more ridiculous than that?! Golly. The mind control here couldn't be more obvious.

Also, how can you preach the "love of God" and the "fear of God" at the same time? You can't love and fear something at the same time. Love and fear are totally different vibrations of energy that are not compatible. Fear operates on a lower denser vibration while love is on a higher faster more dynamic frequency.

Moreover, these same "religious patriots" also declare Capitalism to be based on the Christian values and principles of hard work and virtuous labor. Yet Capitalism teaches that greed and the accumulation of wealth is a GOOD thing, and encourages self-interest as a primary motivator of the free enterprise system. But on the other hand, the Bible teaches that greed is a BAD thing and leads to sin and destruction, which is taught in many examples and parables in the Bible. As Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Though Bible verses can be interpreted in different ways, there is no question that greed is taught to be a bad thing in the Bible. So again we have two mutually exclusive values. Yet these religious patriots don't see it or reconcile it. They are under mass mind control too, and are not as free as they think they are.

Here's another oddity. We are taught in schools that man arouse from Evolution and random mutations of nature. Yet we have "In God We Trust" on the dollar bill, the swearing of Bibles in the courtroom, the words "one nation under God" in the pledge of allegiance, and virtually all politicians and US Presidents professing to believe in God (since Atheists can't get elected). And good citizens are expected to go to church too. Another Orwellian double think?

You gotta remember that religion was set up not to free you, but to contain you. And authority is set up to control people, not to serve them. This is why fascist religions like Christianity and Islam constantly seek to convert and dominate others, both in their homeland and abroad, for that is the inherent nature of fascism and tyranny. It's all about control and conquest, not just of lives, but of minds as well.

Religion limits and closes your mind into a rigid belief system that EDITS OUT any new information that doesn't fit into it. It restricts you from seeing reality and others the way they are, removing objectivity and clarity of thought. Yet you are sold the opposite, that religion will "free you". If that isn't mind control and brainwashing, then I don't know what is.

Learn to free your mind, and you will recognize anything in disguise that tries to enslave and control you, and see through their lies.

For more on how Christianity and other fascist religions are used as mass mind control, listen to David Icke's dissertation on it here:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Closed cliquish business cultures vs. Open passionate social cultures

America is essentially a business culture in nearly all aspects of life. As such, social interaction is confined within closed cliques, usually established early on in life in one's high school and college years. Otherwise, communication with strangers is usually for business related purposes only (e.g. customer service, business transactions, sales, etc.)

Therefore, if you don't have an established clique of friends, or you are new to the area, you are basically F***ed socially for who knows how long (unless of course you are super attractive, involved in the entertainment industry or allied with the rich and successful).

The social nature of such countries is very conservative (despite the media image of America being a wild, free, open, extroverted culture). People live in structured routines, whether it's social or professional, and life is more of a business than a passion. Everything is highly compartmentalized into a proper time and place.

But passion is what opens people up truly to connecting with others, including strangers. Business does not, and instead treats communication as purely for business related purposes. American culture is the latter of course.

In addition, such socially closed workaholic countries are segregated, driven by fear and paranoia by their media and social consensus. People are conditioned to fear every stranger as a potential psycho or killer, despite the reality of how safe their environment really is, and fed daily news stories that reinforce that myth. It's a form of social mind control to keep the population weak, subservient and working and consuming.

And of course, since most people are natural followers, rather than freethinkers or leaders, they will conform to that, for they assume that authority and consensus = truth, rather than the actual truth itself.

In fact, the corporate elite have a vested interest in limiting your social relationships, family life, and creativity or passions, for if you have too many friends, good social relationships and/or spend too much time cultivating your passions and creative pursuits, then you will have less time for industrious work and productivity, which America sees as the purpose of your life. You see, your life is a business resource to America, a commodity, measured in terms of productivity, not passion. Thus communication and relationships between strangers are generally confined to business related purposes.

America's goal is for you to remain a "happy slave", productive and efficient. To do that, it must maintain the illusion of freedom in your mind. But it definitely does NOT want to encourage you to pursue things like passion, creativity or deep human bonds and relationships. No way. Such things are counterproductive to its goal of keeping you a "happy slave" whose life is "all business". That's why America teaches a system where such things are highly compartmentalized, limited or suppressed. To America, the economy is number one, NOT your soul!

So what can you do about that? Well you can expose it and bring awareness to it, like I'm doing here. And you can tell yourself everyday "I am a human being! Not a business resource!" But the most important thing is for you to place yourself among groups, movements or cultures that are conducive to life of freedom, passion and rich human connections and relationships. There are alternative, counter culture and hippie-type movements in the US for instance, that support a life free of "the system" where you can meet like minded others.

Or you can go to overseas cultures where passion and camaraderie are still regarded as the focus of life, rather than cold hearted business and closed cliquishness. (I will provide some examples below) There are many cultures abroad that are far more open, relaxed and inclusive, where people are not segregated by "ice barriers" or paranoia. I've experienced many of them and can vouch that they are a world of difference. But the US media doesn't want you to know about them of course, so you will not hear about this on mainstream channels. For many, this has been a happy fulfilling and permanent solution to the misery, stress and loneliness of America.

But you'd better hurry though, cause America is in a rush to try to turn the "cultures of passion" out there into cold business-like cultures like itself! So you'd better pray that it fails in its attempt to "globalize" the world into a carbon copy of itself.

Here are examples of cultures where passion, creativity, expression and human camaraderie are the focus of life and enjoyed to the fullest, where people are more socially open and less cliquish:

- Latin America, Mexico, Russia, Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Holland, Mexico, Southeast Asia, The Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, etc.

Now here are examples of cultures where people are less socially open and more cliquish, where business is the aim of life and workaholic lifestyles are idolized, where passion, creativity and social lives are suppressed or restrained:

- America, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Finland, Norway, etc.

Of course, other cultures lie somewhere between both these categories.

But keep in mind that people fit in differently in each culture, and have different experiences that will vary. There is no "one culture fits all".

The important thing is that you choose a culture or atmosphere where your INNER matches your OUTER environment. In other words, if you are shy, conservative, socially closed or cliquish, as well as a workaholic, you would vibe best in cultures that reflect such qualities (e.g. Japan, Taiwan). But if you are open, passionate, sociable, relaxed and carefree, you'd fit best in cultures dominated by such traits (e.g. Latin America, parts of Europe). Otherwise, a mismatch between your inner self and outer environment is not a good thing. It will weaken you in the long run and not allow your natural self to come out or bring out the best in you.


See Also:

More cultural comparisons at:

Four Catch-22's in America you are not supposed to see

America has a way of proclaiming to be the opposite of what it really is as a form of diversion from the truth and mind control technique to keep you from perceiving reality. The intellectual Author Noam Chomsky notes this about the "liberal media myth", that in reality the media is very conservative and tightly aligned with business interests, which is clear from the evidence, yet they continually propagate the myth that it is liberal as though it were a given fact of common knowledge. See Chomsky's explanation here in this video.

Likewise, there are many Catch-22's in America that you are conditioned not to see which are polar opposites in claims vs. reality. They serve the purpose of inducing a "happy slave" mentality in the populace while subduing freedom of thought, a necessary illusion to maintain conformity to the business culture of America.

I will point out and describe a few:

1) You are taught that freedom is the epitome of human life, that it's worth dying for even, hence Patrick Henry's legendary quote "Give me liberty or give me death". Freedom is your "inalienable right", which is declared in the US Constitution.

Yet on the other hand, you are also taught that one MUST submit to corporate slavery, aka employment, in order to make a living. Without a job, your life has no purpose and you are labeled as lazy and idle. You are basically obligated to a lifetime of servitude to a corporation or public organization, which is a hierarchical dictatorship, in which there is no freedom or democracy. By doing so, you give your life away to the economy, and become a robot in a private dictatorship, in order to "make a living" and receive material rewards. Otherwise, you become a bum and are punished with deprivation of your material needs.

A few are able to run their own business and live off it, or generate an easy source of residual income. But most are not, and must submit to corporate slavery, giving their lives away to servitude.

There is definitely no freedom in that, for true freedom means you are free of any and all bondage and can do and think whatever you want, at least most of the time. Becoming a corporate drone obviously, is the antithesis of that.

The ideal citizen in America is a "happy slave", one that pays lip service to his/her freedom, but not actually BEING free, instead living a life of servitude and slavery to higher authorities.

2) You are expected to mind your own business, not need others, and leave other people alone. You are expected to be strong and independent, and to never get lonely. And you are taught not to talk to strangers, but to be paranoid of them. Normal means that you keep social interaction confined within closed social cliques, established usually early on in life in high school or college. Communication with strangers is usually business related.

In your culture, people live in a bubble, neighbors don't usually know each other, and every man is an island. There is an ice barrier between strangers. Hence people are not comfortable meeting new people and trying to do so feels awkward and tight. Even in extracurricular activities, people only meet for convenience and then go their separate ways afterward. It's a very isolating culture, and thus connecting and bonding with others does NOT come natural at all.

Yet on the other hand, if you go to places and public events alone, you are seen as a loser, like there's something wrong with you. It's a Catch-22, putting you between a "rock and a hard place" and unfairly blaming YOU for it.

If you complain about loneliness or having no friends or dates, then people will down you and claim that you must have a horrible personality or no social skills, in order to make themselves feel better than you. By giving them a target to ostracize (you), you give them a temporary feeling of "belonging to the pack" which has kicked you out. It's a very dysfunctional victim blaming mentality. Thus it's a taboo to ever admit that you're lonely and have no social life, one that is punishable with blame and ridicule.

Furthermore, the media and movies portray the image that everyone is friendly in America, and that friends and dates are easy to get, so when they aren't, you blame yourself and assume something must be wrong with you. The cultural mythos says that "people are very friendly and if you were a person with great qualities, then everyone would want to hang out with you, and you'd have a lot of friends, so if you don't, then your personality and social skills must be lacking."

This myth and assumption ignores the fact that America is in reality a very nonsocial and segregated culture designed for business, not social connection or healthy relationships. This is evidenced by the fact that most lonely people in America report a far better social life when they go overseas to more open and passionate cultures. And it's also confirmed by the fact that loneliness and mental illness are silent epidemics which are more prevalent in America than in other nations.

Therefore, logically, in an antisocial culture where people do not like to bond or befriend others, where communication is usually business related, wouldn't it be more normal and natural to not have good friends and social life?

Thus the problem is due to the social culture, not with you (assuming that you are a decent social person with no major personality defects). Yet society has programmed you to see it backwards, that the problem is you and not the culture.

That is wrong and deceitful. But then again, America is not about truth, but about conforming to whatever consensus the media and government give you.

3) You are told that you live in a free country with free speech, that your culture is the epitome of freedom and democracy, envied by all other countries (which is BS). This means you are free to say, think and do whatever you want, as long as you don't intrude on the rights of others.

Yet if you don't believe whatever you are told by authority (government), your corporate media, and the engineered social consensus in your culture, then you are ridiculed and condemned for not following the herd. This means that you have a patriotic and civic duty to support every Godless evil murderous war that America gets involved in as well, even if it is in the wrong.

Nevermind the fact that innocent civilians, including women and children, die in America's wars that serve corporate greed, power and control. None of that should outrage you, because your leaders support it and therefore you have a patriotic duty to do so as well. You must OBEY and CONFORM!

For to you, truth is whatever authority and consensus tell you, not whatever the actual truth really is. And your duty is to conform to that, not challenge it. After all, if the mainstream media doesn't challenge it, then who are you to?!

In other words, you can pay lip service to freedom and free speech, as long as you CONFORM to authority and consensus. This means that it's ok to be a hypocrite, but not a nonconformist! It's one of the BIGGEST LIES imaginable.

Yet you aren't supposed to see this discrepancy and Catch-22, which in Orwellian terms is a form of "double think" in which the government says one thing and does another, yet programs you not to see the discrepancy.

It's the ultimate form of mind control. And it makes me sick.

4) You are told by many patriotic God fearing Americans that "America is the land of the free and epitome of freedom" yet they also say that "America is a Christian nation" or at least that it is based on Christian ethics and values.

Though there is debate over whether the Founding Fathers were Christians or Deists, America is still seen by many as being founded on Christian principles and ideals, which are ingrained in our culture, ethics and morals.

Yet the slightest cursory glance at the Bible and Christian faith reveals that it is inherently fascist in nature. The Bible teaches that if you do whatever you want or live your life however you want, you are living in sin and rebellion against God. Throughout the Bible, the message is that if you don't obey God and follow his commandments, you will be punished and damned. The Christian message is that freedom is evil, while obedience and giving your life and will to God is good. Likewise, in fascist Nazi Germany, anyone who didn't obey was shot or imprisoned. Dissension was not allowed. Fear of punishment was the motivator. Therefore, Christianity is essentially a "fascist religion".

Christianity and Fascism share the following core attributes:

a) Obey or be punished.
b) No independent thoughts. Must think with the hive.
c) No tolerance for dissension or free speech.
d) Your God or dictator is to be feared, for fear keeps you in line and protects authority.
e) The use of fear and guilt as psychological control mechanisms.
f) The view that the individual is weak and powerless, and his/her life is without purpose, unless aligned to serve a "higher power" (e.g. God, tyrant or dictator).

Now this isn't to say that Jesus himself was a fascist. Assuming he existed (which is not a proven fact), he could very well have been a well meaning person spreading a good spiritual message to help people. It's what the Church and elite power structure DID with his name and the religion around him that they established that turned Christianity into a fundamentalist religion and a fascist form of control over others.

So anyway, how can you believe in religious fascism and a "land of the free" at the same time?! How can you deem freedom as the highest value yet preach a religion where freedom is considered evil and obedience to God is the only good? How can you claim the right of free speech yet support a religion that doesn't allow dissension? You can't. It's a total contradiction. Yet they preach it nonetheless. It's another example of Orwellian "double think". Therefore, living with the ideals of freedom and fascism at the same time is a Catch-22.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. When you look deeper, the contradictions become even more numerous.

For example, how can you support the American value of individualism and at the same time the Christian belief that the individual is nothing unless he/she submits to the Christian God and obeys him? If you truly believed in individual free will, you cannot endorse the punishment of individuals who freely choose not to surrender to the "hive mentality" of the Christian Church. There's no way around it if you think about it. (but then again you are not meant to think about it, only to obey all that you are told)

Furthermore, as the Apostle Paul said in his Epistles (Romans 6), we are "slaves to sin" before accepting Christ. But once you accept Christ and start following God's commandments, you are "set free" from sin and become "slaves to righteousness" as Paul put it. In other words, when you are free, you are "slaves to sin", but when you submit your will to God and give up your freedom, then you are "set free from sin"! How can you be "set free" by submitting to fascism?! What could be more ridiculous than that?! Golly. The mind control here couldn't be more obvious.

Also, how can you preach the "love of God" and the "fear of God" at the same time? You can't love and fear something at the same time. Love and fear are totally different vibrations of energy that are not compatible. Fear operates on a lower denser vibration while love is on a higher faster more dynamic frequency.

Moreover, these same "religious patriots" also declare Capitalism to be based on the Christian values and principles of hard work and virtuous labor. Yet Capitalism teaches that greed and the accumulation of wealth is a GOOD thing, and encourages self-interest as a primary motivator of the free enterprise system. But on the other hand, the Bible teaches that greed is a BAD thing and leads to sin and destruction, which is taught in many examples and parables in the Bible. As Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Though Bible verses can be interpreted in different ways, there is no question that greed is taught to be a bad thing in the Bible. So again we have two mutually exclusive values. Yet these religious patriots don't see it or reconcile it. They are under mass mind control too, and are not as free as they think they are.

Here's another oddity. We are taught in schools that man arouse from Evolution and random mutations of nature. Yet we have "In God We Trust" on the dollar bill, the swearing of Bibles in the courtroom, the words "one nation under God" in the pledge of allegiance, and virtually all politicians and US Presidents professing to believe in God (since Atheists can't get elected). And good citizens are expected to go to church too. Another Orwellian double think?

You gotta remember that religion was set up not to free you, but to contain you. And authority is set up to control people, not to serve them. This is why fascist religions like Christianity and Islam constantly seek to convert and dominate others, both in their homeland and abroad, for that is the inherent nature of fascism and tyranny. It's all about control and conquest, not just of lives, but of minds as well.

Religion limits and closes your mind into a rigid belief system that EDITS OUT any new information that doesn't fit into it. It restricts you from seeing reality and others the way they are, removing objectivity and clarity of thought. Yet you are sold the opposite, that religion will "free you". If that isn't mind control and brainwashing, then I don't know what is.

Learn to free your mind, and you will recognize anything in disguise that tries to enslave and control you, and see through their lies.


For more on how Christianity and other fascist religions are used as mass mind control, listen to David Icke's dissertation on it here:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dirk Benedict (original Starbuck) disses new Battlestar Galactica series as too grim, gritty and feminist

Why is it that TV shows and movies before the mid 80's were more campy and fun, with good family values, and had characters that were charming and full of goodness?

But after the mid 80's, the shows and characters started to become dark and gritty?

An example of this is the old Battlestar Galactica vs. the new one. Dirk Benedict (the original Starbuck) pointed out the same comparisons as me, and noticed how the producers were trying to get you to forget the old Battlestar Galactica.

Finally someone in Hollywood agrees with us!

Here on this fan site, he disses the new Battlestar Galactica series, calling it too grim, gritty and overly feminist in that it emasculates male characters around dominant female characters. This echoes my sentiments exactly. The old show, he notes, was based on charm, family values, and spiritual faith. But this new series is based on dysfunction and bleakness.

Here is his eloquent review and thoughts.

Once upon a time, in what used to be a far away land called Hollywood
but is now a state of mind and everywhere, a young actor was handed a
script and asked to bring to life a character called Starbuck. I am
that actor. The script was called Battlestar Galactica.

Fortunately I was young, my imagination fertile and adrenal glands
strong, because bringing Starbuck to life was over the dead
imaginations of a lot of Network Executives. Every character trait I
struggled to give him was met with vigourous resistance. A charming
womaniser? The "Suits" (Network Executives) hated it. A cigar
(fumerello) smoker? The Suits hated it. A reluctant hero who found
humour in the bleakest of situations? The Suits hated it. All this
negative feedback convinced me I was on the right track.

Starbuck was meant to be a loveable rogue. It was best for the show,
best for the character and the best that I could do. The Suits didn't
think so. "One more cigar and he's fired,"they told Glen Larson, the
creator of the show. "We want Starbuck to appeal to the female
audience for crying out loud!" You see, the Suits knew women were
turned off by men who smoked cigars. Especially young men. (How
they "knew" this was never revealed.) And they didn't stop there. "If
Dirk doesn't quit playing every scene with a girl like he wants to
get her in bed, he's fired!" This was, well, it was blatant
heterosexuality. Treating women like "sex objects". I thought it was
flirting. Never mind. They wouldn't have it.

I wouldn't have it any other way, or rather Starbuck wouldn't. So we
persevered, Starbuck and I. The show, as the saying goes, went on and
the rest is history – for, lo and behold, women from all over the
world sent me boxes of cigars, phone numbers, dinner requests,
marriage proposals... The Suits were not impressed. They would have
there way, which is what Suits do best, and after one season of
puffing and flirting and gambling, Starbuck, that loveable scoundrel,
was indeed fired. Which is to say Battlestar Galactica was cancelled.
Starbuck however, would not stay cancelled, but simply morphed into
another flirting, cigar-smoking, blatant heterosexual called Faceman
Another show, another set of Suits and, of course, if the A-Team
movie rumours prove correct, another remake.

There was a time – I know I was there – when men were men, women were
women and sometimes a cigar was just a good smoke. But 40 years of
feminism have taken their toll. The war against masculinity has been
won. Everything has turned into its opposite, so that what was once
flirting and smoking is now sexual harassment and criminal. And
everyone is more lonely and miserable as a result.

Witness the "re-imagined" Battlestar Galactica. It's bleak,
miserable, despairing, angry and confused. Which is to say, it
reflects, in microcosm, the complete change in the politics and mores
of today's world as opposed to the world of yesterday. The world of
Lorne Greene (Adama) and Fred Astaire (Starbuck's Poppa), and Dirk
Benedict (Starbuck). I would guess Lorne is glad he's in that Big
Bonanza in the sky and well out of it. Starbuck, alas, has not been
so lucky. He's not been left to pass quietly into that trivial world
of cancelled TV characters.

"Re-imagining", they call it. "un-imagining" is more accurate. To
take what once was and twist it into what never was intended. So that
a television show based on hope, spiritual faith, and family is
unimagined and regurgitated as a show of despair, sexual violence and
family dysfunction. To better reflect the times of ambiguous morality
in which we live, one would assume. A show in which the aliens
(Cylons) are justified in their desire to destroy our civilisation.
One would assume. Indeed, let us not say who are he guys and who are
the bad. That is being "judgemental". And that kind of (simplistic)
thinking went out with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and
Katharine Hepburn and John Wayne and, well the original Battlestar

In the bleak and miserable, "re-imagined" world of Battlestar
Galactica, things are never that simple. Maybe the Cylons are not
evil and alien but in fact enlightened and evolved? Let us not judge
them so harshly. Maybe it is they who deserve to live and Adama, and
his human ilk who deserves to die? And what a way to go! For the re-
imagined terrorists (Cylons) are not mechanical robots void of soul,
of sexuality, but rather humanoid six-foot-tall former lingerie
models who f**k you to death. (Poor old Starbuck, you were imagined
to early. Think of the fun you could have had `fighting' with these
thong-clad aliens! In the spirit of such soft-core sci-fi porn I
think a more re-imaginative title would have been F**cked by A Cylon.
(Apologies to Touched by An Angel.)

One thing is certain. In the new un-imagined, re-imagined world of
Battlestar Galactica everything is female driven. The male
characters, from Adama on down, are confused, weak, and wracked with
indecision while the female characters are decisive, bold, angry as
hell, puffing cigars (gasp) and not about to take it any more.

One can quickly surmise what a problem the original Starbuck created
for the re-imaginators. Starbuck was all charm and humour and
flirting without an angry bone in his womanising body. Yes, he was
definitely `female driven', but not in the politically correct ways
of Re-imagined Television. What to do, wondered the Re-imaginators?
Keep him as he was, with a twinkle in his eye, a stogie in his mouth,
a girl in every galaxy? This could not be. He would stick out like,
well like a jock strap in a drawer of thongs. Starbuck refused to be
re-imagined. It became the Great Dilemma. How to have your Starbuck
and delete him too?

The best minds in the world of un-imagination doubled their intake of
Double Soy Lattes as they gathered in their smoke-free offices to
curse the day this chauvinistic Viper Pilot was allowed to be. But
never under estimate the power of the un-imaginative mind when it
encounters an obstacle (character) it subconsciously loathes. "Re-
inspiration" struck. Starbuck would go the way of most men in today's
society. Starbuck would become "Stardoe". What the Suits of
yesteryear had been incapable of doing to Starbuck 25 years ago was
accomplished quicker than you can say orchiectomy. Much quicker. As
in, "Frak! Gonads Gone!" And the word went out to all the Suits in
all the smoke-free offices throughout the land of Un-
imagination, "Starbuck is dead. Long live Stardoe!"

I'm not sure if a cigar in the mouth of Stardoe resonates in the same
way it did in the mouth of Starbuck. Perhaps. Perhaps it "resonates"
more. Perhaps that's the point. I'm not sure. What I am sure of is

Women are from Venus. Men are from Mars. Hamlet does not scan as
Hamletta. Nor does Han Solo as Han Sally. Faceman is not the same as
Facewoman. Nor does a Stardoe a Starbuck make. Men hand out cigars.
Women `hand out' babies. And thus the world, for thousands of years,
has gone round.

I am also sure that Show Business has been morphing for many decades
now and has finally become Biz Business. The creative artists have
lost and the Suits have won. Suits. Administrators. Technocrats.
Metro-sexual money-men (and women) who create formulas to guarantee
profit margins. Because movies and television shows are not made to
enlighten or even entertain but simply to make money. They will tell
you it is (still) about story and character but all it is really
about is efficiency. About The Formula. Because Harvard Business
School Technocrats run Hollywood and what Technocrats know is what
must be removed from all business is Risk. And I tell you life, real
life, is all about risk. I tell you that without risk you have no
creativity, no art. I tell you that without risk you have Remakes.
You have Charlie's Angels, The Saint, Mission Impossible, The A-Team
(coming soon) Battlestar Galactica. All risk-free brand names,

For you see, TV Shows (and movies) are made and sold according to the
same business formula as hamburger franchises. So that it matters not
if the `best' hamburger, what matters is that you `think' it is the
best. And you do think it's the best, because you have been told to;
because all of your favourite celebrities are seen munching it on TV.
The big money is not spent on making the hamburger or the television
show, but on the marketing of the hamburger/show. (One 60-second
commercial can cost more than it does to film a one-hour episode.) It
matters not to Suits if it is Starbuck or Stardoe, if the Cylons are
robots or lingerie models, if the show is full of optimism and
morality or pessimism and amorality. What matters is that it is
marketed well, so that all you people out there in TV land know that
you must see this show. And after you see it, you are told that you
should like it. That it is new and bold and sleek and sexy and best
of all… it is Re-imagined!

So grab a Coke from the fridge (not the Classic Coke, but the re-
imagined kind with fewer calories) and send out for a McDonald's
Hamburger (the re-imagined one with fewer carbs) and tune in to
Stardoe and Cylon #6 (or was it #69?) and Enjoy The Show.

And if you don't enjoy the show, or the hamburger and coke, it's not
the fault of those re-imaginative technocrats that brought them to
you. It is your fault. You and your individual instincts, tastes,
judgement. Your refusal to let go of the memory of the show that once
was. You just don't know what is good for you. But stay tuned. After
another 13 episodes (and millions of dollar of marketing), you will
see the light. You, your instincts, your judgement, are wrong.
McDonald's is the best hamburger on the planet, Coca-Cola the best
drink. Stardoe is the best Viper Pilot in the Galaxy. And Battlestar
Galactica, contrary to what your memory tells you, never existed
before the Re-imagination of 2003.

I disagree. But perhaps, you had to be there.

Dirk Benedict, writing in Dreamwatch, May 2004

Friday, July 16, 2010

Star Wars Prequels depict False Flag Terrorism and New World Order Concept

Did you know that the Star Wars Prequels contain themes depicting the New World Order plot on our planet, as well as False Flag Terrorism used to achieve that? Perhaps George Lucas knew more than he was letting on? See this video for explanations.

Video description:

Is Obi-Wan Kenobi a Wacko Conspiracy Theorist? (UPDATED: Improved Video & Content) This video summarizes the 'Star Wars' prequel trilogy's political storyline, which is that of false flag war and terror.

Just as the original 'Star Wars' trilogy was modeled after folklore and mythology, such as the legend of King Arthur, the prequel trilogy was modeled after political history. 'Star Wars' creator George Lucas has said of his villain Palpatine, "It's not the first time a politician has created a war to try to stay in office." There are countless examples of governments attacking their own people as happened in 'Star Wars', not excepting the U.S. at all.

For a good documentary showing the 'Star Wars'-esque history of false flag terror and war, check out the documentary 'Terrorstorm', by Alex Jones, available for free on YouTube.

Friday, July 9, 2010

French vs. American attitudes toward men, love, sex, flirting, etc.

Check out this author interview who lived in France for 10 years and married a French guy. She reveals some awesome comparisons between the French attitude toward men, love, sex, flirting, etc. and the American. Wow. I think I'd fit in with French culture very well, based on what she said. Check out the interview. It's very eye opening and easy to follow, with so many interesting comparisons.

It's interesting that she noted that flirting in France is ingrained in the culture and NEVER considered creepy or inappropriate. Even old ladies flirt with young guys there and it's normal. It's never taken in a bad way. And there are no sexual harassment suits there over it. Also, the feminists there do not hate men, unlike in the US. In fact, French girls never make fun of men or diss them. And she noted that there will NEVER be a battle of the sexes in France. It's a much more "love friendly" culture. Also, French women are very religious about not gaining any extra weight, so there are virtually no fat women in France.

Wow. I love such atttitudes. I think I would fit in well with that culture.

Check out also this intellectual French guy critiquing feminism in America. His points are spot on.

The Big Social Catch-22 in America

In America, there is a big social Catch-22:

1. On the one hand, you are expected to mind your own business, not need others, and leave other people alone (especially women, who are given special protective status in America). You are supposed to be independent, not lonely, and not complain about lack of companionship, friends or lovers. In fact, you are supposed to pretend that you don't have any natural desires for love, romance or sex (unless it is reciprocated) otherwise you are a creep and pervert. You are also expected to only socialize within your closed clique, while fearing all outside strangers as potentially dangerous psychos and creeps, essentially shutting them out.

2. On the other hand, if you don't have friends, can't get dates, can't meet people, and don't get invited to social activities, then you are considered a loser or socially dysfunctional. Yet given #1, this is what you'd expect as the logical consequence if you don't have an established clique of friends to begin with, for the inherent nature of such cliques is exclusive and designed to "shut you out". And this is true even if you are a really social outgoing extroverted friendly person! Hence the irony and hypocrisy. Essentially you are "between a rock and hard place".

This Catch-22 is the equivalent of me putting you in a locked cell, starving you without food, yet blaming YOU for getting hungry! It's sheer lunacy no doubt.

In spite of this Catch-22, it is taboo to complain about it or expose the conflicting nature of it. Instead, you are expected to utter the programmed party line that our culture and media promotes, which is that "People are naturally open, friendly and cool. If you are a great person who is positive and cool, you'd have plenty of friends and people would invite you into their social and personal lives."

If that isn't true for you, then you are expected to blame yourself, for it is assumed that if you were positive, fun and cool, then people would be open and inclusive toward you. So again, society pits the blame on the victim rather than on itself and its inherently dysfunctional and socially segregated nature.

So, we have a Catch-22 here that you aren't allowed to talk about, and a programmed belief that you're supposed to buy which does not necessarily fit the reality. And anything that conflicts with it is seen as false, wrong, or even socially deviant.

Go figure.

Ok America, I give up. If you don't value the plain and simple truth about your lies, hypocrisy, Catch-22's, dysfunctionality, social segregation, false programming and victim blaming mentality, then I won't participate in your insanity. No thank you! I'll take my sanity and precious valuable life and time someplace else that is saner and more socially functional, healthy and natural.

Peace out.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The BEST Interview about Dating Foreign Women yet! MUST HEAR!

Hi all!
This is a MUST LISTEN!

Recently I referred Steve Hoca, my interviewer, to a fan of my site and global dater who is also named Steve.

Together the two Steves produced THE BEST interview yet! This one could be the TURNING POINT in our movement! The chemistry and synergy in the interview was phenomenal, as well as the information and authenticity of it. Both Steves had so much to contribute to the interview. After listening to them, anyone would turn into a believer of our cause and see the false taboo against it!

It's that good! A TOTAL MUST HEAR!

Just listen to it and you'll see what I mean. This is the BEST interview about the benefits of dating foreign women and the horrors of the US dating scene for men yet. It's going to make history! We all need to upload this to YouTube in various forms to get the word out. This is the one that will convince the doubters! I'm glad I referred those two together.

Here is the link to listen to it:

PLEASE forward this interview to every guy you know who needs to hear it. It's the CLINCHER that will sell our movement and message! Trust me on this! I know what I'm talking about. Please forward the link to all you know who could benefit from it!

Let me know what you all think!

For more interviews by Steve Hoca, see my interviews page.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Aussie genius Jarrah White defeats NASA Reps in Moon Hoax Debate with his Moonfaker video series

Hi all,

The whole Moon Hoax Debate, which I thought had died off long ago, has been revived by this young genius from Australia named Jarrah White who has been kicking butt against NASA representatives such as Phil Plait of Badastronomy.com, Jay Windley, the Mythbusters program, and other "NASA Propagandists" as he calls them, in his "Moonfaker" video series on YouTube.

Jarrah White, who calls himself "The Grandson of the Apollo Moon Hoax Theory" (taking up the crusade of the late Bill Kaysing) is something you have to see to believe. He's the best Moon Hoax debater I've ever seen. His arguments and reasoning are thorough and scholarly. Everything he says is sourced and documented. He has documents on everything, even stuff from way back into the 60's. And he even performs scientific experiments, when he can, to back up and illustrate his arguments, showing and explaining each step to the viewer. Thus, he doesn't just make arguments, he SHOWS you the scientific facts and results through experiments right in front of you.

In his videos, he has unmasked critical errors and omissions of Phil Plait, the Mythbusters, and others. They are absolutely brilliant. I've never seen a young guy who is so thorough and logical against the establishment. His videos are all very professionally produced and his presentation is very professional as well. They are something you have to see to believe.

Here is his YouTube Channel where you can find his "Moonfaker" video series. He has hundreds of videos on the Moon Hoax and a few other topics.


Here are some episodes of his Moonfaker series. In this 3 part segment, he shows an untouched flag waving on the moon, where there is no air. Then he cites the Lunar Journal's 6 speculative explanations for the moving flag and debunks them all, with simple experiments, precendents and deduction.

MoonFaker: The Flags are Alive

Here he shows you EXACTLY WHY the Lunar Module on the moon must have had a blast crater under it, contrary to NASA defenders' explanations to the contrary. All the math, science and documented experiments by NASA and other organizations is shown to you in full detail, in a five part video series.

MoonFaker - No Crater

In this one, he gets to the bottom of the debate about whether the "C" rock in a moon photo right next to the "C" on the ground, is an original or the same photo with the "C" airbrushed out is, and whether it is a piece of hair or a marker. By simple research and deduction, Jarrah White shows that the NASA defenders are wrong and supporting an obvious cover up.

MoonFaker - Rocks and Crocks

In this funny one, he explains how in theory the astronauts should have been able to jump 14 feet in the air, according to NASA's calculations, yet the Apollo astronauts usually only jumped 20 inches off the ground, and why NASA's defenders' explanations for this do not fit.

MoonFaker - One Giant Leap

Here's another thoroughly researched one. Here he takes some famous photographs with lighting oddities and performs tedious experiments to see if NASA defenders' explanations hold up. In it, he even exposes deceit and factual errors by the Mythbusters program.

MoonFaker - Reflect on this

In this series, he dissects the moon rocks arguments, laser reflector arguments, and ham radio arguments

Exhibit D

There's more at his channel, including many videos dissecting and scrutinizing the recent LRO aerial photos of the moon, which seem to be far less accurate than even Google Earth is.

LRO Series

His Flagging the Gems series are also a must see. They reveal damning info that you have never seen before:


In a recent one, he even boldly confronts NASA representative and Astronomer Phil Plait himself at the annual "Amazing Meeting" (for pseudoskeptics) in Las Vegas and tries to question him on camera. In response, Plait ran away in fear. Logic would tell you that if Plait really believed the truth was on his side, he would have stood up to White and tried to refute him point by point if he really thought that White was wrong. The fact that Plait reacted with fear and retreated is very telling and indicative of someone with something to hide who does not live "in the light". Later, in front of a whole audience crowd of pseudoskeptics, White stood up and asked some critical unanswered questions that NASA had avoided for many years, which took a lot of guts and got him in the news. You gotta admire him for that, as very few people would stand up to a large crowd for the truth like that. Check it out here:


The only folks who won't like such videos are establishment defenders who mistakenly believe that "authority = truth" and worship "status quo and orthodoxy" as their Lord and God, and believe that one should never question authority.

Remember folks, a true skeptic is willing to challenge authority and orthodoxy, and apply his critical thinking and skepticism in that direction. Those who absolutely cannot are not skeptics, they are establishment defenders. Randi, Shermer, CSICOP, the BadAstronomy.com folks, the Mythbusters, Penn and Teller, and the skeptics on my SCEPCOP forum are establishment defenders, not true skeptics.

These establishment defenders were taught in high school that "authority = truth" and therefore is never to be questioned, and that doing and believing what you're told leads to reward, while the opposite leads to punishment. They are unable to free themselves of their programming and conditioning, so in that sense, they are not "freethinkers".

This "Hot Alpha Female" is a PUA Guru for men? No way!

Hey guys check this out. This hot Asian girl with an Aussie accent is acting as a PUA guru for men! She calls herself "Hot Alpha Female". Holy cow. Look how hot she is!

Here is her blog too:

And her channel:

Who does she think she is? Why would a girl want to be a PUA guru for men? This is the first girl I've seen who has marketed herself as a PUA guru! I guess she's unique and found a niche. Her YouTube channel has over 2000 subscribers already, since she looks hot and is doing unusual work.

Can you guys check out her site and see how she's making money from this, or if she is?

Check out her video about to start conversations with women:

How to get out of her "friend zone":

Why girls give out confusing signals:

Her advice is good and makes sense, but it's not some magical formula. It's the kind of stuff that will up your odds if you are borderline between being wanted by a girl. But if you are way off her chart and criteria, it won't make any difference.

What do you guys think?