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Monday, May 31, 2010

溫斯頓吳:最獨特和自由思想的亞洲球手? Winston Wu: The most Unique and Freethinking Asian ever? (Chinese translation)




- 彼得,舊蘇格蘭旅行誰是被近100個國家

“儘管所有的高射砲你肯定你是一個有趣的性質,可能是最有名的(或聲名狼藉)自製亞洲在互聯網上” - 羅布,美國

多數人不打破條條框框。那些這樣做往往是白人男性。有時他們是白人女性或黑色。但它是一個極端罕見找到誰可以獨立思考亞洲以外的方塊,如此罕見的是,大多數從來沒有達到 1。溫斯頓吳就是這樣一個罕見和異常。




現在你可能已經聽說了一句,“你是獨一無二的,就像其他人一樣”,這基本上意味著,沒有任何兩個人在各方面都完全相同 - 沒有兩個人的DNA或指紋是完全相同的。但是,這不是一種獨特性,我們這裡所說。我們所談論的獨特成就和屬性,很少在世界上可以躺在聲稱,亞洲和非亞洲。



2)在旅遊領域,文化和智力,他是以上人群。他去過 12個國家和講 4種語言。


四)誰到過 100個國家有人稱他是“最典型的亞洲男是我見過。”


6)他做的事情(性質嚴重的),沒有一個人做過 - 開始兩個網站和運動是他們的第一類,是第一個寫一個重大傷寒論 PseudoSkepticism,也是第一個寫一個開創性電子書為何約會,關係與心理健康較好美國之外,這已經改變生命,啟發了許多。

7)輝煌的辯論和批判性思維,以及閱讀和宗教/哲學,他曾撰寫論文,批駁偉大的媒體 PseudoSkeptics主要論點和基督教辯護者。






Chinese translation of the above page by Google Translator

Winston Wu: The Most Unique and Freethinking Asian ever?

Quotes about Winston Wu being “The Most Unique and Freethinking Asian”

This is a politically incorrect thing to say, but true. At least 99.99 percent of Asians are pure conformists who obey and follow with no free thought. To them, authority = truth, majority = right, and conformity = security. They do not question things, think outside the box, or debate intellectual topics. But there is one unique exception - Winston Wu. These quotes about him from third party sources attest to this, essentially making him one-of-a-kind.

"You're probably the most atypical Asian male I've ever met." - Peter, an old Scottish traveler Winston met in Estonia who's been to nearly 100 countries

“I would say that yes, I have not seen even one Asian person like yourself. There are rebellious types and these are often women, and they rebel by joining the American mainstream. Same with Asian guys who start acting “American”. But for an Asian to rebel not only against Asia but against America because it is TOO repressed for your taste, that is really taking the cake. To most Asians America is synonymous with a loud free place where you can shed your inhibitions.” Ladislav, Chief Advisor of HappierAbroad.com and Author of Expatriate Insights, who speaks 10 languages and been to 30 countries, residing long-term in 9 of them

“As far as you being a banana - a white man trapped in an Asian body - I would like to qualify that you are not an American white man inside an Asian body but a European Existentialist - a Frenchman, Italian or Spaniard trapped in an Asian body. You are certainly not a modern Anglo-Saxon trapped in it.” - Ladislav

“Despite all the flak you get you are certainly an interesting character and probably the most famous (or infamous) self-made Asian on the internetRob, USA

"Most Asians don't think for themselves. They simply follow the pack. You are one of the exceptions." - Jean, Colorado

“Winston, you are a White man trapped in an Asian man's body. All the characteristics I associate with Asian men seem to be the opposite of you. You do not do what society tells you to do. You do not work hard just for the sake of working hard. You find White women attractive.” Jean, Colorado

“I enjoy your writing and you are one of the most inspiring dudes around. Main thing is you don't give a shit what other people (especially white) say about you - highly unusual, unfortunately, for any race of people, Chinese especially. So your stuff is absolutely awesome.”John, USA

“What I also love about this ebook is Winston's philosophical view of the world. I have never in my life seen an Asian guy with such a brilliant, philosophical mind. There have been times when I thought I was crazy thinking the way I was thinking, especially as it pertains to America and its awful, non-inclusive culture. However, after reading Winston's words, I totally feel relieved and vindicated, knowing full and well it's society that is crazy, not me!” – Steve Hoca, Amazon.com Review of Happier Abroad Ebook

“I've met a few Asians that are open minded, but you're probably the most, so I can see why you feel that way...” – Jason Valenti, owner of SasquatchResearch.net

”It’s true I have not met any Asians as freethinking as you, but I assume they exist somewhere.” – Larry Elterman, Expat Author of A Man’s Guide to Life and Love in the Philippines

"Winston, you are very likely the most courageously honest person I've met online, if not in my entire life."
TheLogicJunkie, a popular YouTube personality and Author of Thou Shalt Not Think

“Hey, you’re pretty cool, very open minded, not like other Asians who are so serious and know exactly what they want. Let’s exchange numbers.” – A punk Winston met at the waterfront in front of his home in Bellingham, WA                                                                                                     
(Turn over ----->)

Apparently the only people who were given the ability to think for themselves are those with negative bloodtypes. Want confirmation? Take a look at far-east Asia. 99.99% RH positive blood. Who is their most promising free thinker? Winston Wu. Enough said. What do they value? Work. Work till you drop bitch! Impress your neighbors.” – Forum member odbo, source: http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10547

"You're very inquisitive (very curious, true seeker of knowledge), very intelligent, very different and unique. You're definitely a very special person unlike all the drones around us." - Forum member ssjparris, from his Private Message

"Winston is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Forum member boycottamericanwomen, source: http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11116

“Winston is the only guy who could create such an impressive website (and many more too). Administering and maintaining multiple websites of such gigantic sizes is something that no ordinary person could do. I am thoroughly impressed.” – Forum member Falcon, source: http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11848

For more Quotes and Links about Winston Wu, see here: http://www.happierabroad.com/AboutMe.htm

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why America is bad for Dating, Social Connection and Mental Health

Why America is bad for Social Life, Dating and Mental Health

Note: This is an expansion of my one page Pamphlet and home page intro, which I am writing as a script for a YouTube video I'm working on.

Video script: Three Taboo Truths in America and the Overseas Solution to them

Hello, my name is Winston Wu, founder of HappierAbroad.com, the most truthful and unique expat dating site on the web.

Today I'm going to be talking about 3 taboo truths in America that you aren't supposed to talk about, and the Overseas Solution to them.

But since they affect many people, I feel that they should be addressed, rather than ignored or denied.

So let's begin.

1) There is no sense of human connection in America.

- Every man is an island. There's no feeling of connection with others. Instead, there is a psychological wall around people that you can sense and feel. There's a definite “ice barrier” between strangers, hence we have the term "breaking the ice". This is something that's very obvious. You can see it everywhere out in public. Yet no one dares call attention to it for some reason.

And it's not about who you are either. Even if you're attractive and have a lot of friends, as a third person you can still see that this is the way things are between people out in public.

- People are socially engineered to be anti-social, segregated and paranoid of each other. Most don't even know their neighbors. Thus they are difficult to truly connect with. One feels alone even in crowded places. People are generally uptight and feel awkward and uncomfortable about meeting others.

- Groups are generally non-inclusive. You can see this when you go out in public. People generally only socialize within the group they're with. You see, in America, you can't just "go out and meet people". It doesn't work that way, despite what you see on TV and in the movies. So if you go out alone, you usually stay alone.

- Greetings are polite and superficial. People will ask "How are you" when they don't really care how you are, yet they will always expect you to say that you're "great" or "fine".

2) The dating scene is a total nightmare for men.

Now this is a very taboo area in particular because there is an unspoken rule in America that says anytime you publicly compare men and women, you MUST ALWAYS put the women in the better light. In other words, the women have to always come out on top. This is an unofficial rule that everyone knows. It goes without saying. Comedians, performers, public speakers and authors all abide by it usually.

However, I am not here to be politically correct, so let’s cut the bull and just go to the truth:

- In America, women generally despise men and see them as fools, creeps and predators. Their culture, media and peers all condition them this way. You can see this in day time talk shows and glamour magazines. Now how good can a dating environment be if one gender hates the other? How healthy can such a relationship dynamic be? I mean, get real.

- Females are not feminine or sweet. You can see this in their looks, personality, demeanor and dress style. They don't even giggle or blush. And they're not even sweet, but tough and unfeeling.

- Worst of all, they seem to have this strong psychological resistance to intimate relationships with males. You can sense this in their attitudes and interactions with males. Often when they start getting close or intimate, they suddenly back off and drop things cold.

- They also blow off men who are interested in them as though it were a routine and expected maneuver. This is indicative that male/female relationships and dating are not natural in US society, as if you are not even supposed to pursue them.

- The women are often unapproachable, defensive and paranoid, so they are not even easy to meet. Men do not feel comfortable or natural trying to meet them. Hence few guys have the guts to approach attractive females, not cause they lack courage, but because the females carry a vibe that they don’t want to be approached.

- They also have an off-chart sense of entitlement, and seem to think that they deserve the best of the best in everything, as if they were some kind of royalty. No man likes that. It's unfeminine and unsweet. And it puts unrealistic demands and expectations on the men.

Yet these "entitlement queens" do not think that they need to treat men good in return. It's a complete one way double standard. But you aren't allowed to complain about it lest you be called a sexist or chauvinist.

- In fact the whole male/female dynamic is totally out of whack, in more ways than I can describe. Male/Female energies and behaviors do not complement each other at all, but are dysfunctional, conflicting and totally out of balance and harmony. This is obvious to any honest observant person.

- Men do not feel wanted or needed, and that's a bad thing which affects their self-esteem. Who wants to feel unwanted and unneeded?

Also, a man's niceness is not rewarded, but spat upon. You might have heard the term "Nice guys finish last"? Well nowhere is that more true than in America's dating scene. You get nothing for being nice to women. No points or rewards. It does not count at all in US dating.

Now if you ask me, any society that looks down upon niceness is one Fucked up dysfunctional mess. No question about it.

- There are more lonely frustrated dateless guys in America then in any other country. That’s why the whole PUA industry is primarily based in the US. And that says a lot right there.

3) The artificial culture erodes your self-worth and sanity.

- You are conditioned to feel insecure and unworthy, to keep you weak and easy to control, through a series of subtle subliminal messages. You are definitely are not conditioned to feel whole and complete in America. For some reason, everyone feels inadequate... like they're not good enough.

Of course, if you were whole and complete, you couldn't be controlled or manipulated. So they try to manufacture an emptiness inside of you.

- You are taught to fill this emptiness by living to work and consuming endless junk you don’t need. That's why the model citizen in America is a workaholic and you are taught that "you are what you do".

They perpetuate this myth that making money and buying endless junk will make you happy, which is false. As Wayne Dyer said, "There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way."

But in truth, the key to happiness is not in your productivity and wealth. It's in your outlook and attitude, quality of relationships, and having healthy balances, just enough, in the areas of life that are most important to you.

- The social culture is like a mask of fakeness that you can never really “be yourself” in. You're expected to always act happy like everything is great. That's why when you go to work, people ask "How are you?" and you always have to answer "Fine" or "Not bad", even if you're feeling like shit. It's very unnatural and fake.

In such an environment, how can you ever be your true self, or even know your true self?

- Many develop phony or unnatural personalities to compensate for their inferiority complexes. You can see this in a lot of people in America. I'm sure you all know someone who brags, exaggerates or makes up stories about their lives to impress others. Or people who act phony and are not sincere or down to earth. Deep down they have a wound that they are trying to cover, and develop all these complexes as a band aid. It's very sad.

This is especially true with minorities. If you look at black people in America for instance, and compare them with black people in England, you will notice a big difference. The blacks in the UK seem far more well adjusted and whole, like they are part of the mainstream, whereas blacks in the US seem to suffer from an inferiority complex (through no fault of their own).

Such a difference is very noticeable, one of many in fact, but of course you will NEVER hear about it in the media or any large scale magazine. It's way too TABOO to mention.

- These aspects of the artificial American culture is very undermining to one’s psychological balance and wholeness. In other words, it's detrimental to your mental health.

Implications and Solutions:

These three dysfunctional conditions culminate to make America one of the WORST, if not the worst, countries for Social Life, Dating and Mental Health, and explain why it has the HIGHEST rates of mental illness and loneliness in the industrialized world (look it up or see the stats on my site).

Yet US society is in denial about all this. These realities are unacknowledged, and it is taboo to mention them (especially # 2) lest you be perceived as a “loser”. Instead, you are expected to always maintain the façade that “everything is great” and if you have a problem you are expected to blame or improve yourself.

But the truth is that the problem does not lie in the victims, but in the dysfunctional society itself, evidenced by the fact that for many sufferers, these problems alleviate once they are in different cultures, which I demonstrate on my website.

You see, many mainstream people do not see the truth the way it actually is. They filter everything through what I call "politically correct lenses" which are designed to focus only on nice and simple practical things. That's why they can't mentally recognize anything negative about other people, cultures or society, even the most obvious things. It's not that such negative aspects don't exist. Of course they do. But people are conditioned to not generalize or stereotype negative attributes to others, even if they're true. This applies to many in the world, not just in America.

That's why many in the mainstream are not able to mentally recognize the obvious truths above. Their "politically correct lenses", which only focus on positive and practical things, filter them out.

Now there is nothing wrong with being polite and not wanting to offend others. That's part of our social conditioning and is usually a good thing. But if it ends up filtering out the truth from your world view, especially when it comes to acknowledging serious problems, then it may not be such a good thing after all.

Plus most people are not that perceptive when it comes to other people, relationships, culture and psychology. They are not accustomed to analyzing such things, and lack the depth and insight to make assessments in those areas. Instead they are trained by society to focus and deal with practical issues, like food, money, physical objects and structures. So their common sense is primarily in pragmatic areas.

Another factor is that those who do recognize these obvious truths are afraid to mention them openly because it makes them look like maladjusted losers, and plus they know that the politically correct mainstream will mentally resist these truths too. They know this instinctually.

Nevertheless, you can take solace at least, in that NONE of it is your fault. As the great Indian sage Jiddu Krishnamurti stated, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

So the next question is: What can we do about all this?

Well we can expose it publicly, like I'm doing now. But what else can we do about it? Can I just go out and change the whole fabric of American society? Of course not.

BUT I can tell people that there's a SOLUTION to all this!

And that solution is: You can simply go abroad to other cultures and environments where these conditions are better or reversed.

However, such an idea strongly goes against our conventional wisdom and paradigm.

You see, when you have a problem, you are taught to stay put and try to solve it, cope with it, or improve on it. Running away is seen as escapist and cowardly. So we all first ask ourselves, "How can I fix my situation so that it will be better? What improvements can I make?" When you go to a therapist for instance, they're gonna suggest you to learn coping skills rather than tell you to go somewhere else where things are better. That's our "mental prism" so to speak, and few can think outside the box.

And that's fine. But you gotta look at the scope of what you're up against. For example, if you were standing on a sinking ship or in the path of an oncoming freight train, would you stay put and tough it out, or would it be more sensible to escape from it?

In this case, the individual can't change the dysfunctional US culture and society. It would be like an ant trying to move a hill. Why continue to play a losing game with a losing hand?

Plus there is no real solution, not even from the PUA or self-help movements, that any average person can simply take and consistently and reliably turn around his Dating, Social Life and Mental Health with guaranteed results. None.

You see, in order to validly claim that something WORKS, it has to WORK for any average person reliably and consistently, not just for a few or a minority. Otherwise, it doesn't work. Simple as that. I mean, if a computer program only worked 10 percent of the time, would you say that it "works"? Would you sell it or promote it?

Yet NONE of the remedies and techniques of any of the PUA or self-help movements out there fulfills this criteria.

But the overseas solution DOES!

You see, every male expat living overseas who has dated there is of the unanimous opinion that his relationships, social life and mental health are far better than they were in America (or Canada or the UK). Even though everyone is different with varying opinions, on that they are unanimous on. What does that tell you?

Obviously, this means that ANY average Joe (with no a-hole personality or mental problems) can turn their life around using this path as their solution. Thus it REALLY WORKS.

But you don't usually hear about it cause it's taboo and goes against the grain. Well now you have.

So, why does the overseas solution work? Because in most foreign countries, the taboo truths above are the exact OPPOSITE:

1) There is a natural sense of social connectedness.

- The social environment is more open and inclusive. It is easy and natural to meet and connect with others. There is an instant familiarity between strangers rather than an ice barrier. People do not have a "keep out" wall or vibe around them.

So even when you go out alone, you can meet others. It feels natural and part of the flow. You don't need any artificial "social skills or techniques". You can just be your pro-social open self and it happens.

- With a feeling of natural connectedness, you do not feel alone even when you are physically alone.

- Friendships and bonds are truer. A spirit of camaraderie exists between people that you don’t find in America. You can see it between friends and in the communal environment.

2) Relationships are wholesome and dating happens naturally.

- Women are generally feminine, sweet and modest. They dress, look and act feminine. Girls giggle and blush, like real girls do.

-bThey are more approachable and easier to meet. Compliments flatter them and do not creep them out. They are enthusiastic about dating.

- Females do not have any psychological block or resistance toward relationships with males, but seek it and dream of it. Deep down, they respect and need men, providing love, companionship and support.

- The men feel wanted and needed. Their niceness is rewarded and it wins actual points too.

3) You feel accepted, whole and good about yourself.

- The "real you" is allowed to flourish with a natural sense of wholeness and oneness, both inner and outer, which leads to a healthy psychological balance.

- People like you just for you and accept you that way. You do not need to act “fake” or develop inferiority complexes. People are far less artificial.

- When you have problems, friends will listen and care. You do not need to go to a therapist.

Implications and Conclusions:

Now isn't that the way it should be?

So the obvious question now is: Which of the two social environments described above - America vs. Overseas - would YOU be happier in?

Enough said.

Yet most Americans never hear about these comparisons, for it goes against their indoctrination that America is the greatest in all things and that everywhere else can only be worse. And those in the know have to be careful not to be too open about these truths due to their taboo and politically incorrect nature.

So these comparisons are never acknowledged publicly.

And that's what we are here for, to disseminate this life-changing information to those in need (since no one else will).

You see, I know that once you go abroad and experience all this, your life will be changed forever!

The voluminous material at my website demonstrate and prove all this conclusively, with an abundance of testimonials, photos, videos, articles, ebooks, guidance and an online community.

The Happier Abroad movement has changed lives and inspired others, providing hope, validation and a Proven Solution that has led people like you to Love, Social Connectedness and Personal Fulfillment overseas, thus becoming “Happier Abroad".

So visit www.HappierAbroad.com today! And if you have any questions, post them on my Forum.

Thanks for watching.

Discuss this article in this forum thread: http://www.happierabroad.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7052

Update! My video lecture based on this script is now available to watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qAJhuocKeg

How I went from total datelessness to everlasting abundance overseas!

Hello I'm Winston Wu, founder of HappierAbroad.com.

For many years I was dateless and lonely in America. Meeting, dating and making love to beautiful women was my top desire and highest fantasy, which consumed me everyday. Yet I was frustrated because I seemed to be completely shut out of the dating game. Every girl I met told me, either directly or indirectly, that I wasn't her type.

Yet we were under this mass belief that getting dates was easy, that girls were friendly in America, so if you couldn't get dates, then you had to look at yourself for the problem. So like everyone else, I was programmed to look toward myself to figure out what I could change or improve in myself to get results.

Yet I saw nothing wrong with me. I liked myself and saw a lot of great qualities in me. And I didn't feel that it would be right or natural to try to be something I'm not just to please others (not that I could anyway). I didn't understand why I couldn't just be myself and get the results I wanted, since after all, our culture and media gave the impression it was easy to get dates in America, as long as you were cool, confident and likable. If you can't, then there's something wrong with you. That's what we assume.

Anyhow, I couldn't see anything wrong with me, yet I was programmed to think that there was because I was couldn't get any dates no matter how hard I tried. This resulted in a perpetual loop where I would look to myself for the problem, but finding nothing wrong, I went out and tried to get dates only to fail again and look back toward myself, which repeated the cycle ad nauseum.

Being at a loss, I turned to others for answers. I asked what friends I had for advice, and also acquaintances, teachers, counselors, therapists, parents, even pastors. None of them had any real solutions. All they could do was one of the following:

  1. Tell me to work out and dress better, or get involved in some activities and clubs. I did all that but I was still treated like I was not even in the dating game. There are things you can join to meet women, but if you're not their type or they're not available, the best you're going to get is casual polite chit chat from them.
  2. Tell me not to worry about it and focus on other things in life, such as getting a career or focusing on other hobbies. That might work for a little while, but not forever, since beautiful women were my highest desire.
  3. Tell me to lower my standards. As if they weren't already low enough, I mean come on now. Get real. What am I supposed to do, go for the rock bottom? I can't force myself to want something I don't want. And I'm not that unattractive either, so why can't I even get average looking girls who are on my level? It seems that even average girls in America think they deserve the very best in men - the prince charming with looks, money, personality and status.
  4. Give me the typical cliche "Don't worry, you'll meet the right person someday." Yet I was not necessarily looking for the "right person", I just wanted some decent dates, which was supposed to be easy, according to our culture, TV shows and sitcoms. So why should I have to wait years or never for one "right person" just to get a normal date?!
  5. Tell me to stop trying so hard and just let things come naturally, since you usually find love when you're not looking. Yet when I stopped trying, I still got NO results! Nothing. Same thing.
  6. Tell me to stop being negative, needy or desperate, which is a turn off to girls, and that if you like yourself, then you will become more attractive and others will like you too. Yet I DID LIKE myself... a lot! That's why I felt I deserved to get dates and girls, and why I wouldn't give up. I felt confident and attractive around girls too. Yet that didn't matter cause the girls didn't like to be approached, didn't want to meet me, and didn't think I was their type. My confidence and self-esteem didn't change that. That was the reality. This cliche was fantasy/fiction. I was sure that being negative, needy or desperate was not the cause of my rejection, for those traits followed after my failures, not before them. This was just a cheap attempt at pinning the blame on me. After all, you can't blame a hungry man if he hasn't eaten.
  7. Preach that if I got a good steady job or career and became successful and stable, that girls would take me seriously and flock to settle down with me and raise a family. This kind of advice usually comes from older people who are more old fashioned - like your parents. Yet I have had high paying jobs before, and when I told girls about them, it didn't create any attraction. They would just say "That's nice". This kind of advice was outdated and geared toward marriage, which I wasn't looking for. I just wanted normal dates, romance and to have good times with hot girls and to be "in the game". TV shows and sitcoms said it was easy and natural, so why wasn't it?!

So, being at a dead end, I turned to these so called "Dating Gurus" for help. These folks had marketed themselves and their books/seminars to guys like me, who wanted to get hot girls but were at a dead end. They made big promises and claims, offering techniques that could make any guy into a smooth pick up artist and ladies' man.

I was never stupid enough to sign up for their expensive seminars and boot camps of course, since I was skeptical and frugal with mymoney. But I read many of their books, articles and websites. When I tried to implement their techniques, all I got were laughs. The whole thing felt so fake and unnatural. They seemed to only work in the PUA guru's fictitious promo stories, not in real life. Eventually I realized that such techniques and tricks only worked if the girl was ALREADY attracted to you, not if she wasn't. But that was the problem - I could not find anyone attracted to me in the first place, so these techniques were a moot point, since they can't do anything about the root problem. You can't create attraction where there is none. So I was back at square one again.

Dumbfounded, I turned to women themselves for the answers. I asked every female friend and acquaintance I could find for what I could do to turn my dating life around. Yet they could offer nothing but the same cliched answers above. So when I asked them "Well why am I not dating material to YOU then? What am I lacking?", all they could say was "Cause I like you as a friend".

So again I was left with no solutions and no way to get what I wanted. Yet our programmed society and culture continued to tell me to look at myself to see what I could change or improve. When I did that, I could find nothing to improve that would get any real results, and neither could anyone else. I was still not anyone's type and no one was interested in me.

Worst of all, even trying to get dates felt like the most unnatural and awkward thing in the world, as though I were going against the grain or stepping outside of bounds. This was weird cause all the TV shows and sitcoms I saw portrayed dating as easy and natural in America, as well as fun. That was what I believed too, yet I could not reconcile my belief with reality.

Frustrated beyond words, and in a state of inner torture with billions of unfulfilled fantasies, I began looking for desperate measures. I used prayer, cast love spells, used witchcraft, constructed Egyptian love charms that I learned of from books, etc. Anything to get results. But none of that really worked, and even trying them spooked me out.

The futility continued. No matter what I did, it was always a zero sum game. It seemed that I just wasn't meant for what I wanted most.

One day, I finally found my answer, one that most would never consider. It would be the REAL and PERMANENT SOLUTION to my dilemma, one that WORKED naturally and got real RESULTS.

And that's what I'm here to share with you - for FREE. There's no book of secrets to buy from me, no secret tricks or techniques you have to learn and pay for, none of that BS. My solution consists of only TWO SHORT WORDS, two measly little words! The rest flows naturally and easily from them. Yet they were two words that were outside of most people's "mental prism of reality" and that's why in most minds they are not even considered.

But they work, not just for a lucky few, but for ANY average decent guy. That's the bottom line. And I'm here to show you why, how, and to prove it to you. Unlike others, everything I say is backed by verifiable proof. I do not ask you to take my claims on faith, like con artists who want your money do, nor would I want you to.

And the two simple words are:


That's it! Those two words transformed my hopeless situation into one of everlasting abundance, skyrocketing my dating life from zero to infinity! See it for yourself in my

The evidence is in plain sight.

I couldn't believe it and still can't. The solution was so simple the whole time. The reason I didn't know about it earlier was that it was so outside of everyone's "mental prism of reality" that no one could ever think of suggesting it. You see, when something is too far outside the box, to most people it doesn't exist. We are all conditioned to think that if we have any problem of a social or psychological nature, that we should stay put and make changes in ourselves, for the problem is always with you, not with others. That's how we are trained to solve personal and social problems. This includes your typical peers, parents, teachers, therapists, counselors, pastors, media, etc. They all think inside the box and can only seek solutions within their programmed reality matrix.

As such, we assume that location makes no difference and that people are the same everywhere. But nothing could be more wrong, and that's what I'm here to share and prove to you.

Location makes ALL the difference, contrary to the teaching of pop New Age psychologists and self-help gurus that it's all about your thoughts and attitude. Have a look at these testimonials I put together from others that concur with this claim.

The concept of Global Dating is simple. You go where you are wanted and where what you want is in the greatest abundance. That's how and why it works so naturally. For more explanations and examples, see the Global Dating Intro. Also see my Expat Advisor's spiel on why Global Dating is the sensible answer.

Since most dateless guys never hear about this overseas solution, which has changed the lives of many I know, I believe they should be aware of it, at least as a viable option. So that's my objective, to disseminate this overseas solution to those who need it, which can transform their lives beyond their wildest expectations. That is my Mission and Gospel. And Happier Abroad is the vehicle to help spread this awareness.

You see, the reality is that though some guys do get dates and attractive women in America, there is a large percentage of them that are like me, completely shut out of the dating game altogether and can't do anything about it. They are in a futile situation and afraid to admit it lest they be perceived as losers. This is a definitely reality. Yet it is one that is not given any attention, for our culture holds that only two things really matter - working and consuming. The rest are trivial and not that important. Yet that is not true.

There are expats out there of course, that know of this dating abroad lifestyle and are living it themselves. But they tend to be low key and prefer to avoid attention. So they keep their lives private and do not like to be involved in promoting controversial topics. And they are too busy enjoying their life to bother looking back anyway. Plus they have to be careful not to too open about it, for they know that these are taboo areas that carry negative connotations, which can even be construed as unpatriotic. Also, most people are not that outspoken when it comes to the truth.

That's why I'm one of the few that promote this solution for datelessness in America, and the only one that's started a major website and movement about it.

I KNOW that it works reliably and consistently for ANY average decent guy, not just a special few. And it works easily and naturally too. Once you're in the right location, you simply go with the flow and go for what you want. Then the results come. That's it.

I know this from firsthand experience and that of many others I know. I've always believed that the truth speaks for itself, and the "truth" all over my website speaks for itself.

Now you might be wondering why if this solution is so simple and real, why most don't know about it still. And that's a good question. I can think of multiple reasons:

  1. This is a taboo topic and most fear that drawing attention to their datelessness makes them look like a loser and whiner. So they deny it and pretend that everything is hunky and dory, a facade which is expected of them.
  2. People are conditioned to believe that if they have a social problem, they need to blame or improve themselves rather than their society or culture. They also assume that they have no choice but to stay put and try to solve it. Since the problem is with them, location would makes no difference, they believe, because it is assumed that people are the same everywhere. Therefore, they presume that anyone who can't get dates in a particular community will have the same problem everywhere they go, since the problem can only be with them. According to this myth, a person who can get dates can get them anywhere and a person who can't, won't get them anywhere. This is a HUGE fallacy that I know for a 100 percent certainty is FALSE. All the concrete evidence on my site disproves this fallacy.
  3. It is politically incorrect and offensive to publicly claim that something in another country is better than your own, even if it's true, especially if it pertains to dating and women, and particularly if you are part of the media. That's not what people want to hear, nor is it in the corporate or government interest to spread such facts. Instead, there is a propensity in society and the media to ridicule anything outside the box, even if it's true.
  4. There are many expats having better love lives and relationships abroad, as mentioned earlier, but you don't hear about them cause they mostly keep their lives private and do not like to be in the spotlight. So their opinions do not get heard by many. And plus the media does not consider this kind of thing newsworthy, for the reasons listed above, so they don't cover it.
  5. There is so much information out there about so many things, that even the news media have to be very selective about what to publicize. Generally, the mainstream media prefers to focus on economic issues, bad news and celebrity lives. So a lot of important and relevant information out there does not get public attention and does not spread effectively to the mass populace of the world. Most information is relegated only within certain circles. But with the advent of the internet, all that has changed and it is now easier than ever to find out about anything that you want online, as long as you are looking for it. Thus the internet remains the greatest hope and vehicle for spreading this movement.

But nevertheless, the truth is the truth, regardless of what any dysfunctional society says.

Going abroad for more and better dates is not hard at all in practice or concept. The only hard part is opening your mind to accepting realities beyond your paradigm and programming, and in believing that they are real, and integrating that into your life. For that you may need a little convincing, inspiration, guidance, and proof of course. That's where we come in. Me and my Advisors, and the content at Happier Abroad, are here to provide all that.

With more and better quality dates will come other perks and benefits as well. You will feel more valued, desired and wanted, which will boost your self-esteem to healthier levels. And you will feel the appreciation that you deserve. As a result, your attitude, outlook and mental health will be greatly improved. You will have a better feeling of social connectedness too, which humans need deep down. Over time, you will also become more culturally enriched, having lived in different cultures, which will expand your world view with extra dimensions, and widening your "mental prism of reality" so to speak. And of course, depending on which country you live in, your cost of living may be substantially lower too, which increases the purchasing power of your money.

So you see, the overseas solution is simple, easy, natural and WORKS for ANY decent good guy. It merely requires you to break out of your "mental prism" to take seriously.

So there's the answer. I've given it to you for FREE already. There is no magic formula or secret tricks to buy. I could have claimed that there was, and asked you to buy it from me, but I hate BSing others and I hate to be BSed as well. Truth is my God.

I do sell some Ebooks, but they are purely optional. They are offered as a way for you to thank and help support this site if it has enriched or benefitted you. I do not overcharge for them either, as others do. My main Ebook with 500 pages is offered for only a $15 donation, and comes with two bonuses. I also offer a Guide to Global Dating with tips and advice as part of my Ebook package for only an extra $5.

You don't have to get it to go overseas and date abroad of course. Either way, you can still get information, inspiration, help and guidance from my site and forum for free.

Thank you for reading. You may now begin your journey of discovery outside the matrix toward greener pastures by following the links below in any order you like or go back to the Home Page and browse through the boxed sections. The next page explains how and why Global Dating works.

Thank you for your interest.

Winston Wu

My Cultural Advisor's new blog of Expat Lessons and Insights

Check out my Cultural Advisor's new blog containing lessons and insights for world living, dating and cultural understanding. It is unrivaled in scope and depth, and refreshingly honest.




Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Harry Potter sucks! Why is it successful? I'm confused


Harry Potter sucks. I mean, there is nothing special or interesting about Harry Potter at all. The story is cliched. And the characters have no depth or charisma. They are empty and hollow. The films are not engaging at all.

Anyone else confused about its success?

There are many better books out there, but this one has all this success?! That's insane.

Even "The Neverending Story" and "The Wizard of Oz" are far better stories than Harry Potter. They at least have meaning and symbolism behind them.

I saw all the Harry Potter films and they just seemed like CGI displays without any story or point. I tried reading the book once but after the first page, it seemed too boring to continue.

I wonder if the media hypes mediocre books like this for conspiratorial reasons? Sometimes they hype about something that sucks for no reason.

I also never understood what was so good about the Lord of the Rings films either. I never read the books, but the films look like a bunch of CGI video game battles. Nothing deep or profound. It seemed like a lot of fuss over one little ring.

Btw, I saw the Hobbit film when I was little. Is that story and the Lord of the Rings story the same thing? What's the difference?